Chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to @MckenzyHollifield her comment read

: omg this is a lot of drama but still fun to read plz up DATE when (you) CAN love you (your) story can't stop reading it... wait a min sound to must (much) like my piss over drama twin sister oh Well ur still amazing.


Since the day was over and everything had gone to plan, It was Louis turn to find out what was coming next. "Alright, So i'm next?" Niall nodded "Does the evil Louis Tomlinson have an evil genius master plan?" Louis smirked "Maybe..." 

"I honestly think you shouldn't do the same things that you do with me and Liam, Zayn won't think anything of it he'll just think its another day of you whoring around" Niall scoffed "So do something extreme to make Zayn reach his breaking point, Just not anything too extreme! Louis mine!" Harry growled as he cuddled into Louis.

"We've got to find a way to make Zayn chose you" Oh yeah and maybeee....Niall might have had told them about what had happened and what had been said in the restroom the other day. 

"True that Liam..but the question is how..?" Louis asked as they all started to think but just on cue the bell rung "I don't know I guess we will think about it and go on with it throughout the day" Niall said as he grabbed Louis hand and dragged them off to their next period "Alright, good luck!" They all waved and went to their next periods.

"Yesterday Liam was sweating and shaking from fear that Zayn was going to beat him, I literally had to drag him to class....but you're if you're not afraid of what will happen " Louis shrugged "I have nothing to fear, I know Zayn's not gonna lay a finger on me" Louis calmly as they entered 

And to their surprise Zayn was already there, Almost as if he was waiting for someone, As Niall entered the room Zayn's eyes brightened but as soon as his eyes landed and Louis and Niall's interwined hands, They darkened and he frowned and soon snapped up his head to glare at them.

"Perrie babe!" Zayn exclaimed as Perrie pushed past Niall and Louis "I was waiting for you!" Niall snorted at that lie, If it wasn't for what he just saw he would have believed Zayn's pathetic lie.

"Lets sit?" Louis asked as he and Niall walked hand in hand towards their seats, The whole way their they could practically feel Zayn's cold hard stare, "I've got an idea" Louis suddenly whispered and Niall looked up amused "Oh yeah? what is it?" Louis shook his head "You'll see at lunch"

Niall nodded even though he was eager to know what Louis plan was, After a full period of Zayn staring at them with anger and boring class.

It was finally lunch time! "We can't sit next to Liam and Harry it would make it too obvious that this dating thing was planned, don't worry I already texted Liam and Harry about it" Louis informed Niall as they got their lunch trays and made their way to the table "Although it took so much effort to get Harry to finally agree to it"

"Let me guess he was going on about how he hasn't seen you all day and he wanted or and needs to see you" Louis nodded and smiled "You know him so well" They both laughed and on cue Zayn and Perrie walked over the the table near them and sat down to where Zayn could see them clearly 

"So what's your plan master Louis?" Niall asked as he took a bite of his food "You'll see" Louis simply said and took a bite of his food as well

"Do you think Zayn's gonna chose me?" Niall asked and Louis shrugged "Only time will tell" Niall stopped and smacked Louis on the arm "Will you stop? You're so serious and mysterious today like no joke! where''s the Louis I know?" 

"I'm just making sure I don't give away that this is a fake relationship thing" Louis explained as he then took another bite of his food, Louis soon then caught eyes with Zayn "Just play along" Louis muttered before slamming his lips onto Niall's

Niall was taken by surprise, never did he expect Louis to do this at this moment , Louis shoved his tongue down Niall's throat and began humping him.

Niall's eyes widen because he had certainly not expected that! and this was in front of many people! "Play along" Louis once again whispered against his lips "Niall nodded and started to put as much force into it as Louis was where it was to the point where they were both humping each other and moaning. 

It caught many's people's attention and especially a certain Zayn Malik.

Zayn was trying so hard not to explode and walk over to them and yank them apart, beat up Louis and drag off Niall into the bathroom and fuck him roughly against the wall and show Niall who he belonged to. But in meanwhile he couldn't do that, No not in front of Perrie, so for now he had to stick to clenching and unclenching his fist in anger 

But once he and Niall got home, he made no promise to what had been said earlier wouldn't happen.

Oh how Zayn couldn't wait until they got home



Hey guys! comment? vote ? Also best comment gets a dedication next chapter ! 

TODAY IS MY LITTLE MIX CONCERT! Well actually it's Demi's but she has Little Mix and Fifth Harmony as opening acts 

So yeah comment and vote please! 

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