Ross Image for Luna

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Ross POV

I was on the way to Starbucks with my bros and when we got in line I saw this cute cashier. I saw her name tag and it said her name was Luna, weird I have a guitar named Luna. Soon enough it was my turn and the first thing I noticed were her gorgeous eyes sparkling.

Ross: Hi! Can I have a mocha frap and a chocolate cake pop 

Luna: Ok your total is 6.50 

Ross: Here you go *gives her a 5 dollar bill* keep the change. Hey do you mind having lunch with me?

Luna: Sure! My lunch starts in about 5 minutes 

Ross: ok I'll be waiting at that table 

*5 minutes later*

Luna:*Sit down* Hey 

Ross: Hi I'm Ross *smiles*

Luna: Hi I'm Luna *smiles*  

Ross: Tell me about yourself 

Luna: Well I like to skateboard, I love music and I'm 21 years old

Ross: That's exactly me 

Luna:*giggles* oh and I have  a boyfriend named Luke 

Ross: Oh you have a boyfriend?

Luna: yeah, do you have a girlfriend ?

Ross: No I don't 

Luna: Really but you are the Ross Shor Lynch any girl would die to date you 

Ross: haha 

Luna: It's true tho I didn't expect you to be single 

Ross: I get that a lot I have to go but I hope we get to talk again here's my number 

Luna: Here's my number

*2 years later, Luna knocks on the Lynch door*

Rydel:*opens door* Hey Luna! are you ok? Have you been crying?

Luna:*sniffles* my boyfriend just dumped me 

Rydel:oh no, what happened?

Luna: He found someone else 

Rydel: That's tough but time will heal 

Luna: Thanks delly but no I spend 3 years of my life with him and he just leaves all of a sudden?! 

Rydel: Boys are stupid

*Guys walk in with basketball shorts on

Guys: we heard that.. Oh hi Luna

Luna:*sniffles* Hey guys

Ross: Luna what's wrong?

Luna: Luke broke up with me after 3 years

Ross:*hugs her* I'm sorry Luna you know what, why don't we go to the fair by the boardwalk to cheer you up?

Luna: I guess 

Ross: ok I'll be back *goes to his rooms, changes, and goes downstairs* Let's go 

*At the boardwalk*

Ross: let's go on the Ferris wheel 

Luna: ok

*When they were on the Ferris Wheel they were laughing and joking around*

Ross: Let's go rent that boat for a while 

Luna: That sounds like fun! 

*On the boat*

Luna: Can I trust you driving a boat?

Ross: Are you doubting me?

Luna: A little *giggles*

Ross: Haha

*after  a while* 

Ross: Do you want to try?

Luna: Yess! 

*When they got back to the boardwalk*

Ross: Wait here *plays a game, wins a giant panda and walks to Luna* Here! 

Luna: Aw Ross your are so sweet, I'm getting kind of hungry

Ross: me too, where do you want to go 

Luna: Subway then Starbucks 

Ross: uhh yes please 

*At subway* 

Ross: Do you want to talk about the Luke situation? 

Luna: Not now I feel better because of you 

Ross: I'm glad 

Luna: Starbucks?

Ross: You know it!!!! 

*At Starbucks*

Ross: Listen Luna I have to tell you something

Luna: What is it?

Ross: First promise me that what I say won't make things awkward between us

Luna: I promise now tell Shor!

Ross: The day I met you in this very same place I saw you since I was in line I thought you were cute, then we knew more about each other in this very table and I found out you had a boyfriend I was crushed and didn't tell you but now that you are single let me just say I like you

Luna: *Looks at him without saying anything* 

Ross: See that is why I did not want to say it because I knew we would become awkward 

Luna: *Kisses him and pulls away* I like you too

Ross: Really?

Luna: Yea, what you did for me today nobody has ever done that for me 

Ross: so can do me the honor of being my girlfriend>

Luna: I would love to be your girlfriend Ross 

*They kiss*

*Ross and Luna are 39*

Ross: And that how your mother and I met 

Shor(11 year old son): Dad can you take me to Starbucks soemday?

Ross: Sure what for little dude?

Shor: So I can find someone as pretty as mom

Luna: aww Shor you'll find someone sweetie 

Ross: And yeah I'll take you and see if you get luck like me  

Maya(9 year old daughter): Mom can I get a job at Starbucks like you someday?

Luna: Why sweetie?

Maya: so I can find someone as romantic as dad 

Ross: That's impossible

Luna: Yea, but you can and see if you get as lucky as me

Ross and Luna: goodnight kids

Kids: Goodnight mom and dad 

Ross: Thanks for our family 

Luna: Thanks for being my customer in Starbucks 

Ross: Anytime *They kiss*


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