Chapter 12

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King Czaed, their father called Caliph early in the morning, asking why the Crown Prince is out of coverage. The great ruller in the middle east was being heedless, heartless, making his sons to be a brave and horid, commamding Caliph to speak with his brother for an urgent matter. Czamir and Nysha's engagement was moved earlier within three weeks after. 

Caliph was surprised by his father's news but he doesn't cared. He was angry to his father for treating him unfairly, hungry to get his fathers sympathy. The king's favorite son was his brother Czamir, the crown prince of Arrabia, who will be their Kingdoms futures ruler, who will be  the next king, hoping he would also be.

He was eager for his fathers love and care. A father who only think about his kingdom, who doesn't care, no matter how hard he try his best but still he was being criticise. When he was young, he had wish he was the first born prince. Wanting the throne in his hand, let himself believes he would be the King in his mind. Someday, wondering, but he was tired of hoping.

He never bother himself about his brothers marriage. Although he was being jealous about his brother's success, he had already accepted that he was not important to his father as he is. He would rather mind the girl he just slept, where all of her was circling in his head, the woman who ran again without his awareness. He won't get away with him, he said.

Looking around to find her made him realize how stupid he is. He had let go the woman who got him whirling in just a blink. He feared he would never see her again, fired up glaring around. He immediately called Renee, doesn't know what to do or how would he finds her. Uneasy, a man who loses his strength, loses his mind to a stranger.

"Ren, have you seen.. Ina?" he shyly ask his friend. Knowing Renee would react and be mad if he let Ina dissapeared again.

"Where is she Caliph! I thought you and her.. you know.." Renee replied on the other line.

"She.. She left my room.. and.. and I was hoping if I could find her with you. May I know wheres her suite?" Caliph was determined to look for her in any means.

"601, and by the way, your brother is here with me Caliph." Renee said.

"Alright, kindly tell him to call my father. Its urgent.. Thanks!" he said and drop the call. He rushed and ran to find wheres Nysha's suites room, didn't mind he was only wearing a boxer short.

Nysha had already left her room, had quick fixed her things to escape all  she had done last night. Wearing only Caliphs oversize Tshirt, she nervously walked inside the elevator in barefoot, while Caliph went down to find her suite. Exactly when the lift's opened, he saw her at the opposite lift, infront of him where Nysha was about to go down. He smiled, but later on he was dissapointed when Nysha quickly closes the lift. She was nervous after she had saw the prince of Arrabia, Caliph. She thought the two prince were haunting her, they might know the princess they had dinner with was a fruad.

Caliph run fast as he could to stop the lift but it was too late, it closes already, and all other elevator were busy in going up. He don't have a choice but to use the stairs. He run fast like a wind, flying himself so he could still stop her. From 6th floor down to the ground, gasping. His effort went to nothing when he was finally at the ground level. He looked around sweating, trying to find the woman who drives him insane. She was no where to find, kicking his feet in each of the corner looking for her. There's no trace of her, until the evening came.

Nysha's mind was disturb by the two prince, asking why they are in the same hotel. Never minded what she just did lately, disregarding the thought of her first time experience memory. She feel pain in her body, feels trouble and disgusting, but never she did thought to regret everything.

Caliph's Girlfriend arrived in surprise the same day. Calling her boyfriend that was busy thinking about the girl who slip away. Caliph was bothered, acting strange infront of his girlfriend, he nearly called her Ina and not their usual sweet callings. Every time he saw the eyes of his Russian girlfriend he couldn't stop to remembered her. Her soft moans, her body, how he owned her that night, making love with her, kissing her, the pleasure that never left his mind, wanting to do it again for the rest of his life.

He was silent  all throughout their dinner, making his Russian girlfriend a little bit confusing. Knowing Caliph was obssess with her, asking why the prince was now on cold lurking. Caliph's sulking heart still remained, igniting the rage and regret inside him, with his breathes still on strugling.

Nysha was a woman who pretend to be one. A woman who also love her own kind. Its Breana she wanted in her whole life. Breana who keeps her heart beating fast whenever her beauty shines in her eyes. Hoping Breana would like her too, she stayed in silent, loving her more like a sister cause she thought thats what a friendship do.

She cried when her father send a message, the day that she kept avoiding to happen came. King Nysrahim message her that he was excited for his daughters wedding. Letting her know about her near engagement. Her fathers decision was all settled. Aswell as the two kingdoms agreement. Woman could not rule a kingdom alone, thats why King Nysrahim was afraid about her daughters future and also their kingdoms future.

The king was sad about her daughters marriage, soon she will be living away to start a new life with her future husband king, so he decided to visit his precious daughter, to meet her and to speak with the crown prince of Arrabia, Czamir. And he finds out that the princess who lives in a luxurious hotel was not his beautiful daughter.

King Nysrahim almost had an heart attack, knowing Nysha the princess of Morrocia might be kidnap. He knows his daughter well, she had the most beautiful eyes that could took a man soul out of their mind. The woman who pretend to be her could not fake to be pretty as her. The King of Morrocia yelled to his daughters butlers, why it happened and they even don't have a clue where to find her. The king was afraid, calling and calling the phone of his precious jewel. The heiress, the princess, his only daughter, the one they kept trying to protect was gone.

Her father feels relief when Nysha answered. Her conscience was begging her to talk with her father king. Nysha loves her father, she was spoiled by him, she had all the love and support, the endless caring. She confess to her father, she's not ready to have a family. To be wild and free she reason out, that she was still young she alibi. But her obligation and her duties as a princess could not wait any longer. She need to do her part, as a daughter, as a princess, as the only person who could save their faith, their hope, their kingdom.

She came back, kneeling to her father, there she apologize for being such a selfish. Her father cried, his daughter was alright. His heart would die if he knew his daughter would gone forever, knowing his daughter will be indanger. He saw his precious jewel, his daughter was morethan his wealth, his life, she's worthy to sacrifice. A father who only hope whats best, who only done what he must done to his little one. She would be safer if she married the futures king of Arrabia, she would be protected and be respected.

Meanwhile, the crown prince of Arrabia was about to fled. When Czamir talked to his father king Czaed, he was determined to escape from the said pragmatic marriage. His father was again manipulating him, instructing him to do his thing, like a puppet he was obliged to follow him whatever he ask but he was about to end all of it. A ticket to fly on the west was waiting for him, away from the middle east, away from his father's supervision. Czamir only followed his pride but lose his dignity, for being a coward.

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