Chapter 18 (Remembrance)

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"One time, I had stolen the only piece of bread left from my Mother." Sam sobbed. "She used to starve us for weeks." She stared down at Samantha's body emotionlessly, yet with tears streaming down her face, as well as mine. "I took it all for myself. The selfish little brat I am."
The Chosen Animals still surrounded her body, as though this was a funeral. Spilling tears and hearts, alongside depressing memories.
"When Mother found out, she went ballistic. She threatened to kill the child who stole. Samantha knew what I had done. Yet, she took the blame." Sam's voice cracked as she looked up into my eyes. "How could someone so good suffer the most?"
Sam obviously needed support, yet I couldn't. Everyone I take under my wing ends up like Samantha. Dead. Like Ember War... the child I felt pity for, and took care of. Yet, in the end, they all end up the same. Either dead or monstrous human beings.
Everything I touch, I destroy. Samantha is now just another victim of my humanity. I should have never bent her delicate wings. When my weight is added to the mix, everything and everyone comes crashing down at their own expense.
Samantha suddenly jolted up from what looked like (and was) a deadly slumber. She arose to her feet as everyone stared in disbelief. Molly has moved away from Sam after trying to comfort her. Samantha looked directly at me, and darted her eyes towards Sam.
"There's something you should all know."


"What is it?" I spoke impatiently, wiping away the sympathy tears that ran down my face. They all saw me at my weakest. They know how pathetic I am.
"I made a deal with Satan to save the world, as well as our lovely town," Samantha said in detail, as though stalling. Viberant simply gazed upon her like he didn't want to know. As though all he wanted was to hold her... Ew.
"What did you do?" Viberant asked expectantly, as though hoping that it was not whatever he had assumed. Samantha stared dumbly at Viberant, as though she couldn't speak. So I gladly did it for her.
"Okay, look. Just tell us what you did, Samantha. I mean, what could you have possibly done that's so bad? Sold your soul to the devil?" I started to laugh, yet Samantha turned a cold stare. Viberant had closed his eyes, and turned his head down towards the floor, as if in denial. The animals looked away from me, not wanting to admit the tragedy that had occurred.
"You what?" I spoke quietly, after my loud chuckle turned into a faint cackle.
"Doing so, Satan told me that I would endure pain. But I'm not dead," Samantha said, stepping towards me as though there was something to hope for.
"This isn't any better," Viberant had spoken for the first time. He made long eye contact with Samantha, then made a facial expression as though repulsed. "You shouldn't have done that."
Viberant stormed off into his room, away from the crowd. I simply shook my head at Samantha.
"Was I supposed to just let everyone die?" Samantha blurted.
"Well, yeah," I stated.
"That's selfish."
I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm a selfish person."
"The only reason we are here is to save normal people from Satan. What's the point of us if there's no reason to fight?" Samantha had never looked so serious in her life.
Suddenly, Samantha crumbled to her knees, screaming out in pain. The animals scurried up to her as Viberant busted out of his bedroom. Tears stained his face on this miserable moment. I wiped at my face once again, (making sure to wipe away all remains of emotions) and ran towards Samantha.


Here I am, pacing on dangerous grounds, waiting for the dearest match maker. He told me to meet here, yet he hasn't shown up. Now would be a terrible time for him to plan his vendetta.
"You came," he spoke darkly, making me shiver in a sense of shock.
"I want to make a deal," I spoke pleadingly, looking at his pale, smirking face. "Trade souls. Give Samantha back her soul, and you can have mine." He started to laugh, clapping his hands together in pleasure.
"What could you possibly offer me that hasn't been offered from poor, sweet Samantha?"
"I have this." I held out the glass object I had gotten from those moronic governmental thieves. "You can have my soul to keep, as well as the Glass Unicorn."
Satan's eyes flickered in excitement.
"When someone sells their soul to me, it's permanent. It forces them to live in pain, physical and mental. With the frustration of knowing that there's more to life, yet they simply can't grasp it. Yet, if they die, they live in an eternity of hell. For their soul becomes impure with my threshold."
I stared into the deceivers eyes, and slid the Glass Unicorn back into my jacket pocket. (Yet, secretly I made the object invisible, just in case.) Samantha doesn't deserve anything even remotely close to hell....
"You haven't figured it out though, have you?" He questioned, furrowing his dark eyebrows. I stared into his eyes, bewildered. "Your sister is not the pure, little girl you think she is. She has a dark side. One that awaits on the other side. Dead May lives on, alongside your sister."
At that, tears began to stream from my face. I ripped at my face, scraping down my cheeks in fury, yet also scraping away the water works.
"As long as your sister stays her 'pure, innocent self', Dead May lives on. Dead May is Samantha's true self. Her soul torchers those who will never finish their destiny/goal. She does so because Samantha somehow knows she will not succeed at being a true Chosen One."
As I looked down towards the ground, Satan lunged forward, forcing me to flinch. His laughter boomed in my ears like Santa Claus to a terrified child.
"I have so much power rushing through my bloodstream, and I'm just itching to blow off some steam." He grinned, stepping towards me as I cautiously moved away. He pretended to lunge at me several of times, cracking up with laughter each time. I jumped at each pretend attack, waiting for the moment it goes down for real.
Yet, when the moment would come, I knew I wasn't going to be prepared.
Satan started moving his hands as though around a round shape in mid air. A form of a glowing ember electrical ball formed, an inch from his fingertips and palms. He held the ball upon one hand, and turned to face me.
"Well, Sam. When you die, poor Samantha can fight in the Magic War alone. Without you, it's only up to Viberant and Samantha. They're obviously going to lose against my good boy Ethan, alongside Pollina and the Sludge Monster. So your death makes the good lose. And in a way, it's kind of your fault."
I started to process what he said just as he pretended to jump at me, yet that time I hadn't prepared.
"Getting brave," Satan said, shaming at me with his finger. "But you now do not have any more time to be brave. But no one will care, right? I mean, Samantha probably just thinks of you as baggage, and Viberant's just forced to put up with you because he wants to get some from Samantha." Satan winked obnoxiously at me twice, and then went on. "Sam Wartext, the delinquent to society, family, and God." Satan laughed once, and it felt as though the ground had shaken slightly. "Any last words?"
I couldn't help but to tear up, realizing how right he was. I always knew I was the disgrace, yet it always hurt to hear the truth.
"Hello? Any last words I can pass on to your pitiful God?"
"Two words." I held up my two fingers, fighting past the tears. "Fuck you."
Satan shrugged, and quickly threw the ball of power towards me. I didn't scream, didn't run. It's true. It shall be best for the world to live on without Sam Wartext in it.
But something far worse than death occurred. I stood by in shock as a large brown Labrador leaped in front of the ember ball. Molly tumbled to the ground, her gold (yet large cow eyes) closed, as she lay at rest, yet not peacefully.
Satan's eyes surprisingly went wide with fear, as the flame dimmed to an unseen level. He stared in shock down upon the body, and then looked up at the sky, cautiously moving away from his accidental victim. He soon ran off in a dash, as I fell to my knees aside Molly's body.
I slouched, tearing up in anguish. Molly is dead because of me. The animal who seemed to understand me when Samantha died. The only one who gave comfort over my aching body.
"The pain gives us relief. Therefore gone, yet never forgotten. It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. She shall have relief on the other side. Her memories, weather they are good or bad, she shall own. To which no one can ever take away. Remembrance is the reason to live. Remembering is living, as well as creating your stance, your purpose. It's not about healing or dwelling. It's about remembering what has happened to change the outcome."
I thought back to the dog's final meaningful words through my eyes. I set my hand upon her large ribcage as though in pity, remembering what she had said. Remember.

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