Chapter 6 (Betrayal Is A Bitch)

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      I had done something awful. I knew when the event happened before my eyes, I could hardly bare to watch. To stand by at the betrayal that had begun. The stinging sensation of guilt ran through me as Viberant and I were quickly walking down the street to get home.
      I had planned this. I knew I had to, otherwise Viberant would not have let me get Sam. She needed serious help, I could sense it. I broke out of my guilt walk while Viberant stepped sideways, blinking rapidly.
      He looked at me, clenching a bench.
      "What did you do to me?" He asked in a throaty voice, on the verge of yelling. I stared into his eyes sympathetically.
      "I put some herbs in your coffee that you picked up. They will knock you out for a couple of hours. Look Viberant, I have to find my sister, she's in trouble."
      After all that was said, I sat Viberant on a bench, or at least I tried. Before I turned to leave, I touched his face with my one hand.
      "Viberant... I'm sorry," I said, brushing his cheek with the back of my hand. His eyes fluttered to rest, and it seemed no one noticed this backstabbing scene. I walked away, wiping tears from my eyes. As I left Viberant vulnerable on a street bench, I felt pains of guilt shoot up my spinal cord.


      As Satan plunged through the air, aiming straight for my heart, I had enough adrenalin that ran through my  bloodstream to dodge the knife. The knife jabbed into the ground, causing Satan to shake with anger as he ripped it from the ground.
      I scrambled away, standing on my feet, a bloody mess. I was weak. I knew I couldn't take him on. I whizzed off with my vampire speed, running away from my enemy. Retreating.
      Soon enough, my knees wobbled, and I couldn't run so fast anymore. I was trapped at "delicate human" speed. I must seem so vulnerable to Satan, but it seems he lost his energy to chase. As I stumbled forward, I tried to find a person, someone to feed from to heal and get my strength back.
      Just when it seemed like no human being was in a ten mile radius, Samantha came running. At her speed, I could tell she had to be a mermaid for now.
      "Sam. Oh my, what happened?" Samantha yelped like a Chihuahua, concern crossing her face as she got a good glimpse of me.
      "I'll be fine," I said, panting with my hands on my knees. I was exhausted. "Just, come here," I spoke roughly. Samantha pranced up obediently. "Good."
       I grasped her by the hair, and threw her neck to the side. I then plunged my fangs into her delicate neck. I felt energy coming back to life. As if my senses were asleep, finally awoken once again.
      "Sam. What... are you...?" Samantha tried to speak as she lay limp in my arms. I threw her to the ground, carelessly.
      "Survival of the fittest," I said, looking down at her lifeless body. I walked on, heading into town, not glancing back once. Although, it felt awful to stab her in the back. But I couldn't let that get to my head. No one must know.
      It was a good thing Samantha was there, otherwise I could've been caught. Yet, I'm supposed to be the selfish sister, ungrateful and rotten. Evil. Maybe I taught Samantha a lesson. Don't trust people. Maybe she'll realize Viberant was a bad idea. We should've never involved him into  our life. Not only will he get hurt, but he could hurt us as well.
      "Hey, Sammy. Looks like you really do have no redeeming qualities," Someone said as I turned the block. No, it can't be. I just got away.... I looked up, making eye contact with the one's who's flames rose. He looked like we hadn't just fought for our lives. Or at least mine. He still had a sneer stuck on his face from the event earlier. We were in the middle of the street. He won't do nothin'.
      "Ya know, Sam, it takes me practically no energy at all to just-" he raised his hand from the distance we were. My legs wobbled as I fell, paralyzed. He transported behind me, crouched down, whispering into my ear. "Take advice from your big cousin," he spoke, as my eyes bulged out of my head. I hope he's kidding. "Don't walk the streets alone. Something bad may happen to you," he said, nodding his head and puckering his lips childishly. He then snapped his fingers, and my mind swept into darkness automatically.

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