Riker Image for Luna

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Luna POV

Just another boring day at my job at Starbucks. Yea I love Starbucks but not when I have to make the orders for other people haha. I walk in, put on my uniform and start working at the register. "Luna, we're having some trouble in the back can you help us?" A coworker asked. "Of course!" I said walking to the back when I heard the bell. We left a bell on the counter that says  'ring me for service'. "Just a second! I'll be right with you!" I say.

"There you go!" I say and go wash my hands. "Hi how can I help you?" I look up and see R5! "No way! You guys are R5!" I say excited. Rocky laughed "yea, are you a fan?" I nod "Yea a huge fan!" They laugh and order.

"Ryland" I said as his order was ready. "Thank you" I smile and in another 5 minutes I say "Ross" "thanks" he says and walks with Ryland to the car. "Rocky" "gracias!" He says being his goofy self. "Rydel" I say "thank you!" She says "Ellington" he smiles grabs his dribk and goes to the car with Rocky and Rydel.

"Riker" he came up with a smile. "Thanks hey want to go to dinner with me today?" I blush "like on a date?" He laughs "yea a date." I blush more "I would love to." "Great!" He said and we exchanged numbers.

○5 years later○

Another boring day of working in Starbucks. I did everything I usually do. Put on my uniform, go help a coworker until the bell rang. "Just a second!" I say. "Hurry mommy!" I heard a voice and I smiled. When I finished I washed my hand and went to the counter to see my 5 year old daughter Kimberly.

"Kimberly! What a surprise, what are you doing here sweetie. "Daddy brought me" she said handing me a letter. "Thank you" I say taking it and opening it

Dear Luna,

  Today was the day I entered this place and I fell in love with you. This letter may not have a lot of words but this place does so please look up and say "no way! You're R5!"

Love Riker♡

I smile and look up seeing Kimberly in Riker's arms surrounded by R5. "No way! You're R5!" I say. Riker smiled and said "happy 5th anniversary Starbucks girl." I smile they order and later on Riker took me to dinner with our daughter Kimberly Rose Lynch. Man I love my job at Starbucks.

Image of Riker for ryliviasdork hope you like it!


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