Chapter 19

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"Which one of us is going first?" Liam asked "Harry" Niall pointed at the curly haired lad, Harry's eyes went wide "Are you sure Zayn won't hurt me?" They all laughed at his nervousness (Is that even a word?? Idek) "No promises" Niall replied and Harry gulped.

"Relax Haz, He's not even here yet" Louis said pulling Harry towards him "Thank god!" Harry prayed "So out of curiosity and not out of protectiveness but what exactly..will you guys be doing?" Louis asked "Just a few kisses here and there and we're gonna try to make Zayn think we're about to have sex" Louis quickly wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him closer.

"Relax Lou! I said try to make him think, Not that we're gonna!" Niall stated as Louis just nodded acting like he's not being protective, Obviously failing, "Zayn's here" Niall said as they all turned to look at where all the yelling was coming from. It was a group of teenage girls surrounding Zayn, They were all desperately trying to gain his attention "Zayn! Zayn!" Also a few of "Are you free this Friday?" "Meet me in the bathroom" Were shouted at Zayn.

Zayn smirked as he met up with Perrie at the corner, Linking their arms together, The teenage girls scoffing with a roll of their eyes as they walked away, "Well Good Luck!" Louis and Liam both said to Harry and Niall.

"Should we follow them?" Harry asked as he saw Zayn and Perrie disappearing through the hallways "Yeah" Niall muttered as they followed them, Zayn soon hauled to a stop at Perrie's locker. "C'mon" Niall muttered as he grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him to the lockers across from Perrie's

Zayn was talking to Perrie about something Niall nor Harry could hear "What do you think he's saying to her?' Niall asked looking up at the slightly taller boy "I don't know" Harry muttered as they continued watching them.

"So what now?" Harry asked after a few minutes of just staring at Zayn and Perrie "Kiss me" Niall simply said as Harry went in for the kiss "Moan" Niall spoke against Harry's lips, Harry rolled his eyes "Mmm Niall!"

Zayn quickly snapped his head back at the sound of Niall's name being moaned "What the fuck?!" He spat out , This was clearly a surprise...not a good one...

"Zaynie? What's wrong?" Perrie asked looking up at Zayn with worry written all over her face, "Nothing Pez, Don't worry about it" He grabbed her hand and took her somewhere else that wasn't there.

"Do you think he saw us?" Niall asked as he saw Zayn walking away "I don't know, I couldn't see him" Harry replied as the bell rung "Lets get to class"

As soon as they entered the classroom the first thing Niall noticed was Zayn sitting at the very back with Perrie in his lap "Look" Niall muttered motioning at Zayn, Harry looked at the scene in front of his eyes, Quickly understanding "Niall babe, Where do you wanna sit?" He asked loudly catching a few peoples attention.

Niall walked towards the back with Harry following him, Harry took a seat and pulled a giggling Niall onto his lap "I wanna kiss you so badly" Harry moaned out as Niall attached their lips, Zayn turned to look at them and simply rolled his eyes 

"Mr.Styles and Mr.Horan there is no P.D.A in the classroom!" The teacher scolded as Niall quickly got off Harry's lap and sat down next to him, Zayn made a snarky comment at the two, Niall nor Harry heard what he said but the rest of the class did, The whole class bursted out in laughter.

"What did he say?" Harry asked Niall and Niall shrugged "I don't know..but whatever it was, Was probably rude" Harry nodded agreeing "Why is he such a twat?" Harry asked shooting daggers at Zayn's back.

"When does this class end?! I wanna go home already!" Niall muttered as Harry laughed "You've got another 7 hours before you get to go home" Niall groaned catching a few people's attention "Is there a problem Mr.Horan?" The teacher asked, Everyone turning to look at Niall.

Niall quickly blushed "N-No" Out of the corner of his eyes Niall could see Zayn smirking...Prick.."Please stop interrupting my class then Mr.Horan" The teacher scolded as he continued teaching.

"I Hate my life" Niall muttered to Harry, "Me too" Harry groaned

Soon the bell rung "FINALLY!" Niall shouted as he walked out the classroom "LUNCH!!!!!!!!!" Niall ran towards the lunchroom with Harry trying to catch up to him. "The foods not going anywhere Niall!" Harry yelled soon followed by a "Unless you get there first and eat everyone's food"

Niall finally arrived at the cafeteria with a breathless, Panting Harry "I....Hate....You" Harry said in between pants 

As soon as they got there lunch they sat down waiting for Louis and Liam to come and sit down. "So how did it go?" Was the first thing Liam asked as he and Louis sat down "Well...we don't know.." Louis raised an eyebrow "What do you mean you don't know?" 

"Well...we never really got to see Zayn's reactions" Harry replied as he finished swallowing "So i'm going with not great?" Liam asked

A few hours later school ended "HOOOMMMEE!" Niall screamed as he walked out the school's doors "Can you come over Harry? We still need to do the other part of the plan" Harry looked at Louis as if it was ok to go, Louis hesitantly nodded.

"Alright let's go!" Niall said soon after they all said their goodbyes, "So how exactly are we gonna do this part of the plan?" Harry asked as kicked a pebble around. "Well Zayn's gonna have Perrie over" Harry raised his eye brow "I over heard his conversation ok!" Niall admitted as Harry laughed 

"So as I was saying, Perrie's gonna be there so as soon as we walk in, We're gonna walk in making out and taking off clothes, and throwing them anywhere" Niall explained as Harry held onto his jacket that he was wearing..."B-but it's cold!" Harry shivered.

Niall rolled his eyes as they walked up to his front door,"Zayn's here" Niall said looking the car parked out in front "Ready?" Harry nodded as they soon attached lips, Niall opened the door as they stumbled in.

They quickly passed by Zayn and Perrie,They started taking each others jackets off as they went up the stairs throwing them down, One landing on Zayn "What the fuck?!" Zayn yelled as he throw the jacket "Babe! Calm down!" Perrie held his arm gently.

Niall and Harry finally made it into his room, As soon as they closed the door they bursted out laughing "Did you see his face?!" Harry cackled "It was priceless!"

Harry's phone ringed signaling he had a message, Harry read his message and soon after said "It's Lou, He says he wants me to come over now" Niall frowned "Why?" He asked and Harry stood up "I don't know probably he's probably horny" He said as walked towards the door "Gonna walk me out?"

Niall wrinkled his nose "Nah you're a big boy you can do it yourself" Harry pouted "Meanie" He stuck his tongue out and left down the stairs.

Soon after his door re opened, And the devil walked in "What do you want?" Niall spat out "Need to talk to you" Zayn replied as closed the door "Where's Perrie?" Niall asked as he stood up from his bed "Downstairs"

"What do you want Zayn?" Niall crossed his arms "Are you dating?" Zayn asked and Niall laughed "Who? Harry? Nope" He said popping the 'P' "Then what the fuck was that all day?! Don't think I didn't notice" Zayn yelled and Niall raised an eyebrow "Jealous?" 

"No!" Zayn said through gritted teeth "I thought we had something going on!" Niall laughed bitterly "So did I but apparently not" Zayn frowned "So If he's not your boyfriend..then what is this?" 

"God why are you so nosy?!" Even if Niall acted like he hated Zayn asking all these questions...He loved it! He loved the fact that Zayn was jealous "Nothing..just two friends that kiss and have sex" Zayn's eyes widen "You guys had sex right now?!" 

Niall laughed "Now that's not any of your business" Zayn growled and just in time Perrie yelled "Zayn? What's taking you so long?" 

"This isn't over!" Zayn growled as he walked out the door and slammed the door close



Hey guys! so comment? vote? So I was writing this and I accidentally pressed something causing my laptop to turn off -_- it erased this chapter so I had to re write it! the first time it was really good! and's crap...thanks accidental button thing -_- problem is i don't know what I pressed lol!

Anyways I'm on break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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