Chapter 14 (Not What You Expected)

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      I had vowed before to never do something like this. To never fall for it. To never be so weak.
      Yet, different from my vow, I was being forced. Forcefully shoved with a knife pointed to my back. People that wore all black, people I didn't know, watching me walk down the aisle, also with a dress I hadn't chosen as my own.
      Worst of all, I was walking closer to a true monster. To an Enemy. And one that actually looked like an Enemy. And, this was all about to last eternity.
      What felt like hours later, I made it to my groom-to-be. He held out his slimy, brown hands to take mine. When he realized that I wasn't going to take his, he forcefully grabbed mine with his disgusting brown "hands".
      As the "preacher" started to speak, a wave of fear came over me as I realized, there was no way out. No way out? Isn't there always a way out? What if I did fight? They wouldn't kill me. They need me.
      Just when I was about to attack, I realized that they could kill me, and force Samantha, someone who'd never fight back. There was no way around it. Also, the dress they hand put on me was power resistant. While wearing the dress, I couldn't use power.
      Just when all hope seemed to be lost, someone slammed open the doors, and flew everyone to the side, into the walls. Everyone except me. As I searched for the recognization in my savoir, I saw the person I'd least expect.


       "Why?" Sam demanded. "Why did you save us?" I looked at Sam, and flicked my eyes towards Ethan.

     "Satan told me to," Ethan said, not looking at either one of us, pulling us by ours arms.
      "Oh. I get it. Satan told you to, so like his little bitch, you do as he says, right?" Sam snapped. I glared at her from the side, hoping upon hope that she would stop with the insults. One day, Sam's loud mouth is going to get her into trouble. Especially with big men with temper problems.
      "Ethan, where's Viberant?" I asked hopefully. Ethan suddenly came to a halt, and yanked us in front of him, into his view.
      "I don't know. But what I do know is that this two hundred-forty pound body is almost impossible to handle." Sam and I each looked at each other, then turned to stare at Ethan. Something wasn't right.
      Suddenly, his body started to change. Into someone else. The used to be manly form turned into a feminine, petite form. The woman had medium length blonde hair, yet more yellowish. Her vague blue eyes narrowed, as she kept a sneer upon her face that seemed to be normal for her. 
      "Ugh. Much better," she said, exhaling in relief. "Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Pollina."
      At that, Sam started to back away, pulling me by the sleeve of my pink shirt.
      "I'm the new Enemy. Just thought I'd see the two bitches I'm gonna fight in the Magic War."
      "The what?" I questioned, yet Pollina acted as though she wasn't going to answer, for she had turned her back, and vanished into the woods.


       "Sam!" Samantha yelped, literally jumping up and down on my bed. "I got the job! So did you." She finally jumped down as I looked towards the door. Viberant was leaning against the opened door, grinning at me.
      "Yeah, Sam. She also got into-" he gaped, "guess what. School!" He threw his hands in the air in fake excitement.
      "You know, happy isn't a good look on you," I said, standing up. "Or on you," I spoke, disgusted, looking Samantha up and down, shoving past Viberant.
      "I'm fact, get ready. Remember? You have to participate as well. I compelled you to," Viberant said, obviously amused.
      "Well, Mr. Dawn, doesn't mean I can't purposely get fired."
      "Honey, I did compel you to let Samantha have a good time," he said, puckering his bottom lip. "And, well, she won't if you're not there." He started to grin at me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I used my arm to chuck his hand back to his side. That filthy pig will not touch me again. And if he does, I might just give him a little present. Oh course, then we might be enemies. But, I gotta say, it'll be worth it.
      Yet, I held myself together, slightly shaking with anger while clenching my fists, trying my best not to kick his ass. Ugh, men. They always think they're tougher just because of size. Maybe most of the time they are, but there's always at least one girl out there that could whoop their ass. I'm more than happy to be that girl.


      "Hello. I am your boss. I want you to call me 'The Boss'." I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at this average looking man. He waved his spazzed hands in demonstration as he spoke, his lean body leaning in upon us. His dull brown hair and dull blue eyes gave me every reason to suspect that he'd be the boss of something like this.
     A restaurant. The man was obviously neurotic and narcissistic. The name of his restaurant was legit. "You". Who the hell would even name a restaurant "You"?
      "My name is Gregor. Never call me by my real name," he spoke with a smile. "Got it?" He snapped, a straight, serious face formed. Samantha and I both nodded quickly, and he smiled his boring, friendly smile yet again.
      "Now, when you take their orders, Sam, you will say,'Hello. Welcome to You. May I take you order.' Make sure you're polite and joyful. You will be the cashier."
      "What?" I snapped. Annoyingly, he kept on smiling, even when I objected. "What kind of a moron would say something like that? Or even create it?" His smile faded, only slightly of course, as he looked into my eyes.
     "Do as I say or you're fired."
      At that I shut right up. This wasn't fair. I can't even get fired. I don't want to work at a burger flipping fast food joint. I'm better than this stupid "Traverse City". Better than this moronic man "Gregor". Better than this mortifying "job". And most of all, better than "You".
      I couldn't help but to laugh at my own crack. Gregor glared at me, yet threw us our uniforms, and scurried off.
      "What are you gonna be doing, Gregor?" I asked in a snotty tone. He yanked me back by surprise and got close to my face.
      "Call me 'Boss'. Do you understand?" He spoke threateningly. I nodded unwillingly, and moved ahead, changing into my dumb ass uniform. It was black and white, matching the checkered floor in the lobby.
      I looked in the body- sized mirror that hung in Gregor's office. I didn't even look like the same girl, not even similar. I hoped to God I was.
      Suddenly a flash of a face stared back at me instead of my reflection. It was the dead-looking person that was in my dream, from what felt like forever ago. I jumped back so far that I tripped over Gregor's desk and fell to the floor.
      After I stood, the mirror somehow looked warped. The mirror looked like it had been bent inward.
      "Sam. Let's go!" Samantha squealed in excitement as I spun around. Once she pranced out the door, I spun back to the mirror. It was unsurprisingly normal.
      I drug my feet out the door, walking closer and closer towards my hell. Every instinct and muscle was compelled to do so, although my every thought was screaming into my subconscious to stop. And eventually, I was standing at a cashier, speaking to customers.
      Customer after customer, hour after hour. "Hello. Welcome to You. May I take you order," was all I could say. Of course, I didn't have to make it seem like I was enjoying it. I wasn't compelled to do so.
       The same sentence scraped into my subconscious as I spoke unenthusiastically. Some of the customers didn't like my hospitality, so they moved to the other cashier. Good riddance, I thought to myself, eagerly waiting for the last hour to tick by.
       Gregor eventually pulled me aside, introducing me to the manager. I completely ignored him once I finally witnessed her. The dishwater blonde head made its way through the employees', giving me time to stare in shock.
      There she was, my practical other boss. An enemy I was now forced to respect. She prompted her hip out, and smirked at me. The bitch I had never done anything to was standing in front of me as though I had killed her husband.
      Pollina. Even the name was bitchy, and it looked massively bitchy on her name tag as well. It seemed to fit her personality.
      "We'll do, boss," she spoke in a "kissing ass" tone. As Gregor stalked away, she grinned at me and shoved cleaning supplies in a bucket into my hands, and said,"make sure both men's and women's bathrooms are clean. I want those toilets to sparkle." She gave me her bitchiest smile and walked away.
      As I watched her shake her ass around as though she had something to shake, she whispered something into Samantha's ear. They both laughed. (Samantha, innocently.) Samantha's innocence has lead her to stupidity. She knows she's an Enemy. She met her the same time I did.
      So here we are, right back to the start. She has to choose either me, or Pollina. Just the same as the cellar. Me, or Ethan.
      Yet, at a rate like this, it was a wonder which she might choose, just as before.

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