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"Ebony are you almost ready?" Rymia asked,

"I'm coming!" I said fluffing out my hair. I ran out the bathroom, and to the front room where Rymia was.

"Dang, Ebony. They're waiting for us..outside," Rymia said. We walked out our apartment. We walked down the stairs,

"Are you excited for your date?" I winked. Rymia sigh.

"Ebony, its not a date. Its actually just acquaintances going out, to a place of enjoyment. Which is a bowling alley." She smiled.

"Oh my goodness," I laughed, we got to the front of the building. Darius and two other guys were waiting, We were walking towards them,

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Oh..I think that's Darius brother, Dominique. I think that's his name..And the other one, we seen him before I think that's their friend Ken, Keith, something like that.." She explained.

I nodded, because I was looking at Keith he was nice to look at. We walked up to the boys, "Hey Darius," Rymia awkwardly waved. I started to giggle to myself. Its so funny seeing her with a guy like Darius.

"Hi y'all," I slightly smiled, with a wave.
"Who is this?" Darius brother asked with a strong tone. I looked at him up and down,

"I'm Ebony, who might you be?" I asked

"Dom," I rolled my eyes. I can tell, that Dom and I are not going to get along.

"Hey Ebony," Keith greeted

"Hi Keith, its weird to see you. I wouldn't guess to see you until class.." I said

"Yeah," he smiled, it was an awkward silence for about 10 seconds.

"So let's go to the bowling alley," Darius broke the silence, we all walked to the car. He opened the front car door for Rymia, and Dom, Keith, and I got in the back. I ended up in the middle, between them.

I decided to get on my phone, and scroll through instagram. "You on instagram?" Keith asked

"Yeah..But I don't post a lot on there," I said.

"Yeah. Me too," He said, looking at my feed, it was kinda awkward. Being between both of them, while Rymia and her boo thang having fun up there.

"Aye, I'm about to turn on the radio." Darius said

"Alright bro," Dom said, looking through his phone. My mom texted me.

Ebony, are already you out? Because if you are, call me and tell me about it



We arrived to the bowling alley, we all got out of the car. "Y'all ready to lose?" I asked

"Us, lose..Yeah right," Darius scoffed

"So you think you're going to beat me?" Rymia asked, he laughed and nodded "Don't think you will ever, beat RYMIA BURKS!" She evilly laughed. Rymia is very competitive, even with small things she will do everything in her power to beat you.

The boys, went to go get the lane. While Rymia and I waited, "Aren't we going to be on teams?" I asked

"Yeah" Rymia answered, I was confused. Because it's three guys and two girls and I doubt that Dom has a girlfriend on her way.

"Wouldn't that be uneven? Because its two of us and three of them.." I asked

"Well, I don't think the boys have anymore people coming..But we don't need an extra person. We could beat them by ourselves," Rymia said with confidence.

"I guess.." I said, Darius walked over to us "What's y'all shoe sizes?" Darius asked

"6," Rymia answered, "7 1/2," I also answered. He went back to the counter and got our shoes.

Keith walked up to me, with my shoes "Here you go," He smiled, "Thank you," I said. Darius few seconds after Keith gave my shoes to me, gave Rymia her shoes.

We walked to our lane, and Dom and Darius set up the board. Keith sat by me, while I was putting on my bowling shoes

"I'm telling you right now, you and your friend are going to lose. But its okay, I'll cheer you up, by maybe taking you out if that's okay.." He said, I see how he tried to slide that in there.

"I see what you did there and I don't know. I gotta check my calendar," I finished putting on my shoes, and got up.

Everyone had they're bowling shoes on. We're began bowling, and Rymia defiantly kept her word. She even had a like 4 strikes in a role. Me on other hand I was doing okay, compared to her. But the guys are 10 points ahead of us.

"It looks we are 10 points above y'all, it looks like we are beating your team RYMIA!" Darius teased Rymia, which was just only going to make her wanna beat them more

"Uh, Ebony I need you to step up your game. Because I'm not letting Darius beat me, this is the last one." She said

"Okay, I gotcha,"

Rymia was depending on me to win this game, I got up to go and then the guys started to boo me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I went up and bowl. Then I got a STRIKE, Rymia started jumping up and down

"WE BEAT YOU, WE BEAT YOU!" RYMIA SUNG, the guys were kind of frowning

"Whatever, that was luck.." Dom stated, "You shouldn't be talking because you were the worst bowler," Rymia said

The guys and I start laughing, "Damn man, she roasted yo ass.." Keith laughed

We put back on our original shoes, and return the bowling shoes.

We walked out the bowling alley, Rymia and Darius were walking side by side of each other. And so was Keith and I, Dom was in his own area.

"So about that date.." Keith said, I mean it wouldn't be bad to go out with Keith he seems cool.

"Sure," I said, with a smile. I could tell Keith was very relief by my response. We got in car, and Darius drove us back home.

"Rymia, call me when you get up to your apartment." Rymia was confused. "Okay.." She got out the car, before I could get out. Keith touch my shoulder.

"Number?" He asked, I forgot he doesn't have my number. He gave me his phone. I put my number in, and gave my phone back

I got out the car, we said our goodbyes. Then we went to our apartment.


Excuse Typos

Keith, Darius, Dom, Rymia and Ebony in the MM.


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