Ross Image for Lara

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I am so happy but scared at the same time. What will Ross say? I am heading to the Lynch house. Him and I live together but he decided to visit his family. I knock on the door nervous, shaking even. "Hey Lara!" Riker says hugging me. "Hey Riker!" I hug back. I went in and saw everyone in the living room except my boyfriend.

"Hey guys, where's Ross?" I ask playing with my fingers. "I think he's in his old room. Is everything okay? You look worried." Rocky says. "Umm." I told them and they were shocked but supported. "Luck." They say as I head to Ross and Ryland's old room and knock. "Go away Ryland!" He says and I chuckle walking in "why do you assume I'm Ryland?" He turns "Hey babe, what are you doing here?" He says pecking my lips.

"I have some new!" I say excitedly but also nervously. "What's up?" He asks and I sit on Ryland's bed and he sat on his bed. "Ross we've been together for 3 years." He nods a bit confused. "I think what we have is amazing, the best relationship out there." I say and he smiles "me too." He say and I smile. "Ross, babe, I'm pregnant." He stares blankly at me. "Ross?" I ask scared.


A baby? Pregnant? What! How?! I don't know how to react so the first thing I thought I did. "What?! How could we let this happen?!" She looks at me shocked. "What do you mean? Do you not want a kid?" She asks. "Of course I do, but we're only 21!!" She starts to tear up. "Well I'm sorry for ruining your life with our child." A tears down her cheek and she sighs standing up "uh, I should go." She says and leaves my room.

"Lara!" I say following her downstairs but before I could catch up to her she was out the door. "Ross what did you do?!" Rydel asks. "I got angry when she told me she was pregnant." She smacks my head. "Oww!" "You idiot! That's your baby! And you get mad!?! Go apologize to her!!" I nod and get my keys and run to my car.

When I got to our place I run inside "Lara?!?" Nothing, I walk into our bedroom and saw a note on my drawer. No! No! No! No! Please no!

Dear Ross,

I really don't know what went wrong.
I guess you just don't want to be a father, I get that. . . I guess. I am really sorry, I know your career is just taking off and me bringing you the news of you becoming a father broke that chance. Don't worry, I won't bother you about that. I'll always love you. But for now it's goodbye, have fun rockstar ♡


No! No! This is my fault! I have to find her! Where would she go? Aha! Her friend Rachel's place! I get in the car and drive there. I knock on the door and Rachel opens it. "Oh, hey Ross." "Hey Rachel, is Lara here? I really have to talk to her." "Uh, yea come on in she's in her old room." I go up to her room and knock "not in the mood Rachel." I open the door, "why do you assume I'm Rachel?"

She turns on her bed and sit up with her eyes filled with tears. "What are you doing here?" She asks wiping her eyes. "Lara, I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. I do want to be a dad, especially when you're the mom." "Really?" She asks wiping her eyes. "Really." I say. "I'm sorry, I love you Lara please move back, let's have a baby and get married in the future, huh?" She smiles "that sounds nice." I smile and kiss her lips. "I can't believe we're gonna be parents." She smiles "me neither."

~4 years later~

"Mom! Mom!" I hear my 4 year old daughter say running towards me. "What's up, Marie?" "When's daddy coming home?" "How about now?" Ross says walking in the door. "Dad!" Marie says running up to him as he picks her up. "Princess!" He says and I smile. Ross is a perfect dad to Marie, he plays with her, shops with her, he's the perfect dad.

We got married a few months before Marie was born. "Hey babe!" He says kissing me. "Same old meeting?" I ask and he nods plopping down on the couch "you know it." I smile "Hey Ross, I'm really glad we worked everything out and raised Marie together." He smiles "me too, I love that kid so much!" He laughs and smile. "Well I hope you love the next one just as much." He turns to me with a shocked expression.

"No way!" I nod "I'm pregnant again." He smiles and kisses me "I can't wait. Marie you're going to be a big sister!" "Yay!!!" Marie shout and I smile. I love my family.


This is for @ross_is_my_drug hope you like it, sorry for the long wait ❤


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