Riker Image for Luna

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*Luna POV*

Riker and I have been dating for 2 years! I can't believe my eyes, R5 have been on tour and what do I find out through the internet, a picture of a girl Taylor I believe kissing his cheek and him blushing! He's coming back from tour tomorrow and I don't know what to do when I see him 

*Next day, At the airport*

r5: Luna! *run to her and hug her* 

Luna: what's up guys! How was tour!? 

Riker: it was awesome! I missed you babe *opens arms to hug you*

Luna:*stops him from hugging her* sure you did 

RIker: I did! What's wrong?

Luna: I don't know?! Why don't you ask Taylor?! 

Riker: Oh that.. Luna please 

Luna: be quiet right now please *goes to Rydel to talk*

*At the Lynch's house*

Riker: what should I do about Luna? She won't even look at me!

Ross: did you explain that Taylor is our cousin?

Riker: no because she has never met Taylor

Rocky: just do something that proves you love her 

Riker: I think I have an idea 

*Next Day At Luna's house*

Luna: Delly? Why am I all dressed up at 7:00pm ?

Luna: Delly? Why am I all dressed up at 7:00pm ?

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Rydel: Just come on 

*They go to to the beach*

Luna: The beach?

Rydel: just get off! 

Luna: Geez fine *gets off, Rydel drives off, and Luna finds a table with rose petals and candles*

Riker:*pops up behind her* hey 

Luna: What is all of this Riker?

Riker: An apology for the whole Taylor situation 

Luna: I don't know Riker, Who even is Taylor?

Riker: she is my cousin 

Luna: then how come you never told me?

Riker: I honestly don't know but she was teasing me about you because I always complained how much I missed you so I was blushing and mom was taking a picture and then Taylor kissed my cheek and mom took a picture of that too

Luna: Oh, Riker I am so sorry for not trusting you with that and not talking it out

Riker: It's ok and here's so you see that the only girl I love is you. Luna, I never thought I would find someone who would actually teach me what love is but then I saw this really cute r5er in the crowd of the LA concert and what are the odds that she was my age and whose name was Luna. I followed you to your car after the concert, we talked and I asked you out. We went to the movies and after I asked you to be my girlfriend. Once it came to our one year anniversary I realized I was insanely in love with you and we said our first our love yous. Luna you are the most amazing, gorgeous, kind girl out there and I'm glad to call you mine. If I lost you it would have been the world losing the sun and the beach losing the ocean and I can't let that happen *get a box from his pocket, kneels down and opens the box to reveal a ring* so will you do me the favor of becoming Luna Lynch?

Luna:*crying* yes a hundred times yes!! 

Riker:*puts the ring on her finger, spins her and kisses her* so fiance ready to spend the rest of our lives together?

Luna: Ready for anything as long as it's with you 

*10 years later, Luna is 38*

Anthony(6 year old son) Mom! Mom! Where's Alexandra and Andrew? 

Luna: I don't know let's go find them

*In Andrew and Alexandra's room, they are on their phone*

Luna: Andrew' Alexandra! play with Anthony he has nobody to play with 

Alexandra: busy mom

Luna: really ? A 12 year old boy and a 10 year old girl are too busy playing video games  to play with their little brother?

Andrew: pretty much

Luna:*turns off the tv* Let's all go to the backyard and play soccer, what do you say?

Alexandra and Andrew: you're on old lady *laughs*

Luna: *gasp* Did you just call me old! Watch me win! 


Anthony: Can I learn mommy?

Luna: sure just kick the ball into the goal and once you develop those skills you will learn trick 

*They play and end up all on the grass, starring at the clouds*

Anthony: Mommy? I miss Daddy

Andrew: me too 

Alexandra: why did he have to go? 

Luna: It's his job, it was exactly the same since we were younger, it's normal because I miss dad too

Riker:*walks in* well you don't have to anymore 

Kids: dad! *run to him*

Andrew: I missed you! We need to go to the Dodgers game next week!

Riker: I missed you too! And no duh bro! *holds up the tickets*

Andrew: awesome!*runs inside*

Anthony: Daddy! What are me and you doing!?

Riker:*carries him* you and I buddy are going to the Zoo!

Anthony: Yay!!*runs inside* 

Alexandra: Daddy! 

Riker: I would never forget about my princess! How do you love these? *holds up tickets for a 5th Harmony concert*

Alexandra: No Way! YAY!!! *runs inside*

Riker:*lays on the grass next to Luna* hey what is a pretty lady like you doing on the floor 

Luna: Hoping my prince charming comes home 

Riker: then he arrived 

Luna: really?!? Where? *jumps up* 

Riker: *jumps up* Here!

Luna:*looks at him disappointed* Really?

Riker: I would run if I were you because you're about to die 

Luna: oh no! *runs around the yard* 

Riker:*runs after her, catches her, spins her around and kissed her* I missed those lips 

Luna: me too 

Kids: Aww 

Riker and Luna: come here! Let's play!

*They all played, laugh and had a blast as a family* 

Luna: Thanks for the perfect family 

Riker: Thanks for showing me what love is *kisses her*


Hope you like it @huggingjonnor! Love you all! If you have a request for preferences or images message me personally 


Drea 💋

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