Chapter 21

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So This chapter is dedicated to @_Zarrymysluts for the best comment, This is what it read

: AWESOME CAN I LIKE MARRY YOU!?! BESSTTTT CHAPTER! Well all your chapters are awesome but this is like Awesome? I mean its great but like EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS AWESOME! <3 Love thisss! Omg whats gonna happen next!? ughhh!! update as soon as you can! amd Liam! and Niall! then! BOOM ZAYN is gonna explode? I think who knows OMG I SUCK AT COMPLIMENTING LIKE SERIOUSLY ANYWAYS LOVE THIS! KEEP IT UP LOVE cx 


"Liam! hurry up!" Niall yelled as he walked down the school halls with Liam slowly trailing behind him, Liam feared Zayn, What if Zayn finds him and beats him to a pulp?! "Liam!" Niall shouted and Liam sighed 'I'm coming, I;m coming" 

Niall sighed and turned around and stomped up to Liam, Grabbed him by the hand and dragged him "You walk so slow turtle!" Niall huffed out "Hey! I actually like turtles!" Liam exclaimed as he got dragged by Niall down the hallway.

"I hate you so much" Liam muttered as soon as the students started entering the classroom, along with Zayn

The good thing was that Harry wasn't in this classroom, So Zayn wouldn't suspicious that Niall had 'Broken up' with Harry. 

As soon as Liam and Niall walked into class, They chose the seats at the very back, Niall set his backpack on his chair and as soon as Liam sat down, Niall sat down on his lap; Like he had done with Harry yesterday.

"Do you think this will work?" Niall muttered "I hope not" Liam muttered back to Niall and Niall tunred to look at him with a hurt expression "Liam!" Niall scoffed, Liam's eyes widen "Niall, I love you and all! But if Zayn does get jealous, I know for a fact he will find me and will kill me!" Liam yelled but not loud enough for everyone to hear.

'"He didn't hurt Harry" Niall stated "Not that we know of or atleast Not yet" Liam muttered and Niall laughed "I won't let him hurt you" Niall assured Liam "I hope so" Liam sighed 

A couple minutes later Zayn walked into the classroom with Perrie on his arm, As soon as he walked in his eyes narrowed towards Niall and Liam; Niall was sitting on Liam's lap...

Wasn't Niall with Harry yesterday? Giving them a glare Zayn made his way towards the back and sat a couple seats down from Niall and Liam.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Perrie asked as she noticed her boyfriend looking upset and angry "Nothing Pez, Just forget about it" Zayn always says this to her! It's always the same! 'It's noting Pez, Just forget it'  Does Zayn not trust her enough to tell her stuff? For fucks sake! They're boyfriend and girlfriend! Zayn should trust her! 

"Somethings wrong! Don't you trust me enough?!" Perrie exclaimed, She's tired of Zayn keeping things from her, "Nothings wrong!" Zayn yelled "Stop causing a scene Perrie! calm down! I'm not hiding anything from you!" Zayn said frustrated causing a few people to look there way "What are you looking at?!" Zayn spat and they all quickly turned away.

"I don't understand why you can't just tell me?!" Perrie yelled, "I'm just tired! That's it!" Zayn said and Perrie opened her mouth to respond but she shut her mouth as soon as the teacher walked in.

During sometime in the lesson, Zayn decided to take a look at Niall and Liam, He's jaw dropped at what he saw, They were full on making out! Boiling with anger, Zayn raised his hand "Yes, Mr.Malik?" The teacher asked, Surprised that Zayn raised his hand.

"Last time, I checked there was no P.D.A allowed " He said motioning to Niall and Liam, "Oh that's right" The teacher cleared his throat "Mr.Horan and Mr.Payne, There's no P.D.A allowed in this classroom" Niall and Liam pulled away with a trail of saliva connecting.

Zayn smiled smugly, Point one for Zayn. 

After class Niall took Liam by the hand and dragged him off to meet up with Louis and Harry, Like always; They were making out, Niall cleared his throat, and they pulled apart "Oh hey! How did it go?"

"Great! We were making out in class and Zayn got jealous!" Niall gushed out "How so?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow "He snitched on us and the whole entire time he kept glaring at us!" Niall said excitedly and Liam gulped

"What's wrong with you?" Louis asked Liam "I'm so dead! Zayn's gonna kill me!" Harry shook his head "He hasn't touched me, s you should be safe as well" Harry tried assuring Liam, but nothing seemed to help.

Out of nowhere Niall had the sudden urged to piss "Guys I gotta go use the loo! Catch up with you guys later!" Niall ran towards the restroom.

After he was done taking a piss and washing his hands he heard the door locking? What the fuck?

Zayn walked up to him...Uh oh.... "Slut" Zayn spat and Niall raised his eyebrow "First me, then Harry, Now Liam?!" Zayn yelled "You're such a slut Horan!" Zayn spat "You can't get enough of one man can you?" Niall laughed bitterly "Look who's talking!" 

"So you cheat on Perrie with me on the night of when we went to Paris, Then you get back with her, then we get together then you cheat on me! Oh and don't forget the countless times you have cheated on Perrie with countless people!" Niall snapped, Zayn has no right calling him a slut when he's the real manwhore!

Alright so what Niall's pulling at is a slut move, but it's not like he's actually dating them! If he was that would be a different story! That would be a slut! The true definition of Zayn Malik.

"Niall, You're breaking my heart" Zayn faked hurt "I thought what we had was special!" Zayn grabbed Niall's hands into his own, Niall pushed his hands away "Cut the crap Zayn! I know you only wanna fuck me! Unlike you! I actually want to make this work! So you choose! Me or Perrie!" Zayn stayed silent, He did not answer, That's it.

Niall scoffed "You're unbelievable" Niall walked towards the bathroom door and unlocked it and walked out leaving Zayn to his own thoughts.



Hey guys! so comment? vote? also what do you think will happen next? Best comment gets a dedication next chapter!

Also please go read my 3 new fics All About Us, Once Upon A December and Story Of My life

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