Preference #3: How You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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Riker: "Shit!" You said to yourself. "...this...can'" You add as you pause on every word. "Hey are you ok up there?" Rydel asks you. You ran out of the bathroom and hugged Rydel with tears in your eyes. "What did Rocky do now!?" She asked. "Haha nice try but it isn't Rocky, it's Riker." You said. "I'm...pregnant." You finally said. Rydel jumped up and down while clapping her hands. "OMG! I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE! She says excitedly.  "Shhhh! Someone may hear you. I think Riker's home!" You said while glancing down the stairs and he was. "Baby I'm home!" He yelled as he came upstairs and saw you crying. "What did Rocky do now?" He said and pulled you into a hug. "Everyone's saying it's Rocky's fault." You said as you laugh. "What is it then? You're starting to worry me." He said. "Okay fine!.......I'm......Pregnant and it's yours." You stated. "Wait... Wait?! I'm going to be a father?!" You giggle softly and nodded. "I'll be the best dad in the world for this baby." He said and pulled you into a kiss.

Ross: *A week earlier* No no no no" You say as you run to the bathroom and puke your guts out. You felt horrible. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Your half asleep husband asks you. "Yeah. Probably just ate something bad." You said and fell back asleep. *Present* "(Y/N) I'm home." He said while skipping a stair each time. You didn't respond. "Hey Rydel where's (Y/N)?" He said without a clue. You heard the whole conversation. "Uhhh bathroom I guess." She said as she pointed at the bathroom door. "Babe are you ok?" He asked with worry. No response. Come on babe you're scaring me!" He said this while opening the bathroom door and saw you on the floor, he ran to your side. "I'm so sorry." "Why? What did y.... " He stopped and looked at your other side and saw 10 pregnancy tests with all positives. "No, really?!?" He said with a confusing tone. "I'm sorry." You were about to start crying. "Babe, please don't cry. Listen we'll make this work, I'll be the best dad ever." He said while kissing your head and stomach. "Hi baby can't wait to meet you. " He said and you smiled.

Rocky: "so mommy when are you gonna tell daddy?" Rocky's and your 4 year old daughter asked. "Today! We're picking daddy up from the airport." You said and sighed. You didn't have a clue on how Rocky was going to react when you tell him you're having another child. You were worried, and thought he was going to leave. You and your daughter hopped in the car and drove to the airport. You waited only 10 minutes for them. The only way you can tell they're here is when the fans screamed. Just as you saw Rocky, you and your daughter ran to him. "I missed my girls." He said with tear falling down. "Mommy," your daughter said while nudging your arm, giving you the signal. "What you didn't miss our boy?" He was clueless. "Look down." You smiled. He was a little confused, but then he got it. "No way!" He kissed you. "We're having a boy, I like the sound of that." He said

Ratliff: You were at the Ratliff's for family dinner night. You had Cheryl's homemade stew, it's like heaven. You started throwing up in your mouth. "Honey are you alright?" Ell asked you. "Yeah. Excuse me I'll be right back." You drag yourself up and walked fast into the bathroom. One by one you saw all the food that you ate was mashed and dumped into the toilet. "Mom. Dad I'll be right back." Ell said while running to the bathroom door. Ell closed the door behind him and said "Babe what's wrong?" "Ell there's something I've been trying to tell you for the past month now." You said with a sad attitude. "(Y/N) please tell me I'm worried." He responded.  "Ell you're going to be a dad." You finally said and got it out of your system. "Really?! This is amazing! But, why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asked. "I...Didn't want you to leave..." You said responding to his question. "That's crazy! I would never EVER leave." He said with tears in his eyes. He leaned in... you stopped and said "you want the taste of a vomit mouth?" "If it's you definitely!" He said then kissed you passionately.

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