Part 1 Rivals

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Tonight at nine, I'll be taking the treasure, The Dragon and Phoenix bracelet from the Ming Chang museum.
                                 -----Kaitou Joker
Little did Joker know, Spade is after the same thing that Joker is.
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[At Sky Joker]
"C'mon Hachi! We're going to get the Dragon and Phoenix bracelet in the shining night!"

"Can't you see I'm coming now? And what's with the compact powder?"

"You'll see. But you're too short for me to see you!"


"Aha ha... Alright, I can see you. Now let's go get that treasure!"
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[At the Ming Chang museum]
"Hachi, you got the compact powder with you?"

"Here,"Hachi said and hands the compact powder over to Joker."But what are you going to do with it?"

"Now,  now, Hachi." said Joker as he blow the powder from the compact. When the powder is blown, red laser lines appeared.

"Joker-san! Are you going to trap us in here???!!"

"No, Hachi."*sighs*"Don't you get it? The powder from the compact is the thing that makes the laser lines appear, so that we can see the laser lines to prevent ourselves from touching them to... ..."

Before Joker could finish his words, a familiar sound was heard by the both of them."... to alarm the guards."

Joker and Hachi both turn their heads around and saw the familiar guy-----Spade. Beside him is his apprentice, Dark Eye.

"Well, well, look who's here." said Joker with his eyes rolled.

"What? Aren't you glad to see me?"

Hachi:"Huh? When did you both get here?"

"When you both were talking about compact powders and laser lines. That's quite an easy trick as... ..."

Before Spade could finish his words, Dark Eye tap his shoulder and says,"Are you forgetting something about the treasure? Mr. Spade?"

Spade turned his head around and saw that the treasure was nowhere to be seen. And when he turn his head back, Hachi is gone as well too!

"Must be only one way," Spade mutters and takes out a playing card and shot it to the ceiling above him. That's when Joker and Hachi fall from the ceiling.

"Aaaarrrgghhhhhh!!!" screamed Joker."Hey! Since I get the treasure with me now so it's mine! Don't think that I don't know that how you both get here! You stole my trick of entering here from the window of the second floor!"

"No, I didn't steal it, I borrowed it."

"Uggh! You-"

"Stop right where you are! You thefts!"

Joker and Spade turned their heads around and saw Inspector Oniyama and his policemen had covered the entrance.

"Well then, there's only one way," said Joker as he blow the image gum and floated away to the ceiling above with Hachi and the treasure. Then he throws down packs of playing cards to the ground, the smoke came out when they hit the ground.

"Au Revoir, Inspector. You too, Spade!" The smoke puts the inspector and his men into sleep. But Spade decided to pay Joker a visit at Joker's hideout--- Sky Joker.

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