Chapter 19 (Where You Belong)

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I stalked away from the deceased Chocolate Labrador, retreating from emotion. If those animals had seen me in pain again, I may have to kill them all, I thought to myself.

I pulled the Glass Unicorn out of my large inside jacket pocket. After all of my energy being wasted on this thing, it had best be worth something.

The glass had seemed to grow dull, as though turning into a shade of grey. The clouds above had turned a grey color, and thunder boomed off in the distance. When a Chosen One/Animal dies, destruction upon Earth will devour, yet only temporarily. I had read an article about us "Chosen One" folk in the governmental files, at least before I burned every record of us to nothing but ash.

People stared on the opposite side of the street just in time for my phone to buzz with a picture of Samantha's face, as well as my own.

"'Chosen Ones' on the loose".
I quickly tapped upon the linked website, to which I was lead to an entire article about everything. Even about the Spirit. I looked around at everyone's staring faces cautiously, and ran for the hills. People jumped aside as though I had Leprosy, screeching in the process.

Eventually, I arrived at the lake. Just before I rushed into the waters, I stopped midway on the shore, staring back at Pollina.

"Going somewhere?" She mocked. She had a malicious grin as she looked off aside me. I spun around to get covered in brown slime, cascaded inside of it. I saw Pollina on the outside, yet in a brown pigment that was blurry. The slime blocked out my hearing as I "floated" inside. Yet, the monster I was stuck inside of whooshed off, carrying me with it. I witnesses nothing in sight, therefore we were going far too fast for my eye to even get a glimpse of the hell I'm headed toward.


Samantha sobbed upon the body of Molly as the animals stared in disbelief and denial at their friend that they've known for centuries. Eventually, Samantha pulled me down onto my knees, only to throw her shaky body into my arms. I had never been any good at comforting, but at least I tried.

She gripped harshly onto my jacket, surely leaving water marks upon my shirt from tears. I never have and never will understand the point in feeling sorry for those you do not know. At least, not if they're already dead. All of the animals started to cry as well, everyone aside from Sammy and I. Yet, Sammy nodded respectfully at Molly, as though she was a soildger that had died on the battlefield.
They were all such sob stories. It was time for me to be the Sam Wartext of the group.

"You all need to get a grip on yourselves," I blurted, pulling Samantha from my body. She stared up at me in treacherous tears as I stood onto my feet. "This is truly ridiculous. You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Whenever one of your partners die, you just wanna give up and cry," I spouted out, throwing my hands upon my face into fists, making a gesture of crying.

"You just let the enemy take off with what was ours, and then you cry about it. You don't have a reason to cry!" I stared down at all of their shocked faces, and ended on Sammy.

"Viberant, none of this is our fault. Not any of us," Sammy said, shaking his head downward. "You are the Chosen Ones. The only ones that can do something about it is you, Samantha, and Sam. We are simply here to train you."

"Because you're all trained so well?" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air.

"We are already trained. We are not aloud to participate in any of the actions, unless you presently got yourself into trouble, and we had to pull your ass out of it!" Sammy seemed to get just as emotional as I had. "Look, we have to find more of you. The Spirit hasn't decided who. There are many choices, many other supernatural creatures. If any of the three of you give up, we have to find more, otherwise it will be the end. Jade and Dillon were failures. They did everything right until the very end. Until they couldn't take it."

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