Chapter 17

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"So how are we gonna make Zayn jealous?" Harry asked as he stood up from the bed, "Well, It won't be that hard..considering you know..." Niall trailed off as he and Harry avoided eye contact, Niall hoped nobody caught on, on to what he was implying at

"Considering what?" Louis chirped in, "I wanna know!" He bounced up and down, Liam stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders to stop him from bouncing "Stop bouncing before you get hurt!" Liam scolded him

"As Louis was saying, What did we miss?" Niall bit his bottom lip, He can't tell them right? They might hate him! Him and Harry! But they are best friends and best friends tell each other everything! "Niall, Just tell them!" Harry decided to let Niall explain everything that happened, He knows that Niall is having a tough time

Ugh! Niall hates secrets! They always ruin friendships! They make you go insane! "A couple months ago.." Niall started and soon continued after getting a sassy look from Louis, as in to continue "When me and Zayn took a trip to Paris, I-I lost my virginity to Zayn" Louis and Liam's jaw's dropped  "You what?!" Liam yelled

"Shh!" Harry glared at him "Let him continue!" Niall silently thanked him with his eyes "But after sex I started to feel attracted to Zayn, I wanted to be more than brothers, But he told me it couldn't and wouldn't happen and of course I was upset"

Louis rubbed Niall's back in a comforting way "But then Harry arrived at the hotel, and Zayn left us alone and we got drunk and had sex" Louis snatched his hands away from Niall's back "You what?!" He yelled with hurt in his eyes

He didn''t understand why Louis was so hurt by this "We had sex" Harry muttered, Louis looked so disappointed , He refused to even look at Harry "We'll discuss this later, Continue Niall" Liam broke up the discussion

"In the middle of you know..." Niall decided to skip the word for Louis sake, Even if he still had no idea why Louis was so upset! "Zayn came back from who knows where and he caught us in the act! He seemed so pissed! and at the same time he wanted to ruin me!"

Liam lifted his eyebrow in confusion "He threatened to tell our parents!" Niall yelled "But I told him that I had accidentally video taped our sex and I threatened to expose it to the school but he made me realize I would get in trouble either way so we both decided to not tell anyone" Niall took a deep breath

Louis opened his mouth to say something "Hold on! I'm not finished yet!" Niall held up his finger, Louis pouted but he shut his mouth "So later I met up with a childhood friend of mine and we instantly took a liking to each other, So we started dating, When Zayn found out he was not happy! He was pissed!" 

All 3 sat around Niall interested, like if he was telling them a bed time story "Zayn started to act like a jerk to Sean! I was so confused as to in why he was being a jerk to him if he didn't even know him! But Zayn pulled me into our room and he confessed his love for me and I confessed mine and since then we started dating"

"I wanted to tell Sean that I had to break up with him, But I just couldn't do that to him! But I also couldn't cheat on him!" Niall got interrupted "But you still did anyways" Louis snarled "Louis!" Liam scolded "No, No he's right, and that was my mistake! Because of a stupid mistake I hurt my best friend! and for what? for a cheating bastard who just wants me for sex?!"

"So today, Sean read a text from Zayn calling me babe and talking dirty to me, He obviously got upset and questioned me about it! So of course I told him the true! And Sean broke up with me and told me he hoped I was happy! and he was so hurt!" Niall couldn't take it! He broke down crying

"He told me he never thought I would hurt him like this" Niall got interrupted by sniffles, They all snapped their heads to where they came from "What? It's just so sad!" Louis cried "Worst part is that I both feel bad for you and want to give you a hug but at the same time I wanna punch you, you jerk!" Niall still doesn't get why Louis is mad at him?! he'll just ask later

"So when I get home I hear Zayn getting ready to fuck his girlfriend, Who I just remembered he never broke up with! So that's when I decided I made the wrong choice choosing Zayn over Sean, and as you see now we're all here!" Niall finally ended his story "I've got so many questions!" 

"First of all, Why did you and Haz have sex?!" Louis demanded to know, He stood up and crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his hip out while he pursed his lip, Giving Niall the sassy look "I told you, We were drunk! we didn't know what we were doing! I wouldn't have sex with Harry!" Harry stood up as well now

Harry scoffed "What's that suppose to mean?!" Harry yelled offended, Liam quickly stood up in case this got out of hand "Oh god no! I didn't mean it like that! I meant that you're one of my best friends! I couldn't have sex with you!" 

"Yet you could have sex with your stepbrother?" Louis asked, "That's different!" Niall defended himself "Alright next question!" Liam shouted out "Don't kill each other please!" 

"Alright so my turn for a question, How are we going to help you get Zayn jealous?" Niall smiled at that "Thanks for reminding me "So as I was saying before I had to go into story mode, Since me and Zayn our obviously dating , and he obviously didn't like the fact I had sex with Harry , It won't be that tough to get him jealous with you!" Niall cheered "All it takes is a simple hug and he would be pissed!"

They all stood in front of Niall "Ok so what do I have to do?" Harry asked as he fixed his curls "Simple, Act like we're about to fuck infront of Zayn! Better yet make it in public! We'll start tomorrow!" Louis growled 

"What about us?" Liam asked and Niall smirked "After Harry tomorrow we'll discuss how to get him jealous with Liam, Then the next day plan will go to action, Then the day after that we'll discuss Louis and plan to action!" 

"Ok!" They all said in unison "But I still can't believe you Haz" Louis whispered "I'm sorry Boo! That was before!" Niall and Liam were both so lost "Before what?" 

"Harry and I are dating" 



Hey guys! so comment? vote? so sorry for the long wait! also please go read my new story Story Of My Life! Go to my account to read it!

important news is that I will update Mondays will be House at the end of the street Tuesday: I hate you! Wait no! I love you! Wednesday: Malik horan stepbrothers Thursday: Lets get back together Friday: DNA Saturday:Sacrifices for your family Sunday:People say we shouldn't be together then the next week break from update then the week after updates again and it will just repeat 

I'm aware today isn't Wednesday, But I was so busy yesterday so I updated Today!

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