Ross Image for Lala

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Lala POV

"No, yea, I'll be there, don't worry" "cool see you there!" I say hanging up on Ross. "Let's go guys!" Ryland tells out and we all go to the car. "Where are we going again?" Rydel asks since she wasn't paying attention. "Only the best place in LA during October!" Rocky says and at the same time Ryland, Rocky and I yell Knott's Scary Farm!" She rolls her eyes because of how energetic we are.

"Lala!" I turn to see Ross waving. I smile and pat Rydel's shoulder pointing to Ross and we all walk over to him. "Hey blondie!" I say hugging him after he greets his siblings. "What's up Lala!" He says and hugs me tight. "Not much, so ready to go?" He shakes his head "I'm waiting on Courtney, she went to the car to get her jacket." He says as I nod but I'm not too happy of her being here.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late!" Courtney says running up to us "here you go babe," she says handing Ross his sweater. "Thanks love." Ross says kissing her cheek. Ugh! Can't that be me?!?!

As Rydel, Ratliff, Riker and I were in line to a ride Rydel taps me. "I saw the way you looked at Ross, you like him don't you!? Oohh!" She says and I shush her. "Don't tell please!" I beg and she nods.

Ross POV

Courtney and I were in line to get food when she says something surprising. "You want to break up don't you?" I look at her. "What! No! Why would you say that?!" She rolls her eyes "you act like I don't see the way you look at Lala, not once have you looked at me the way you look at her. Admit it Ross, you like her maybe even love." I look at her and sigh "I'm sorry Court, we've had an awesome 2 years together but I can't help what I feel for Lala." I say and she nods.

"I get it, thanks for saving me the pain of watching you get all flirty with her." Courtney says and I don't know if she's sarcastic indicating I've hurt her or if she was being sincere. When I was gonna ask her what she meant it was our turn to order food. We got the food and headed to the gang not saying anything. "Alright! Rocky here's your nachos, Riker your hot dog, rydellington your cotton candy and last but not least the greatest burger in the whole world, for one pretty lady, Lala." I say and Lala blushes "thanks Ross." I look at Courtney looking down to the floor a bit uncomfortable, so she wasn't lying.

"I should get going," Courtney says and hugs everyone except Lala and me. Instead she grabs my hand in her hand and kisses my cheek. "I'll never forget you, good luck rockstar." She said and I can tell she was about to cry and she walks away. I open my hand and see she left the R ring necklace I gave her when we started dating in my hand. I run after her but she turned and we bumped into each other. "I was gonna go back and get my necklace back." She laughs pointing to the necklace she gave me that I never took off. I shake my head.

"I want to keep it. It reminds me of one of the most awesome person I had in my life," I say and she smiles. "And I want you to keep this," I say putting the R ring necklace back around her neck. She smiles and kisses my cheek "thanks good luck with Lala." She says and walks away.

Lala POV

Did Ross and Courtney fight? Because he ran after her once she left. Maybe? I don't know. When Ross came back, he still had Courtney's necklace... they didn't break up. "Hey Lala can I talk to you?" He asks and I nod following him. "What's u-" I was cut off from a pair of soft lips pressed on mine. When we pulled away I was about to ask so many questions but he told me before I asked.

"Courtney and I broke up, we kept each other's necklaces as a memory. But I have had a crush on you for a month. Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks smiling his famous dashing smile. "You have no idea how long I wanted you to do that." I smile and pull him back into a kiss. He's finally mine. :)

This is for @4LRossR5 , hope you like it! Please like, comment and request new ones! Love you guys!


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