Ross Image for Natalie

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Natalie's POV:
Today is the last day that Ross is on tour! I finally get to see him again! We've been dating seen we were 19 now we're 21. He always says he's busy so I can't wait to see him again! He's playing here in L.A. and I'm backstage with Ryland, Stormie and Mark.

Ross: thank you Los Angeles! *runs backstage and hugs Natalie* I missed you

Natalie: I missed you too *kisses him*

Ross:*kiss back but pulls away* I'll be back I have to talk to Rydel's friend Courtney

Natalie: ok

*30 minutes later*

Natalie: hey Delly have you've seen Ross he's been gone for 30 minutes

Rydel: I think he's in his dressing room

Natalie: thanks

I as walked in to his room I saw something I dreaded seeing HE WAS KISSING COURTNEY EATON!

Natalie:*sobbing* Ross?!

Ross: Natalie let me explain

Natalie: no need! I can't believe it! 1 year not seeing me because of tour and the day you come back you cheat on me

Ross: I -

Natalie: I don't want to hear it! *runs to her car, cries, and drives home*

I can't believe he would do that to me, he know how insecure and I have depression. I'm surprised I didn't cut while they were on tour but now that he cheated on me I will

Ross POV:
I can't believe I just did that I have to find her quick, she has depression and is insecure! I can't let anything happen to her

Ross: I'm sorry Court I didn't mean to friends?

Courtney: friends. Now go find your girl before something happens

Ross: thanks *runs to Natalie's house, gets his spare key unlocks the door and runs to the bathroom knocking * Natalie! Natalie! Don't do anything to yourself please!

Natalie:*sobbing* why shouldn't I?

Ross: if you love me out down the razor and open the door please *tears forming after a while of her not opening the door*

Natalie: *opens door and stares* there I did it *goes to her room *

Ross: Natalie! Natalie! *grabs her arm*

Natalie: *flinches from pain* oww

Ross:*looks at her arm, sees scars, tears forming again* why?

Natalie: what do you care?! Go to Courtney !

Ross: Courtney is just a friend I swear!

Natalie: then why did you kiss her!!??!!

Ross: because I asked her to practice with me something for a date I planned for us and I got so much in the moment that I thought she was you and kissed her!

Natalie: how do I know you're not lying?!?

Courtney:*walks in* he's telling the truth Natalie,  I would never do that to a friend and I'm sure he didn't mean it he loves you

Natalie: ok I believe you guys *hugs them*

Courtney: well Ross why don't you take her to the special date?

Ross: it's not ready yet

Courtney: it is the gang and I did it to help you bye *walks off*

Ross: ok then *holds out his arm* shall we go my lady?

Natalie:*smiles, put her arm through his* we shall

*they get to the beach in the sunset with a table with candles, rose petals*

Natalie: Ross this is amazing! But why would a kiss be needed tonight?

Ross: for celebration depending what you say

Natalie: what do you me- *gasp when he gets down in one knee with a box*

Ross: Natalie,  we've been together for 2 years and I have loved every single moment of it. When you said yes to being my girlfriend I couldn't focus because I was so happy of having the most beautiful girlfriend. I would be stupid to let you go so I want to label you mine forever so do me a favor by becoming Mrs. Natalie Lynch?

Natalie: Yes! A hundred times yes!

Ross: *put ring on her finger and kisses her*

Natalie: *kisses back*

Ross: and that's the story of mommy and daddy

Ryder(6): That's cute!

Rachel (9): yay! I can't wait til I'm 19 and find a boyfriend like mommy did!

Ross: umm you missy won't have a boyfriend until 23

Rachel: mom!

Natalie: Ross! *glares at him*

Ross: fine fine 19 It is

Rachel: yay!

Natalie: now go to bed little rascals we're going to grandma Stormie's and grandpa Mark's house tomorrow

Ryder: yay! Uncle Rikerand Rocky and Ryland !

Rachel: yay! Aunt Delly!

Natalie & Ross: goodnight kiddos

Ryder & Rachel: night mommy and daddy

Ross: I love our little family

Natalie: me too

*they kiss*

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Drea 🌸

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