Riker image for Luna

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Riker POV

My girlfriend Savannah Latimer and I broke up 2 weeks ago because she's moving back to Colorado and neither of us thought we could handle long distance so we ended it but it hurts too much, I miss her. "Come on dude! Get out of the house! Let's go to Starbucks!" Rocky says and I nod. "Ross! Courtney! Get ready! He said yes to Starbucks!" He says and I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "He actually wants to go out?!?!" Courtney asks and I nod "yea, I still have a life." I say and Ross scoffs "sure you do," he says and Courtney hits him.

"Thanks Court," I say and we go out and go to Starbucks on our skateboards. We stopped at the beach first since Rocky had to go to the bathroom. Ross and Courtney were skateboarding around the beach holding hands and laughing and I sigh. Remembering when Courtney still wasn't part of the family and Vanni was and now Vanni isn't part of the family and Court is. Weird. "Aww cute! Let me take a picture!" Rocky says as he comes out the bathroom and then sent it to Ross and Court and they post it at the same time.

Ross' caption: she's amazing at a lot of things but mainly she's amazing at owning my heart @courteaton <3

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Ross' caption: she's amazing at a lot of things but mainly she's amazing at owning my heart @courteaton <3

Courtney's caption: I go where he goes cuz he's my future @rossr5 <3

I smile at how much they love each other and then notice that Vanni commented on Court's post.

@savannah_latimer: aww! You cuties! Miss you guys! ❤❤

I sigh and we get back on our skateboards going to Starbucks. Ding ding the door sounds once we enter Starbucks which is pretty empty today. "Luna! Customers!" A guy cleaning tables yells. "Going!" This girl yells and comes out tying her apron. "Hi! Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?" This gorgeous girl says and without thinking I blurt "go out with me!" Rocky slaps the back of my head. "Sorry about that" Ross says and she shakes her head. "It's ok, I would like to go out with him." I open my mouth in shock "really?!" She nods and that's how I got over Vanni.

*10 years later*

Riker POV

Today, is a family reunion! I'm excited, I haven't seen them in a while since we all moved around. I had a bit of a rough time in the dating game but today everyone will be shocked to know I got back with the girl who won my heart a while ago.

"Riker!" Rocky says and hugs me so tight like we haven't seen each other in 1 year but we saw each other 1 month ago but he didn't see my girlfriend. "Hey Rocky!" I reply hugging him back like life depended on it.

"No way! Riker Anthony Lynch!" Ellington says and hugs me. "What up man! How's the married life?" I ask. "Couldn't be better. Honey!" He says and my little sister comes out "Riker! I missed you!" She hugs me and I hug her even tighter. "Haven't seen you in 2 months, since the wedding, how are you baby sis?" She smiles "great! Never better!" She says and I smile because I know Ellington keeps my little sister happy.

"No way! Riker!" Ross screams. Now he's the one I'm most excited to see since I haven't seen him since he and Courtney got married and decided to move to Colorado. "Ross! What's up bud!" He smiles "not much, just living life with my family, Courtney and I had 4 kids." I'm shocked "No way!" He nods "yeah there's Andrea she's 10, Abigail she's 8, Alice she's 6, and Amy she's 4." He smiles. "All girls huh?" He laughs "you have no idea."

"Dad!" I hear 4 voices scream as they run to Ross. "Oh my, Riker!" I turn to see my sister in law. "Courtney! Hey! Congrats on being a mother to 4!" She laughs "thanks, where's your girlfriend?" She ask. "She went to go change our son," I smile. "Oh my stars! My babies! And my grandbabies!" Mom says and hugs everyone. "Grandma Stormie!" Andrea, Abigail, and Alice say running to her. "My babies!" She screams in joy hugging them.

"Ross! Courtney! Thank you for giving me my grandbabies! Ellington and Rydel I'm still waiting!" She says and everyone laughs. "Riker, where's my grandbaby from you and this girl?"

"Right here! Sorry I'm late, Matthew had a full diaper alright." She says and everyone laughs. "Luna!" Rydel and Courtney yell running towards her and they group hug with poor Matthew caught in between. "No way! You and Riker!? Together again!? Baby!?" They both ask freaking out. "Yep. Yep, and yep." Luna says laughing. "How old is he?" Dad asks. "1 year old" I say taking him from Luna. "We wanted to let you know we are getting married." Luna announces and everyone congratulated us.

We ate, danced, played with the kids, played cards, talked about things going on in our lives and on the way back to our place I smile and hold Luna' s hand. "I'm glad I enter Starbucks that day, because of it I found my wife to provide me with my little boy," I say referring to Matthew. "And make me the happiest guy alive." She smiles "and I'm glad I'm the one that served you that day." She says and we smile and kiss

This is for @Rylivia, hope you like it! Please vote, comment and request! Love you guys!


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