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Minutes flight and Chanyeol had arrived in Busan. Namjoon led him to the parking lot, drove him safely to the hospital where doctors had waited in the front.

Chanyeol got out from the car and shook his hand with the old man right in front. They exchanged a straight face until the old man curved a smile. Chanyeol giggled and pulled him for a hug.

"How have you been samchon?" asked Chanyeol during the hug.

"Fine as usual. I will make yours a very good one from now on" said the old man, Chairman Kim.

Chanyeol was brought to a room where people in suit was filled. It was about the announcement of the new director in which mean Chanyeol was officially the director Busan University. Soon, he was led to his room.

"Honestly, we are lacking of cardiac surgeon, would you like to fill it?" asked Chairman Kim.

"Absolutely" Chanyeol smiled and sat to the right of Chairman Kim, who was sitting in the middle.

Chairman Kim reached out the phone on the left table of him, "Call Doctor Park, the vice head of Cardiac Surgery"

Seconds later, could be heard the door was opened and footsteps came towards them.

"Good afternoon, Chairman Kim. What is the purpose you call me over?" asked the one who just entered.

Chanyeol turned his head and saw a familiar man. Chanyeol froze, his eyes fixed on that man.

"Come, sit there" Chairman Kim pointed at the chair on his left, in front of Chanyeol.

The man obeyed and his eyes widened as he realized who was in front of him. They exchanged gaze, the intense one.

"He is Doctor Park Chanyeol, our new director who just came from Seoul. He will be our new Head of Cardiac Surgery" Chairman Kim introduced.

"Nice to meet you, I am also Park by the way" Jimin took out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too" Chanyeol replied and both of them holding each other's hand tightly.

"Great!" Chairman Kim clapped.


"Everybody," Jimin clapped thrice," I would like to introduce you to our new Head of Cardiac Surgery."

They headed to the doctor's room after meeting Chairman Kim. The doctors in the room were all looked exhausted, some of them were eating like hungry lion and some were asleep that awake because of Jimin's clap.

"Doctor Park Chanyeol, he was transferred from Seoul," Jimin said, "I think?"

Jimin looked at Chanyeol with unusual look, neither smile nor mad.

"Nice to meet you" all of them bowed and went back to their activities.

Chanyeol awkwardly bowed and scratched his nape. Jimin walked casually to the corner, the small refrigerator, took 2 cans of coffee and looked at Chanyeol.

"Coffee?" offered Jimin. Chanyeol shook his head, "I will look around the hospital." and went out.

Chanyeol walked to the emergency room, neither crowd nor busy, he took the elevator and pressed randomly.

"I don't feel like working" mumbled Chanyeol, who had his head leaning on the elevator wall.

As the door opened, Chanyeol walked out and someone bumped into him but not saying sorry. Chanyeol tried to catch but found them entering a room.

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