Girl Squad Image for Klaudia

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"Hey guys I'm Rydel! Welcome back to my channel! As you can see I'm inside a fort that my lovely guest/best friends helped me build! Come on out guys!" Rydel says and all at once Courtney, Vanni, Alexa and I pop out "heyo!" We all say and we laugh. "Introduce yourselves!" Rydel says. "I'm Alexa!" Courtney says. "I'm Rydel!" Vanni says. "I'm Vanni!" I say. "I'm Klaudia!" Vanni says. "Who am I?" Alexa asks and we all laugh. "You're Rydel." Vanni whispers. "No you are!" Rydel says.

"No, I said I'm Klaudia." Vanni said. "But you said you were Rydel first." I say. "Ohh, wait what?" Vanni asks and we all laugh. "She's Alexa, she's Courtney, she's Rydel, she's Vanni and I'm Klaudia. Continuing!" We laugh. "Alright so we are doing a  girl squad Q&A for this video so let me grab my phone." Rydel says and gets up as the rest of us grab a piece of pizza. "Alrighty! Let's begin!" Rydel says sitting down. "Yay!" We say clapping.

"Ok first question is for Klaudia! How did you meet all of us?" Rydel asks and I say quiet and the girls laugh. "I'm sorry, I have to remember how I met all of y'all!" I say laughing. I put my pizza down and clap "ok I'm going down the line starting with Alexa." I laugh "gosh! Let me think!" I say and everyone laughs. "Oh! I remember! I met Alexa for the very first time when I came to one of Rydel's tea parties! Right?" I say and Alexa laughs nodding "Yea we did." I smiles "yes! Ok Courtney! I remember really fast! I met Courtney through a photo shoot we had together." I say and she high fives me "Alright!" She says and we laugh. "Rydel and I met in dance class." She nods smiling. "Alright, Vanni if I'm not mistaken, we met at yoga right?" She nods "Yea girl!" We laugh.

"I feel a bit offended you only had to think about mine for a while but whatever continuing." Alexa says and we laugh. "No I love you girl!" I say hugging her and she laughs hugging back. "Ok! Next question! Vanni you ask it, I'll answer." Rydel says handing Vanni the phone. "Alright, what's the squad's favorite show  to watch together?" Vanni asks. "This is easy! We were watching it last night! Vampire Dairies! Boom!" Rydel says and fists bumps Courtney.

"Ok Klaudia ask, Alexa answer." Rydel says and Vanni hands me the phone. Alexa puts her pizza down "crap! Got to get ready!"She says and we laugh.  "Anyways, ok, what do you like about every single one of us?" I ask her. "Damn! I have to think!" She says and we gasps. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" She laughs. "Ok starting from Klaudia. I love her goofy, kind personality and her openness to new acquaintances." We all start to laugh of her use of acquaintances. "I know but it's true!" Courtney says. "Yea, true!" Rydel says "ok vanni, I love how sweet and how easily loveable she is and I love how creative she is." Alexa says and Vanni smiles "thanks." She says. "Rydel, we just like flow together." She says and we all start laughing. "Me and Rydel just laugh together all day, that's all we do." She says. "And Courtney. . ." She says. "That pause!" Courtney says and we all laugh. "Courtney's so like exotic, I feel like, she's just amazing. That was the hardest one!" She says.

"Okay Alexa ask, Courtney answer." Rydel says and I hand the phone to Alexa. "Alright ready Courtney?" Alexa asks. "Is it ok to say no?" She says and we laugh. "No." Alexa says and we laugh even more. "Ok, Courtney, what's Klaudia's favorite food?" Courtney looks at me "that's freaking easy! She eats it all the time! Hawaiian pizza!" She says. I nod "ya girl!" I say high fiving her. "Okay Courtney ask, I'll answer." Rydel says and Alexa hands the phone to Courtney.

"Okay, Rydel. What's our favorite place to go to?" Courtney asks. "Easy! Beach!" She says taking the phone from Courtney. "Ok, Vanni. What's Klaudia's favorite male actor?" "Joseph Morgan! She talk about him 24/7!" Vanni says and I nod. "Yep, very true!" I say taking the phone from Vanni. "Alexa what do we mostly do?" I ask. "We like to jam out. Klaudia on guitar, Courtney on keyboard, me on drums, Vanni on bass and Rydel sings. Or we just go out and take a bunch of pictures." She says and takes the phone from me.

"Okay Courtney. Squad's favorite song at the moment?" Alexa asks. "Easy! We were listening to it before we started this video! Problem by Ariana Grande! Boom!" She says fist bumping Rydel and taking the phone from Alexa.

"Ok Rydel. Our favorite movie to watch as a group?" Courtney asks. "Easy! The Fault in Our Star. It's an amazing movie man!" Rydel says taking the phone. "Yess!!" The rest of us say agreeing with her.

"Vanni, who's the better cook in the squad?" Rydel asks. "Oh that's hard because we're all so good at cooking different things but both cooking and baking, I have to say Rydel and Klaudia." Vanni says. "Yea, I only make salads." Courtney says pretending to be sad but then screams happily "but the best salads ever!" We laugh and nod.

"Klaudia, who's the most creative of the group?" Vanni asks. "Oh that's hard because we're all creative, but in our own way. Can I leave it like that?" I say. "Of course!" Vanni says handing me the phone.

"Alexa, what's our nicknames?" I ask. "That's the easiest thing ever! Not fair!" Courtney says and we all laugh. "Whatever Courtney." Alexa laughs. "Anyways, for Klaudia it's Klau, for Vanni, well that's already her nickname since her name is Savannah." She says and we all laugh. "Rydel's nickname is Delly, Courtney's is Court and mine is Lexi." She says taking the phone. "Ok Court, what's Klaudia's favorite donut?" Alexa asks. "The pink one with little sprinkles duh." She says and takes the phone.

"What's the best concert we went to together?" Courtney asks Rydel. "Selena Gomez concert!" She says taking the phone. "Vanni, what's our favorite memory together?" Rydel asks. "Oh, when Courtney, Klaudia and I went on tour with your band and we traveled Europe and Japan." She says. "Oh yess!" Courtney, Rydel and I say. "Klaudia what are our favorite activities to do together?"

"Easy as pie! Karaoke singing and playing cards." They all nod. "That's what we're known for." We laugh. "Alright Alexa, if we got matching tattoos, what would it be?" I asked. "#Girlsquad on our pinkies." Alexa says and we laugh. "Alright Courtney, who's the best party planner?" Alexa asks. "Uh Rydel, duh!" She says taking the phone. "Alright I'll answer the last question." Rydel says.

"Ok Rydel, who is Vanni's and my boyfriends?" Courtney asked and we all laugh. "What kind of question is that?" Rydel says and we laugh more. "I don't know but it says that look." She says showing her the phone. "Ok, Vanni's boyfriend is my older brother Riker and Courtney's boyfriend is my younger brother Ross." Rydel says and we keep laughing about the question. Once we calm down Rydel starts talking, "Okay, well that's it for this week's video! Hope you guys like it! Thank you to these great girls for joining me." Rydel says and we group hug. "Bye!" We all say at the same time.
This is for @KlaudiaKlauR5 , hope you like it! Please comment and vote! Love you guys


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