Riker Image for Kyla

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*Warning:  sexual content so if you don't like that you can skip this one *

*Riker walks in the house*

Riker: what's up guys!

Courtney: hey Riker what's up?

Riker: nothing much where's Kyla?

Courtney: Oh she went upstairs to get ready to take a shower Ross and I are going out

Riker: ok cool! Who else is here?

Courtney: No one rydellington went out too, Rocky and Ryland left to play hockey for an hour or so

Ross:*goes downstairs* I'm ready Court, oh hey Riker

Riker: sup little bro

Courtney: finally! You do know if the girl's ready before the guy that's a problem

Ross: not for us because we're special

Courtney: Ok whatever let's go *giggles* bye Riker *walks out*

Riker: bye Court! Take care of her dude

Ross: I will later bro *walks out*

Riker: later *walks to Kyla's room* Ky?

Kyla:*peeks head out of bathroom* yea?

Riker: you took a shower already?

Kyla: yea, why?

Riker: come out here

Kyla: ok? *comes out in a robe*

Riker: damn! You look hot *hugs her waist* you make me want to do things to you *smirks*

Kyla:*smirks* well we're alone aren't we?

Riker: right! *kisses her with a lot of lust and passion*

Kyla:*kisses back with more lust and passion and unbuttons Riker's shirt*

Riker:*kisses her jawline and then her neck while she's unbuttoning his shirt*

Kyla:*groans* R-i-iker *takes off his shirt and traces circles around his abs*

Riker:*groans and gives her a hickey*

Kyla: *takes off robe,  revealing only her bra and underwear*

Riker: Dang babe you look hot!

Kyla:*smirks* glad you like what you see *takes off his pants so he's only left with boxers*

Riker:*takes off her bra and sucks on her nipple*

Kyla: oh god! *groans* Riker! *takes off his boxers*

Riker:*lines himself into her entrance* you sure babe?

Kyla: more than sure

Riker: ok *puts himself in her and kisses her with a lot of passion*

Kyla: *moans through the kiss*

Riker:*thrust in and out of her*

*an hour later they are laying down with a blanket covering them*

Riker: that. Was. Amazing!

Kyla:*laughs* it was, I love you Riker

Riker: I love you too Kyla,  round 2? *smirks*

Kyla:*smirks* oh you know it

Image for Rikergirl1991 hope you like it! ❤ comment and vote

Drea 💕

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