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Will p.o.v
We were in complete silence. Then I wondered if (y/n) really was gonna break up with me.

"Were you really gonna break up with me?" I ask.

"No." She replies.

"Oh. Then why did you say that?" I ask her.

"Don't you get tired of you know making dinner for him. Making food for him?" She asks.

"Yeah I do get tired." She did have a point.

"Well yeah you need a break and do your own thing." She said.

I look at her and hug her tightly. "Well I am doing my own thing now."


"Hugging you."

"Will what do you do when you are by yourself or with friends?"

"I don't have any friends." I reply sadly.

"Oh sorry I ask." She says and then she kisses me and I kiss her back.

(Y/n) p.o.v
I felt so bad when I ask Will about his friends. I was sleeping in Will arms and in his room. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Tomorrow I am leaving him and it is just gonna cause more pain.

Skip to the next day cuz I totally can........

I was at the bus stop with Dipper and the Cipher twins. Will and I were talking and I was in his arm.
"Ugh! I hate leaving you." I say and bury my head on his chest.

"Well you aren't completely leaving me." He says and takes out the locket I gave him.

"You kept it?" I ask, cuz I thought he lost it or is it just me that loses things like all the time?

"Yeah." He blushes.

"Aww! That is the opposite of me. I just lose things right away." I say.

"No you just have short term memory." Dipper smiles at me.

"Shut up, no one was talking to you except Bill." I glare at him.

"Short term memory?" Will looks confused at me.

"Yea. I usually forget a lot of things. Like where I left the control to the tv and where I left my homework and one time I lost my way home and had to wait at McDonald for my parents to pick me up. But now I know so no biggie." I say and I have no idea why I said all that information out.

"Will you forget about me?" He asks.

"No. You are really important to me and I would never forget anything important." I said and that made him better.

"Homework is important!" Bill says.

"The way home is important and the control to the Tv." Dipper adds.

"Well Will is very important to me and those stuff are just less important to me." I say.

"Sure?" Bill smirks at me.

"Yes!" I say and Will hugs me.

"As long as you don't forget me then I am okay." Will is so sweet!

"Okay." The bus comes and we kiss for the last time or until we see each other next time.

Skip to the next day.....yay......not yay.....

I woke up with my alarm sounding. Ugh! I hate school! I wake up and put (style you like).

I head to school with Dipper and as usually Mabel is with Mark.

Out of no where Dipper asks "(y/n) do you think mom and dad will except me you know being gay?" Dipper looks nervous.

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