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(Y/n) p.o.v
Oh my Gosh! They are doing the same things as we are doing.
"Will we need to go now. They left." I said and Will nodded his head.
We got out of our hidden place and ran to Will house. He opened the door for me and we went to his room. I sat on his bed and he blushed when he sat next to me. I fell back on his bed and he joined me. He pulled me closer to him and snuggled with me.
"We should do something else." I said.

"Um....I wanted to t-take you out on a..." he mumbled the last part.

Will p.o.v
  We came back to me room and (y/n) laid on my bed and I blushed. I pulled her closer to me and snuggled with her. She was so soft and I felt warm. When we were watching Bill and Dipper I thought that I should take (y/n) on a date. I mean I didn't ask her out I just asked her to be my girlfriend. Bill told me that girls like to go on a date before they get asked to be someone's girlfriend. I also wanted to ask her out on a date. I was about to ask her but then she spoke.
"We should do something else." She said.

"Um....I wanted to t-take you out on a ...." I was staring to get nervous. Will she is your girlfriend she will go with you. Why was this so hard to say? "D-d-date?" I asked and buried my face on her chest.

She  picked up my head and made me face her. "I would love to go on a date with you. Will." She kissed me forehead and squeezed me.

"So at 8:10 can I pick you up?" I asked.

"Yes. You can pick me up at 8:09." She said.

"At 8:10." I said.

"That is what I said." She said.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes and she laughed. God was her laughter beautiful to hear.

Then she left to get ready and Bill came home. I rushed to him.
"Bill! I need your help!" I said.

"Geez . What do you need help with?" He asked.

Bill p.o.v
  "I have a date with (y/n) tonight! I don't know where to take her or what to wear!" He was freaking out.

This was perfect because he has no idea what I am gonna do.

"I got you Willy." I smirk at him.

He had a black tux on and I fixed his hair. When I finished he looked perfect like me! I told him to take him on a date to a restaurant and give her a flower. He nodded his head and went out to take the car and pick her up. After he left I immediately called Dipper.

"We do the stake out tonight Dippy." I said.

"Okay well Will is here so I will come to you." He hung up and I was so excited.

(Y/n) p.o.v
I told my friends that I was going on a date with Will and they asked if I was nervous. I told them I wasn't but I was really nervous. I never been on a date before and I didn't want to. Well Will is my boyfriend and everything but I was worried if I did something wrong on the date. What if I said something wrong and then Will hates me?! What if I accidentally dropped food in me?! What i-

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Bella asked.

"Yes! I just need a dress to wear and I don't know what to choose!" I freaked out.

"That is why your best friends are here." Hannah was already in my closet throwing my clothes out and looking for a dress. "Oh! Bella get the dress that we got her when we were at the mall!" Hannah squealed.

"W-wait what dress?" I said.

"Don't worry we got you covered girl." Bella winked at me and she ran off.

"Why did she wink?" I asked Hannah.

"(Y/n) I know you don't like to wear tight dresses but this one isn't tight." Hannah said and Bella came back with a nice light blue dress.

I fell on my bed. I yelled out a curse word also. "Get up! It's no time to sleep baddie." Bella said and I fell off my bed and groans out loud.

I had the beautiful blue sky dress on and I look so cute. Well I was super nervous and Will came at the door and knocked. I was in my room and was locked in. My friends banged on the door. I told them that I couldn't. Why am I acting like this?!

Then I opened the door and my friends gave me an angry look.
"Sorry I um....lost my purse." I lied.

"You don't have a purse." Jack frowned at me.

"Oh...well I need to find my um.."I wanted a way out of this.

"(Y/n) stop making excuses. Go out with Will and get over with the night." Bella said.

"What happened to the (y/n) the baddie, she isn't scared of anything and you are just getting scared of a little date with your boyfriend." Jack said and he was right.

"I guess (y/n) the baddie is gone tonight." I said.

"No she isn't she is still in you and you can't let a little date scare you. So go out and have fun with your Will." Jack said.

"Well said." Bella said.

"Okay here I go you dumb ass." I said and went down stairs. I saw Will and DAMN!

Dipper p.o.v
Bill and I were waiting for Will and (Y/n) to arrive. Then my phone buzzed and I saw a picture of (y/n) with a beautiful light blue dress. She looks so beautiful!
"Wow." I said. We were hiding behind a big bush.

"What?" Bill asked.

I showed him the picture of my sister that Mark sent to me. Bill eyes widen and he let out a whistle. I hit his arms and he smirks at me.
"Brother what kind of girl did you fall for?" Bill said.

"That is my sister." I added.

"So what your sister is girl hot and you are a boy hottie. I love your muscles and your hair..." Bill looked at me in a lovely way. He ran his hand through my hair and was drooling. I blush.
"Um Bill?" I said. I took a picture.

I repeat his name and he snapped back to reality. "What! What are they here?" Bill asked.

"No. Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded his head and looked away.

I kissed his cheeks and he grew more red. I smiled at him and we started to talk about random stuff while we wait for Will and (y/n).

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