Chapter 12 (Humanity Is Killing Me)

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After being stranded with Samantha for ten hours, Viberant had finally found us and transported us back to our house. Samantha had babbled on and on about the "human experiences" that we could finally discover. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than being fragile like we are now.

"Viberant, we could've transported ourselves if we had our powers," I stated. Viberant seemed to be deaf. He wouldn't dare ignore me.

"I think Samantha's right. You two should finally do something human," he spoke optimistically. He smiled at me and raised his eyebrows, obviously poking fun. "Sam, can I talk to you for a second?" Viberant asked, eagerly yanking me into the hallway. He cupped my face with his hands, purposely making eye contact. Just when I was going to protest, he started,"I want you to go wherever Samantha goes. Get some human experiences. I also want you to participate in the events Samantha does."

Once Viberant looked away, I knew exactly what he did.

"Did you just-" I spat in shock. "You compelled me?" I screamed at Viberant as he walked away, completely unharmed. For now. "Oh, no you didn't. You better not of," I threatened, to which Viberant acted as though he lost interest.

"I'm gonna mess you up, Viberant!" I yelled, charging at him. Yet, he grasped me by the arms before I took a swing. Samantha was staring in shock, her her mouth dropped open. "Taking advantage of me like that. Bastard!" I yelled harshly in fury, spitting him a good loogie right in the face.

He threw me off, then wiped at his face.

"I want Samantha to have a good time. And now I'm making sure that you won't ruin it for her."

"You really think that low of me?" I teased, yet a hint of anger still lay between the lines.

"Today I'm signing up for school. Oh, and a job. This is going to be so much fun!" Samantha squealed, clapping her hands together in excitement. I couldn't decide whether this would be worse than death or not. I'm too good for this job and school.

"Samantha, you do realize it'll be a couple weeks," I said, trying to clasp onto some sort of hope, at least for now.

"I know." Samantha smiled, and walked into the kitchen for water. I hopped off the sofa, and headed into the kitchen as well, Viberant following from behind.

"Meanwhile, we have to get the Glass Unicorn back. We need a plan," Viberant said, determination leading his voice. "Satan can sense demons when they're close. I can't do it. But you can," Viberant said, looking directly at me.

"Why me?" I spoke aruptibly. I didn't want to get it while I was human. Viberant and I both looked at Samantha at the same time, both knowing the real reason why she couldn't.

"Oh, yeah. I'm the only one here who could pass the forth grade," I insulted, gazing at Samantha hopelessly. Viberant gave me a dirty look, and then moved on.

"So here's the plan."


July 25th: I woke up that morning to the sound of Viberant's annoying voice.

"Time to do your part," Viberant said to me, shaking the bed.

"Give it a rest." I was irritated enough as it is. I am the one being forced to sneak into Satan's abandoned "den". There's a great risk that I will be caught. And, the worst of all, I'm mortifyingly human.


I hated - no, disliked the fact that I had to sit around home, helplessly, with Viberant while Sam was off sneaking past our enemies. I was pondering on the couch, Viberant sat next to me. Yet, Viberant seemed to be laid back and calm at a moment like this.

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