Chapter 5 (Push Comes To Shove)

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      "What did you...? How could you...?" Samantha breathed in between. Her breaths were shaky, and there was nothing but fright in her eyes.
      "It had to be done," I spoke pleadingly, blood dripping down my face. "Look, Samantha. They were washed up nobody's who kissed the ass of Ethan," I said, looking at her with no sympathy.
      "No," Samantha cried out in pain. "No one's a nobody. These were people too, Sam," she said, looking up at me with tears streaming from her eyes, knelt down by a soldiers body.
      "Samantha, we have no time for a pity party," I said, yanking her under the arm, and pulling her onto her feet. I forced Samantha to climb out of the ditch, pushing her forward. After she was on level ground, I jumped up with my vampire strength onto the ground.
      We walked home in silence, but the towns people made it less awkward as they yelled out,"Free the town of demons! Throw some holy water into the stream. For we had already begun to put it in the towns water supply." Crowds were gathering up as they preached about the imaginary God in the clouds.
      When I opened the front door, a familiar face appeared on the other side.
      "Viberant, oh my gosh... I'm so sorry. I forgot..." Samantha babbled on. She walked up to hug him.
      "Really, Samantha. I'm fine," Viberant said, still accepting the hug.
      "And, um, you are...?" I questioned.
      "Oh! Sam, this is Viberant Dawn. He helped me when the troubles came up with Ethan," Samantha said, smiling carelessly.
      "Really? Because last I heard, you kidnapped Samantha," I stated, stepping closer.
      "The town over exaggerates," Viberant spoke softly. Yet he still had the nerve to shake to shake my hand.
      "Well, it's a good thing we have a geust room," I said, glancing at Samantha. Viberant just nodded.
      I went to bed with way too many things on my mind. I layed there, wondering about Samantha and Viberant's relationship, if they had one. I tossed and turned, left to right.
      I started getting drowsy, and decided I may sleep better on my left side. As I turned to my left, I closed my eyes. I felt warmth. But a different kind of warmth other than blankets. A human's warmth.
      I shot open my eyes, seeing nothing. I sighed in exhaustment, and turned over again. But this time, someone was in my face. I gasped just before they covered my mouth. He was freezing cold, and he grinned widely, with flames in his eyes. I had a flashback to the cellar, realizing he was the man who slit Mother's throat.
      But my thoughts started to close in when I could feel him putting me to sleep. All I could think was the fact that this man is the devil himself. Satan. But how did I know? My witch powers couldn't awaken me to anything else. My world closed on his grinning face, before he put me to sleep.


      I woke up on the floor of a brick house. There was a skeleton flown across the room, as if someone, as if someone had kicked it. I stood up, went for the door, and stood outside the house, peering up at it. Realizing... this is my old house.
      I turned around to face the yard. The grass was dead, and the ferns grew high. Especially around the well. I then remembered Samantha and I playing at that well. We used to pretend like we were animals that would come to drink from the "Well of Destiny". I sort of missed those memories.
      I turned to the house, to possibly find someone. Or to find a clue for my location. But when I turned, someone was standing ten feet from me. I recognized the feeling. The feeling of dread and loneliness.
      The man started walking towards me. Nope. I'm not dying today, I thought as I turned to run. But somehow, he was too fast. It seemed as though I couldn't use any of my powers to defend myself.
      He grabbed my waist from behind. He picked me up, as I thrashed wildly. I grabbed for his hands, trying to unravel his grip. He was carrying me towards the well.
      Then, he lifted me up over the well. Shit! He's going to put me in the well. He then chucked me into it. I yelped as my body scraped against the stone wall. I looked up to see the face of the ass hole who threw me while I was flying in midair.
      I frantically tried to dig my nails to the side, but there was only a painful sensation of friction. I held my breath, waiting for the moment I hit water. Soon enough, it came. I swam to the surface as my tail grew. 
      But then I realized... I was in a lake. There was land far off in the distance. I looked up, still seeing the bright hole at the top of the well. I swam to shore, flopping on land. I steamed my tail, making the water evaporate.
      When I was completely dry once again, I started walking, trying to figure out where I was. But as I was walking, something was in the woods. I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized it was extremely fast. Like, vampire speed fast.
      It stopped quickly right in front of my face. It looked like a ghost, or a zombie. It's face was feminine, and it's skin was white like paper. It's eyes were completely white, and its clothes were torn to shreds. It opened its mouth, about to speak.
      "Don't mess with fate," it spoke in a whisper, with millions of other spirits or whatever this is, echoed behind the sentence. Maybe this is just a dream, I thought, frightened. Just then, it slapped its ice cold hand on my wrist, hard.
      I snapped up from my sleep, realizing it was all just a dream. But I looked down at my wrist where that thing grasped it. There was a hand mark. I stared, shocked.
       But even worse, I looked around, realizing that I was lying on the Earth's ground instead of my bed. I was by the river, and leaning on a tree near by, there he was.


      Viberant and I were walking side by side down the side walk. We walked to the entrance of a small black building. Viberant turned to me, and stopped me from walking in. He put his hands on my shoulders.
      "Maybe you should stay out here. Who I'm gonna talk to... he's pretty hard core. Samantha, you really wouldn't like it. Here's a bench," he said, bringing me to sit down on the bench in front of the building. "Now, I'm going in. Demon business and all. Here, hold my coffee. And don't move."
      He walked off into the building. I looked up at the beautiful sky. People passed me, greeting hellos'. Everyone in this town loves me, just as well as I love them. I just wish Sam could be in harmony with us.
      Down at the end of the sidewalk, there was trees covering the land. But there was something rushing through the tall  Pine trees. It's an animal, I thought to myself. Who would leave a poor abandoned animal behind?
      But it definitely wasn't an animal. A dark brown mud type liquid came running at me. I stood in shock, not knowing whether to move or stay still. But then, I was whooshing through the air. When I landed, I noticed that we had landed.
      Viberant had shoved me out a ways. I looked around. We were still on the streets.
      "Why did you do that?" I asked, confused.
      "The Sludge Monster, he almost had you," Viberant said, looking the other way, disgusted.
      "I- I'm sorry. Who?" I studdered.
      "He's an enemy. You know? The Chosen Ones, True Loves, Enemies....". He looked off, distracted. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" Viberant questioned, looking at me once again.
       "Not really..." I said, trying to think.
      "We have to go. Now." Viberant then glanced around as if there was an escape route. He suddenly whooshed us off into oblivion.


      "So, there's the golden girl. You don't look so special to me. Just some weird ass goth chick off the street," Satan said, looking me up and down. I watched him, as he moved like a slimy snake, closer and closer.
      "Well, at least I didn't turn a helpless boy into a vicious monster," I said, scolding him.
      "You think I care? It's my job. It's what I do," Satan said, amused. "See now, I don't think you understand very much."
      I nodded mockingly. "True, true. I mean, I obviously know nothing about the Glass Rose." Satan's facial expression changed quickly. He almost looked worried.
      "Where is it?"
      I grinned, despite myself. Satan walked cautiously, as he shifted his weight.
      "Bet you didn't know that Ethan's your brother," Satan said, smirking cocky-like. I cocked my head to the side, a bit confused.
      "You're just scrambling scared, grasping at information." I spoke, practically chuckling. Of course it was a lie. That's not possible.
      "I'm being honest. Swear," Satan said, holding his hand in the air with all fours up. "Why else do you think he was in the cellar?" Satan then cocked his head to the side, grinning. My mind started to spin. That can't be true.
      "And why would I believe you? You are the devil. You're practically the one who created lies in the first place," I spoke with emphasis.
      "Well, then the next time you see him, ask." Satan stared at me, his flames growing higher. "Maybe in hell!" Satan yelled, rushing forward to throw me into a large Oak tree. I hit hard, seeing stars as I slid to the ground.
      My vision blurred back when Satan picked me up by my black sweatshirt, only to slam me into the ground. Everything went black for a second, but the world came back in vivid colors as my vampire power healed me quickly.
      I jumped onto my feet, completely and utterly pissed off. I threw Satan onto the stone wall built to keep the river flowing one way. I held his weight above the water by his neck.
      "What are you gonna do? Drown me to death?" Satan spoke, gripping my hand painfully. He started to laugh pychotically. Blood stained his teeth from the hard hit. He truly was the devil. For real. Taken in an Earthly form.
      I started to smirk wildly as I realized something.
      "No. Just this," I said as I sank his feet into the water. His skin burned as he gritted his teeth, grunting in pain and anger. I threw his entire body into the water, holding him up by his throat. He started thrashing in rage.
      "The towns people wanted to rid the demons. Putting holy water into the water supply. Smart," I nodded, grinning down upon his decaying body. But all my confidence drained away when I was flying in the air from one hard shove.
      I hit the ground with a thud, and I felt the air blow out of my lungs. I tried to catch my breath, but there was pain. I couldn't breathe as well. Blood cane gushing into my throat as I could feel myself hemorrhaging from the inside. I started to choke on my own blood.
      Satan crawled over to me, with a special knife that had my name carved into it. I had a strange feeling that it was meant for me, and not only that, but this one would kill me. It hurt so bad that I couldn't move. Satan started to chuckle as he raised the knife high in the air, ready to strike.
      "Good-bye Sam. And take your goodness with you." Satan came striking down, right for my heart.

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