Ross image for Linda

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Linda POV
I'm so excited! R5 have been on their New Addictions tour. They are going to be playing in New York today and I decided to fly out and surprise my friends and also because I miss my boyfriend Ross Lynch. I am already here but I'm waiting for 10 minutes until the concert starts to surprise him. Everyone knows I'm here but him.

I walk to their dressing rooms with my backstage pass. I knock on the main door which is the hang out where they get their hair and makeup done. "Hello people" I say opening the door getting squished into a hug by everyone except the special someone I  want to surprise.

"Where's Ross?" I ask. "Getting dressed in his dressing room" Ratliff said laughing. Rocky slapped the back of his head "she isn't suppose to find out" "find out what?" I asked worried. "Uh, find out that Ross is ummm sick, right sick." Riker said not convincing enough. "Idiots" Rydel rolls her eyes.

I go to Ross' seperate dressing room suspecting something. I heard some moan coming from his room. He can't be. I open the door and see Ross and Laura making out on his couch with Ross shirtless. I start to cry and say quietly "Ross?!". He looks over and see him with a shock face.

"Linda, what are you doing here?" "Surprising my boyfriend but I guess he surprised me, we're over Ross, have a good time out there" I cry and run out his room. "Linda wait!" The rest of the band told me. "I can't believe you guys were helping him keep this secret from me!!" I scream while sobbing. "Linda we're sorry-" I cut Ratliff off.

"Save it! I'm staying for the concert but after that I never want to see you people again!" I say walking out to the crowd crying.

The concert was about to end when they shined a light on me. "Linda, we made a terrible mistake and we want to make it up to you. Hit it Ratliff" Ross announced. They started singing One Last Dance. 

By the end of the song, I was in tears, tears of joy. Ross pulled me up on stage and said "I'm sorry I was stupid to hurt you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please forgive me" I kiss him and say "I forgive you blondie"

The crowd went wild, the rest of the band came,  group hugged and knew I love these people to stay mad at them for so long.

This is for @fairylindastar ! Hope you like it! Comment and vote! Love you guys!

Drea ♡

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