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"Shut up lil chick, am here not to talk to you, " Jiyoung shutted Hajin up.

Chanyeol held Hajin by her shoulder, "She's not gonna be wild like before."

"So you are telling me that you tamed her?" Hajin replied.

"You can say it like that," Chanyeol shrugged.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Park," greeted Kyungsoo from a far. As he right in front of them, he bowed.

"Let's head straight to the meeting room, shall we?" he continued.

Hajin looked up at Chanyeol.

"Business thing. Wait for me in my room," Chanyeol whispered and nodded at Kyungsoo.

They separated right away. The bodyguards brought Hajin straight to Chanyeol's room.

Her luggage was magically there. She took a quick bath and watched television afterward. The news were still anywhere. Hurt but not bleeding as we could say what she felt.

She did trust him but still part of her was worried. Chanyeol came back as the sky getting dark.

"I've ordered dinner. Is it okay if we have it here?" Chanyeol asked.

Hajin nodded and ran towards him. Straight into his arms.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Everything was prepared," Chanyeol smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Worry no more. Next day, there won't be the same news," he continued.

Hajin pulled apart and looked up, "Tell me about it."

"Secret," Chanyeol grinned.

Hajin pouted, which led to a peck.

"Hey!" Hajin exclaimed.

"That's for being cute," Chanyeol smiled and messed her hair before escaped.

"I'm gonna take a bath," Chanyeol said whilst unbuttoning his shirt. Soon, he made a quick turn and smirked.

"Or do you want to join? It will be my pleasure," he continued.

Hajin slowly went to him, put her hands around his neck. Chanyeol had put his arms around her waist when she whispered, "Not now, pervert."

Hajin stepped back and went back to sofa, watching television.

"Kind a like deja vu," Chanyeol chuckled, "Has been a long time to not hearing that," and he went for a bath.

"Yes it is," Hajin mumbled whilst kept changing the channel.


"Are you nervous?" Hajin asked, helping Chanyeol with his necktie.

"Kind of? It's the first time I am gonna have a sudden press conference," Chanyeol replied.

He changed his gaze from the mirror to Hajin, who was still struggling with the necktie.

"Are you sure about the necktie? Seems like you're having a hard time on it," Chanyeol asked.

"It's alright. Just, it's been a long time I do this. Jimin has been rarely wear necktie these days," Hajin explained.

"So, you always did Jimin's necktie? Even I haven't experienced that thing. Bless Jimin for that," Chanyeol annoyed.

Hajin realized she had made mistake and started to feel guilty. She stopped with the tie and tried to explain.

"Uh, that's — uhm, what I mean is — that— argh," she stuttered and gave up on explaining that she continued with the tie.

Chanyeol stared at her quietly until, "Kiss me."

In the time Hajin finished and succeed on the necktie. Hajin bited her lower lips and looked up. She stared right into his eyes. She pulled him by his tie.

Chanyeol's head automatically got pulled down and their lips crushed. They shared a deep passionate kiss. Chanyeol's arms were quickly around her waist. Hajin didn't hesitate to lead the kiss and as they pulled apart, Chanyeol gave a deep kiss on her forehead.

"Nice way for kiss," Chanyeol praised and gently put his forehead on hers.

"I never do that with him," Hajin said, thinking it might make Chanyeol not mad at her anymore.

"That's better," Chanyeol grinned and held her tight in his arms.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," she replied.

"My nervous has gone now. I think I can do it well now," he said.

"Great because it was transfered to me," Hajin replied, "I am the who is nervous right now."

Chanyeol chuckled and went to grab a glass of water for her.

"There you go," he said and handed the water.

Hajin smiled and drank half of it, "You should go now. It's almost the time."

Chanyeol nodded and soon could be heard a knock from the outside.

"I've switched the channel for you, watch your handsome fiance properly," Chanyeol winked and went.

Hajin baffled by his words.

"Fiance?" she mumbled and went to the sofa.

It was still commercial playing on the television. Hajin went to take some chips whilst waiting for the live press conference.

She stopped by the refrigerator, scanning the inside of it.

"Soda?" she looked at the coke.

"Or beer?" she changed her gaze to the beer.

"Since I am nervous, let's burn it with you sweetie," she had the beer in her hand. Brought it to the sofa and finally it started.

Was titled as "Park Hospital Press Conference" on the news' highlight.

"Ooh, it's started," Hajin said whilst munching her snack and took a sip of her beer. Letting out a satisfying sigh of the beer and focusing back to the television.

Could be seen that Chanyeol had entered the room with Jiyoung. The press looked surprised and started murmuring.

"Oh? They're surprised? Didn't they know Chanyeol's coming?" Hajin questioned behing the screen.

"Good evening press. I am Park Chanyeol, one of the heir of Park Hospital," Chanyeol spoke up and bowed.

Jiyoung also introduced herself and bowed. 

"Excuse me," a reporter raised his hand. Chanyeol nodded, giving permission for him to speak.

"Are you here to speak about your marriage? Because according to the news, you are said to be busy and you father, Dr. Park, will be replacing you for announcing the news officially," the reporter asked.

"Thanks for the question, actually I am more to discuss about the hospital's condition rather than the marriage," Chanyeol explained.

-sleeping gae-

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