Ross Image for Klaudia

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"What do you mean the band isn't coming?" I sigh frustrated as my best friend Lacey told me the news. We are at prom! Lacey, some of my other friends and I are the party committee. We need a band for prom! "Don't worry Matthew's got it covered, let's go get dressed for prom!" She says pulling me to get house. A few minutes later I come out with my prom dress, hair and make up done. (A/N In the media) "Oh Klaudia you look gorgeous." I smile and blush "thanks Lacey, you too, now let's go see if Matthew found a band!" And with that we hurry to our prom.

Matthew swore he found a band but he wouldn't tell me who he got... so I'm a bit nervous that there is no band. Everyone was entering into our prom area and Matthew got on stage to talk. "Hello Aston High! Now we promised to have a live performance but unfortunately the band cancelled last minute, but I found a band who will rock this place surprise Klaudia! Come on out you guys!" I was shocked to see 5 people I admired. I looked over at Lacey and she was smirking! They planned this. "Hey everyone! We're R5! And we're going to be playing for 3 out of the 6 hours of prom!" Everyone cheered and we started prom.

"You guys are so sneaky!" I tell Matthew, Lacey, and Garrett. "Surprise!" They say as we all laugh and I hug them "I love you guys." A few hours later R5 had stopped played their music and a DJ came to play music. Matthew, Lacey, Garrett and I as the party committee went backstage to thank them. Matthew, Lacey and Garrett were talking to the Ratliff since the rest of the guys went to go get food. "Hey thanks for coming , you guys were amazing," I tell Rydel. "No problem, this school is amazing." After a few minutes of talking Rydel and I became best friends and exchanged numbers and everything.

"You guys are hilarious!" I say as Rocky, Ratliff, Riker, and Ryland were around me saying jokes making me laugh at every single one of them. "Yea, hey you should hang out with us sometime," Rocky said. I chuckled "I'd love to but I don't live in L.A. like you rock stars." They laugh "then move to L.A. when you're out of school," Riker says and I smile. "Maybe I will," and with that I left to get some punch.

"Hey, you must be Klaudia?" Ross says coming up to me as I get my punch and I nod. "Yup that's me, so how are you liking the area?" He nods smiling "It's beautiful, definitely different than California." I laugh "I hope that's a good thing." He nods "Yea it is, anyways would you like to dance?" He asked holding out his hand for me. "I would love to."

Ross and I have been dancing and talking for a while and I haven't had this fun ever. "Ross we got to get going," Ryland says. "Ok," he says. "Bye thanks for coming guys," I say as I hug Riker, Rydel, Ratliff, Rocky and Ryland. They walked out from our back door and it left Ross and I standing there. "Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun," I say as we hug. "Me too, anyways, here's my number, let's keep in touch," he says as he writes his number on a piece of paper. I smile and we hug one more time "bye Ross," "bye Klaudia," he said and he walked out. Today was a great day.

I have finally finished high school! Now I'm off to California to pursue my dreams to become an actress! I got to my apartment and Lacey and Matthew are already there. Yep, my best friends are going to live with me. "Hey let's go out tonight! I want to explore California," Lacey says and Matthew and I agree. "Sounds like fun," I say and we go downtown to walk around. Lacey went to buy drinks while Matthew and I went to a music store. Who knew downtown could be so crowded.

Matthew grabbed my hand "so we don't lose each other," we laugh and I nod "good plan," I say and we walk around when I bump into someone "I'm so sorry." I say. "It's fine," they look up and see Ryland. "No way, Ryland!" He looks up "Klaudia!" He says, I see Ross staring at Matthew's hand that was still holding mine. "Hey guys! What's up?" "What are you doing here?!" Rydel exclaims hugging me and I hug back "I live her now!" "No way!" I nod "Hey let's go to Dairy Queen!" Riker says. "Sure let me just call Lacey." I say and call her to tell her the plan. When we got to Dairy Queen we got our orders and headed to the park. I was sitting at a bench by myself when Ross came and sat next to me.

"So you and Matthew are dating?" I look at him and shake my hands "no, not at all, he's my best friend, he's like a big brother to me." He nods "ah, so do you have a boyfriend." I shake my head "not that I know of." I say and we laugh. "Well then can I take you out on a date?" I look at him for a while a bit shocked. "If you don't it's fine, I understand." I shake my head "no, no, I would love to." He smiles "great can't wait."

~3 years later~

I can't believe this! I start crying happy tears. "Babe, I'm home!" I hear my handsome boyfriend say from downstairs. I wipe my tears, hide my bag and go downstairs greeting him with a peck on the lips "Hey babe, how was the meeting?" He shrugs "Same as always, talking release dates and tours, so how was your day?" I smile and he gives me a confused expression. "Klaudia?" I smile "um, Ross, you're going to be a dad."

He looks at me shocked "We're having a baby?" I nod happily tears forming again "We're having a baby Ross." He hugs me lifting me off the ground. "We're having a baby!" I nod smiling "Yea we are." "Well I was waiting for something romantic but this is better." He says and now I'm the one giving the confused expression.

He gets down on one knee and I cover my mouth as more tears come down. "Klaudia, will you marry me?" I nod as fast as I could "Yes, yes, yes!"

This is for @klaudiaklaur5. Hope you like it ! Sorry for the long wait ❤


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