Ross Image for Nati

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Nati's POV:

I was simply laying in my bed that I share with my boyfriend Ross Lynch. He's amazing, let me tell you. I was watching TV when I heard the door open and shut. Ross came upstairs and gave me a peck on the lips. "Hey babe!How was work?" I asked him. "Same old same old. A fan was rude to Vanni and Riker had a fit. We had to hold him down and Vanni had to take his phone so he wouldn't tweet something he'd regret later." I smiled and answered "sounds like you had an interesting day." We talked for a little while longer and watched Iron Chef America. When the episode  ended Ross said he was going to be downstairs for a while.

Ross' POV

I got an idea! Bobby Flay is about to make steak so I decided to turn on the TV in the kitchen and make a fancy steak for me and Nati. I got the meat out and began following his steps as he spoke. I wanted to do this for her because she's my everything. I don't know what I would do if we broke it off. I'm going to marry her someday, when the time is right. As the show came back on from commercials, the steak was almost ready, so I took the steak and put it on the plate. As I did that, I went to the door  because I heard a car pull up in front of our house. It was the strawberry shortcake I had ordered. I'm not the one to bake cakes like Rydel, so I ordered one. I assembled the tray and started going up the stairs to our room. 

Nati's POV:

Something smells really good, or maybe Bobby Flay is just so good at making the food come to life in your bedroom. As I kept thinking and my mouth kept watering. Ross walked into the room with STEAK AND SODA! He brought it over to my side of the bed and began serving. When he was done being "The handsome waiter" he came and sat by me and wee cuddled as we ate and watched more TV. "Thank you Mr. Lynch. I can't believe you actually managed to copy THE Bobby Flay!" He smiled down at me with those cute dimples and beautiful hazel eyes and replied, "Anything for my lady!" This day couldn't get better! Then Ross cleared the dishes and brought back up a strawberry shortcake. Maybe this day could get better. After we ate and cuddled. I looked up at Ross and said "Why'd you do this for me?" "Because I love you no matter what, because you're my everything and you need to know that," He answered. "Well thank you and I love you more!" "No,you don't. I love you more." "Yeah right!" I have the best boyfriend no matter what anyone says! 


hope you like it NatiR5er ! If you want another one you could always message me instagram or here love you all 


Drea <3

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