삼십칠 37

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Chanyeol and Hajin went back to the hospital, doing the daily work. Chanyeol in his office reading the paper while Hajin helping Jimin's mom. She was thinking a way to say goodbye to her, but then her mind was mixed with what she saw in the morning. 


Hajin switched on the television and saw a surprising news. The television sound was so small that she assumed Chanyeol doesn't hear it. It was written in big font that 

' The heir of Seoul's famous hospital to engage with heiress of Taebin Group' 

and there was Chanyeol's face with another girl. 

No, not Jiyoung. 

She switched it off quickly as she heard footsteps of Chanyeol's coming out. 

"Honey, I've ordered jjajangmyeon" he stated.

"Uh, great. I've been craving for it too" Hajin lied. 


"What is it that make you look so pale, my dear?" Jimin's mom asked. 

Hajin, who was slicing the fruit, stopped  her action and smiled at her. She shook her head,"Nothing, eomoni. I was just thinking of something." 

"Something?" Jimin's mom muttered, "Like how to say goodbye to me and Jimin?" 

Hajin widened her eyes in shock, followed by a soft laugh from Jimin's mom. 

"Don't be so shock like that my dear. He had told me everything. If that choice can make you happy, I will support you from the bottom of my heart. I've considered you as my own daughter," Jimin's mom said. 

"Thank you so much, eomoni," Hajin went to hug her. 

"But I will keep take care of you until I won't someone to replace me," Hajin continued.

"You don't have to, there are a lot of nurse here. I can call them 24/7 with one button," Jimin's mom smirked.

"But it will be better if someone is beside you 24/7," Hajin replied. 

"I can't win over you, dear," Jimin's mom chuckled. 

Hajin smiled at her and suddenly the door opened with a loud bang. 

"Jimin? What's wrong? Why are you rushing?" Jimin's mom asked. 

"I need to talk to Hajin. Mom, take a rest and sorry for the door," Jimin apologized and pulled Hajin out of the room.

He picked up the newspaper on the seat beside the door and gave Hajin the sight of the headline news. 

"Do you know this?" Jimin asked. 

'Doctor Park, the next chairman of Busan University Hospital, is getting married to the heiress of Taebin Group'

 Hajin stayed quiet and looked away. 

"So you knew," Jimin sighed and put the paper away.

"And what's the matter?" Hajin asked. 

"Are you still going with him?" Jimin asked, "I mean, he's engaged with someone else-"

"He is not," Hajin exclaimed. 

"He will tell me everything and I am sure that he doesn't know any of this until he sees the news," Hajin continued.

"Are you sure?" Jimin asked, reassuring. 

"Yes, I believe him," Hajin said and left the scene. 

She went to the balcony and let out a deep sigh. 

"Why is it even after I changed my name and had a new life, life is always difficult?" she muttered. 

It was silent. The sky was grey, just like her heart. She doubted that she could have a happy life with Chanyeol. Until she heard footsteps getting closer to her and as she turned around, Chanyeol pulled her into his arms. 

"I didn't plan this. My dad did. He wanted me to go back to Seoul and lived under his control. Trust me please Hajin-ah. I don't want to lose you anymore," Chanyeol explained and hugged her tight. 

Hajin hugged him back and replied, "I know. I trust you. I don't want to leave you either." 

They pulled apart. Chanyeol looked into her eyes softly, and then to her lips. Hajin realized it and cupped his face. Leaning in for a soft kiss.

She was about to pulled apart but Chanyeol deepened it. It was not long until Chanyeol's phone rang. 

"Byun Baekhyun," Chanyeol said and picked it up.

"Hello? What? What do you mean? What meeting? Conferences?" he took a glance at the woman in front of him, "Alright, I am going," and he hung up.

"What happened? Going where? Seoul? Seriously?" Hajin stormed.

"Yes. My father is going to have press conference about the marriage news. I must go now. The conference is tonight," Chanyeol said and kissed her forehead before going.

Hajin held his hand, "I will go with you."

"Alright, pack your things and let's meet at the airport, we are going with helicopter," Chanyeol said and left. 

Hajin went back to Jimin's mom and took her bag, she left a note written that she would not be there for a while.

She went home to pack her clothes. She arrived at the airport in time. With heart pounding fast, she waited for Chanyeol.

Fortunately, it didn't take a long time for Chanyeol to come.

"Are you okay? I don't think that we'll be back for a while," Chanyeol asked.

"I know. As long as I'm with you, I will be okay," Hajin smiled.

"Fine, I will get you bodyguard when I'm busy," Chanyeol said and led her to check-in.

They went straight to the helicopter which had been waiting for them.

"You won't be the one who fly this thing, will you?" Hajin asked.

"Well, I will learn if you want," Chanyeol replied.

"Better no. I am still fine with cars," Hajin said, frowning. Chanyeol chuckles at her worries.

"Let's head to Seoul," Chanyeol pulled Hajin, entered the helicopter.

They put on their seatbelt and headphone. The helicopter departed.

They arrived at Seoul in no time. Heading straight to Chanyeol's hotel— Diamond Hotel.

"I need to get ready for the press conference. Just call any services and. Make yourself convenient, I will comeback as soon as I can," Chanyeol said as they entered the hotel.

But then, they were welcomed by unwanted guest.

"Hello my dear," Jiyoung smirked.

-sleeping gae-

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