Vancat~ The Live stream 1/2

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(I'm so sorry! This one-shot is a smut.... but actual smut is in the next part... D': Sorry, you guys will have to wait, but you know, just hang in there! I'll try publish the next part ASAP, but I will say this...

If this particular chapter gets good feedback, I'll work on the next part even better! Meaning: Sooner publish date and time, more details included in the story, a better sex scene~ *wink wink*, and overall a better experience! So if you guys liked this, please give it a vote.. It really does inspire me. :D Anyways, e'nuff of me rambling, I hope you enjoy! ~LonelyOwl4502)

Top mostly: Tyler
Bottom most likely: Evan

(It's 6:00pm in story...)

Evan's POV

"So, you gonna live stream today, Evan?", Marcel asked through Skype. I looked up from the game I was playing to meet his eyes on the computer screen. " Well- yeah! I've been wanting to live stream for a while now..." I trailed off, looking back at the game screen. I was playing Gmod Deathrun with BasicllyIdoWrk, Moo Snuckel, IamWildact, and OhmWrecker.

"Wait, when will you live stream again?" Tyler asked, stealing everyone's attention from the game. "Today. Why?" I asked confused, looking into his icy blue eyes.

Shit, his eyes are so captivating... I love his eyes- SHIT. Don't you fucking think about Tyler like that!! I kept telling myself, looking completely normal from the outside.

I'm used to being able to conceal my feelings with a straight face. I've never had a problem with it until I began falling for Tyler...

Every time I see him through a screen or hear his voice, I always stutter, I always blush and I ALWAYS get a little sweaty.

I don't understand how he could make my body do this!

I was snapped back to reality with Tyler's voice. "Evan! Are you OK? Jesuz, I've called your name for the fourth time!" He said irritated. I looked down once I felt my face heat up. Damn it! I never fucking blush on Skype.

"Um, sorry. I was just thinking... Now what were you gonna say?" I asked Tyler, calming myself as I looked back up. Tyler rolled his eyes and looked at me through the screen with a 'really?' look.

"Evan, did you completely forget that I'm coming over today?"

Oh shit.

My eyes widened in realization. I remember! He said he'd like to hang with me at my house today... We planned that a long time ago and I guess I forgot...
I felt like an idiot in front of my friends... especially Tyler..

Ugh, why do I like that fuccboi!?

"Oh shit, sorry Tyler... I guess I-" I tried to apologize, but was interrupted. "You forgot." He finished. He glances at me and looked away. He had hurt eyes and a pained face.

I gasped quietly and felt a sharp pain of guilt. I fucked up. "S-sorry, Tyler! I forgot... But we can still hang! Just... Come over and.. And...." I ran out of things to say and I crossed my arms and held myself tightly. I felt really bad about forgetting...

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