Ross image for Nati

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Nati POV
It's been 2 months since I realized my crush for Ross. I've been flirting giving him hints and he still doesn't get it! I'm so stressed! I entered the Lynch living room and threw myself on the couch not even noticing Ryland was there and I ended up on his lap.

"Sorry Ry Ry " I laugh. "It's ok, stay, I can tell you're stressed." I smile "I am, your brother still hasn't noticed!" I say frowning. He hugs me and I hug back snuggling into him for comfort. "Thanks Ry, I can always count on you" I smile. "You know it Nati" he said stroking my hair.

Ross POV
I can't believe what I'm saying. Ryland and I were playing video games. I come downstairs and see Nati on his lap, snuggling into him while he strokes her hair. Is something going on between them? I don't care, right?

"Hey Nati" I say trying not to show my jealousy. "Hey Ross" she says. "Nati want to play pool?" Ryland asks her. "I don't know how to play." She admits. "Come, I'll teach you" he says taking her to the pool table and putting his arm around her teaching her how to play. I felt something tingle in my body. Am I jealous? No. My big brother instinct came up that's it. Right?

*two weeks later*

Ross POV
It's been 2 weeks and Ryland and Nati can't seem to seperate! I admit it.... I like Nati. But how am I suppose to tell her when Ryland never leaves her side?!? I walk into the living and see them cuddling watching Grease and couldn't control it anymore

"Can you guys stop acting so lovey dovey!?!" Ryland was about to talk but I kept going "Nati I like you! I just never got the guts to say! And I know you're with Ryland but-" I get cut off by her lips on mine. When she pulls away she says "Ryland and I aren't together, he's been cheering me up because I thought you didn't like me" Ryland laughed and said "yea dude I would never ever steal one of my brother's girl ever"

I laugh, fist pump him and wrap my arms around Nati's waist "good because I wasn't going to let her go" she smiles and kisses me. I can see Ryland from the corner of my eye taking pictures of us but I don't care. All I care is that Nati is in my arms and I won't be letting go anytime soon

Hope you like it @r5spanda ❤ if you want an image private message me! Request are recently opened ❤


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