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(Imma edit this chapter soon.)

Will p.o.v
Bill and I had a show in a town. I usually loved getting out of town. But now I didn't. I didn't want to not see (y/n) for a day. I wanted to stay and see her. The way she lights up everything around us and the way she makes things more fun. She lifted up my confidence. Bill said that we would be out of town for at least 3 days. How can I handle 3 days without (y/n)? I know she is a year younger than me. But I just fell for her. And I fell really bad for her. I had no idea why she spends so much time with Bill than me. I mean Bill invites her over and when she comes over they go to his room. Then after she leaves he tells me that they nothing. Absolutely nothing. She tells me the same thing. But when Dipper comes over with her. He goes to Bill and do any crap together. (Y/n) than hangs out with me. Bill and Dipper are always away and then when Dipper leaves Bill acts like he wasn't even over at our house.
Last time I asked him.
Dipper goes out the door with (y/n).
"What did you guys do?" I asked Bill.
"Who?" He replied.
"You and Dipper." I asked.
"Oh. Nothing again just chillen." He would answer. Then goes to his room.

I know that there is something going on between Bill and (y/n). It has something to do with Dipper I guess.
"Show time!" Bill called out. I went out on stage with Bill. We performed our usually stuff.

"Are we going home now?" I asked. We were at a hotel room.
"Tomorrow morning we'll go. I know you want to see your girlfriend." Bill smirked at me. He took his shirt of and changed into and clean yellow one.
My face turned into 50 shades of red. "(Y/n) isn't my girlfriend."
"Why not? You scared to ask her out?" Bill was organizing his stuff for tomorrow.
"No. I'm pretty sure she is falling for you." I told him. He froze and then turned around to face me.
"Will I'm pretty sure she isn't falling for me. I like someone else." Bill turned a little red. "She is just a good friend to me and she told me so."

"So you don't like her?" I asked.
"Well I think she is cute that's all but I have my eyes on someone else. Don't think of me as a stalker cause I'm not." Bill said.
"Then why don't you tell me who you like?" I asked.
Bill turned away from me and continued to organize.
"Not important. " he said.
"If you don't tell me then that means you do like (y/n)." I was frustrated at him.
"Why do care who I like? I am not going to tell you and (y/n) is just a friend that helps me." Bill stated.
"Then why does she always go to your room and you guys stay there for like 2 damn hours." I yelled at him.
"We do nothing. We just joke around and she helps me with my problems. " Bill started to get angry.
"Well I am always there to help you, you know." I told him.
"I'm always there but you never notice me and you go for help to (y/n). How do I know you guys aren't doing anything!" I screamed.
Bill stopped organizing his stuff and turned towards me. His face was really red. Then he pounded his fist at the wall.
"DAMN IT WILL YOU CAN'T ALWAYS HELP ME!" He yelled. I backed away from him. Then he put his head on the wall.
"B-Bill....." I got scared. Bill has never had to scream at me like that. He would usually use a soft voice or a soft yell at me. I got scared and then I went to bed and started to cry softly.
"You know you made me yell at you."Bill took his fist of the wall and I heard him go to the bathroom and shut the door so hard. I jumped a little. I didn't want to be with Bill anymore. I went out the hotel room and slept in our car for the night. Bill didn't even bother to look for me. I cried in the car the whole time and then I went to sleep.

Bill p.o.v
Will looked so scared, but I was still mad at him.
Why does he want to know who I like badly? I am no mood to look or speak to Will. I stayed in the bathroom and looked at my fist. They were covered in blood. I washed my hand and when I did I could see some marks.
"Damn I hit the wall pretty hard."
I washed my face and saw that Will wasn't in the room. I would usually panic and go and look for him. But I didn't.
Will needs to stop and act like a man or a grown up at some point. My lord help me.
I went to sleep.

I turned on the tv and watched the news and then I checked my phone. It was 11:29 I decided to text (y/n).

Bill: Good morning 😃
(Y:n): hi Bill!
Bill: we are coming back.
(Y/n): k
Bill:can I talk to you when I come back.
(Y/n): sure. At your house.
Bill: no at your house.
(Y/n): I have some friends over and they are from out of town.
Bill: meet me at the restaurant at 4
(Y/n): sure 😊

I put my phone away and started to load the car. I saw Will sleeping in the back, so I just packed his stuff too. I got in and started the car. This drive was going to be so long. We left and Will was still sleeping. I went through the drive way of McDonald and got some breakfast . As I was driving to Gravity Falls, Will woke up and stretched.
I didn't speak or made eye contact with him. He looked around and found a McDonald bag next him. He picked it up and opened it.
"Is this for me?" He asked.
I didn't speak to him or nothing and he just ate. He ate and we drove in silence.

"S-sor-" he spoke.

I didn't look at him or anything, I just drove and Will stayed in the back. I love Will, but he is just such a baby sometimes and I want him to be strong. But now I am not even sure what I want. But I know one thing for sure; I wasn't going to talk with him until my anger calms down.

We got home and I had to put everything back. It was a long drive. Will got off and went straight to his room. Then I checked the time.
Shoot! I went outside the house and ran to the restaurant. I hope she isn't mad at me.

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