Ross image for Carissa

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Carissa POV:
I ran to my house as fast as I could, hearing Riker yelling my name. I didn't care though, I kept running. I heard footsteps behind me, I assumed it was Riker so I ran as fast as I could trying to get away from him. I finally made it to my door. I ran in, shut the door and broke down crying on the couch. I heard the door shut. "Go away Riker, I don't want to see you " I cried. He sat down and said "good thing I'm not Riker" I looked up and saw Ross

I was so confused as to why he was here and not Riker. "Oh hey Ross" I say looking down. "I'm sorry about Riker, Carissa, he can be a jerk" he said hugging me and I cried in his shoulder.

Ross POV
I heard yelling from downstairs and peeked my head out from the hallway trying to figure out what was going on when I heard her angelic voice but the angelic voice was yelling at someone "I can't freaking believe you would cheat on me!" "Babe let me explain" I roll my eyes at Riker

He has been with Carissa for 2 years and 6 months into the second year he started cheating on her. "I hate you Riker Anthony Lynch!" She yells and walks out.  I walked downstairs following her gagging seeing Riker and that chick making out on the couch

When I finally reached her I hugged her for comfort. Then I realized I didn't like her like I thought I did.........
I love her! Seeing her all cuddled up in my arms gave me butterflies thinking how it would be like to have her like this all the time.

After a while of comforting her she  said "thanks for comforting me Ross, you can go I'll be fine" she smiled. I got up almost walking out when I turn back around and walk towards her until we're face to face

"Ross, what are y-" I cut her off by kissing her. I could tell she was in shock but she kissed back. When we pulled apart she just looked at me with no facial expression. That's when I knew I screwed everything up

"Carissa, I'm sorry! I've liked you for a really long time but you started dating Riker so I hid my feeling, then this happened I realized I loved you -" "you love me?" She cuts me off

I blush in embarrassment and say "well not love but like like like you know, you probably think I'm stupid since I'm rambling but I don't know-" she cuts me off again but this time by putting her lips on mine

"I love you too Ross" she said

And I knew I found my soul mate for life

This is for Ross_is_my_husband hope you like it 💗


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