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(Y/n) p.o.v


We both said at the same time. I got so excited and jump on him. Tears literally came out. I hug him so tightly. "Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me that you were moving here?" I ask him.

He smiles at me, oh that cute smile of his. "Well B-" i cut him off with a kiss.

He kisses back. We pull away and we blush. "Well Bill wanted to surprise you guys." Will says.

"And don't you dare go tell Dippy." Bill walks in with a smirk.
I smile at him and hug him. "Wow does someone miss me that bad?" He says.

I kiss his cheek. "Nah, I'm just glad that you decided to come live here."

"Hey, can I have a kiss on the cheek?" Will asks.

"Okay." I said and gave him one.

"Okay what is going on here?" Sabrina asks.

"Who are you?" Bill asks.

"Hi I'm Sabrina and this is my husband Rajeev." Sabrina smiles at them.

"We are (y/n) parents, can I ask who you guys are?" Rajeev acts like a dad. "Besides where is your parents?"

"Oh they died." Bill says.

"Who do you live with then?" Sabrina asks.

"With Will." Bill smiles.

"Who's Will?" Sabrina asks.

Bill points at Will. Will laughs nervously and waves at them. "Anyway we gotta go, come on (y/n)." Rajeev says.

"But-" I was cut off. Rajeev picks me up and walks away from Will and Bill.

I sigh.

Next day..........

I woke up and did my usual routine. I thought did I saw Will yesterday? No he is all the way in gravity falls. Once I got to school, I go straight to my class. As every other day, it is boring. Once the bell rings and I quickly get out. I see yoyo and he smiles when he sees me.

"I need your help!" His smile drops and he puts his hand on my shoulders.

"What?" I ask.

"I forgot to get Mitch a present for our anniversary!" He yells.

"Oh I know what you can get!" I grab his hand and head for the school store.

"What am I gonna get in here?" He ask.

I pull out a box of lost clothes and smirk. I take out a bra and some girls panties.

"Oh no! No no no no no. I will not wear that crap!" Yoyo says.

"I tried dude." I head out for the door and he grabs my hand.

"I will give you 20 bucks." He has hope in his eyes

"I am happy to work with you." I say and start to plan something.

Will p.o.v
  I walk in school and got knock on the ground multiple times. I was scared and then I heard my name.

"Will?" I turn around and see Hannah and Bella.

I smile at them and give them a nervous smile. They rush towards me.

"You moved here that will be good. We gotta tell (y/n)!" Bella squeals.

"I saw her yesterday, but I can't find her anywhere." I say worried.

"Don't worry we will take you to her." Hannah says and then they take me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Oh we have lunch now." Hannah answers.

"Oh." All I said and then went straight to lunch. When we went to lunch a bunch of people gave me weird looks. Oh ship! I knew I should've wear something else instead of a vest and a blue sweater with a big eye in the middle and a red line through it. I look away and see Jack and Sean with weird looks.

I nervously wave at them as we sat. "Will why are you here?" Jack asks and Bella hits his arm.

"Where is (y/n)?" I ask.

"Oh she may be sitting with the others." Sean answers eating.

"Well Will lets go in line and get food, maybe we'll see her." Bella said.

"Okay then." I say and we go in line.

We go in line and I scan the whole cafeteria. There was a lot of people.

(A/n: guess I am starting to regret this, I mean now it is summer and U should be having fun and doing shit in summer but NO you are still in school. I should of thought about this but I'll quickly finish with school and then maybe go deeper in the future and more deeper. Idk guys that is my plan and anyway back to the story . Sorry guy.)

Then out of the glass door I see (y/n) with a other boy. As I did my heart stopped and tears were forming. Out of nowhere the lights went off and a kid pulled out a flash light and screamed. "What the hell dude! Turn the light on!"

Just then we saw a boy with a microphone in his hand and he looked nervous. Then I saw (y/n) down and she was jut staring at him. "Hi everyone! Most of you punks know me but this isn't for you and only for Mitch. I also want to say happy birthday Mitch. We've been together like what? I dunno but you do and I want you to that I love you so much and I am happy that you are" he makes a face as (y/n) makes a face at him and says something. "You are older than me." He mumbles. "But I will get older than you one day."

Some people laughs and some people gag. Then the principal comes in and turn the light on and unplugs the cord connected to the wall. "Who is responsible for this?"

"I am!" (Y/n) raises her hand.

"Really (y/n)? To the office with me." He say and she just walks away from him as the boy just drops the microphone and goes to a table.

A few hours later!!!!

The bell ranges at the end of class and I see Rajeev and (y/n) walk out. I stand up straight and hope that (y/n) noticed me but she didn't.

"Will?" I hear my name and see Dipper looking at me.

"Hi Dipper." I wave at him and crap I am in trouble.

"Where is Bill?" He asks looking around.

"Oh....." I had to lie so bill won't get it mad at me. "I just came because Bill needed to take care of something back home."

Dipper smiles then turns into a frown. Then I got knocked to the ground and I close my eyes. When I opened them I saw (y/n) on me and giving me kisses everywhere. I smile and then kiss her on the lips. Oh man....those lips are still soft and sweet as I remember.

We pull away blushing and she helps me get up. When I get up she hugs me. "Thank God that it wasn't a dream!"

"You thought I was a dream?" I ask her and she was in my arm.

"Not you but the part where you moved here that's all."

Then Dipper gets knocked down and we see Bill kissing him and a bunch of gay stuff. "Should we go?" I ask (y/n).

"Yeah I think we should. Where should we go though?" She says and we walk away holding hands.

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