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1 week later

I was in the dean's office waiting on him, to get off the phone. He hung up, and we looked at each other. "Mr. Powers long time no see," He laughed

"What am I here for?" I asked,

"I heard you're girlfriend was sexually assaulted last Saturday, and before you get ahead of yourself and think Caleb did it. I'm telling you he didn't," He explained

"Man stop protecting him,"

"I'm not, I know he's a dumbass. But I know my boy wouldn't do anything like that, I know we had our issues but trust me. "

"Why should I?"

"Listen here, I'll give you 10k if you shut your mouth. And also we can work together to find the perv," He whispered.

I started laughing, "Look dude, I'm not taking you're money. You got a lot of nerve to call someone a pervert but you molest you're male college students. Just admit it that Caleb is you're little boyfriend.."

"Now shut you're ass up, I tried to offer you my money and help. But, now you're really pushing it-

"Are you threaten by me?" I asked, getting in his face.

"No, but if you keep running you're mouth. I'll make sure you're little girlfriend is touch again. Now that's a promise, get the hell out my office." He stood up and pointed to the door

"You won't get away with this," I said. He sat back down and leaned back in his chair.

"Watch me,"He laughed

I got up and slammed the door.

I walked up to Ebony's hospital room, I was a little hesitant to knock because I haven't seen her since the party.I knocked on the door, I waited for somebody to opened it.

Somebody opened it, it was this lightskin  woman. She had long dreads, with a long dress.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked softly

"Is Ebony here?" I asked

"Yes, who's asking?"

"Keith. Keith Powers, Ebony's boyfriend."

"Oh you're Keith. Come in, come in please.." She opened the door more to let me in. I walked in and I saw Ebony, "Hey Eb," I greeted. I sat on the end of the hospital bed

"Hey Keith,"

"I'm going to leave you two alone,"

"Thanks mom," Ebony smiled. Her mom left the hospital room, "That's you're mom?" I asked

"Yeah," She smiled

"How you been?" I asked

"I'm fine, I feel better. I'm starting to remember some things," She said

"What do you remember?"

"I remember the fight, and I do remember you breaking it up. But that's it,"

"That's good," I said

"I don't want to press charges though," She said lowly


"Keith me not remembering what happen isn't going to help my case. It'll be close, by next week if I would've chose to continue.."

"You're probably not the only one this happens too,"

"I know Keith but I just can't do it. I'm already in consoling that's why I'm still here. I don't need no more stress in my life, I want to go back to my old life.."

She explained I just hate to see her like this. I know this kind of my fault. "Eb I'm sorry,"

"For what?" She asked confusedly.

"I shouldn't of left you by yourself, I knew that you were drunk and I left you. And I'm sorry,"

"Keith you did what you had to do, you broke up a fight. I'm not upset at you,"

"I just feel bad,"

"Keith it's okay, because everything will work out after I get out of here" She smiled

"You sure?" I asked

"Yes sir, now I downloaded living single seasons 1-3" She patted the bed.  We were cuddle up in the hospital bed, I laughed because we some how made it work.

Her mom walked in, "Uh Ebony," Her mom looked at us.

"Yes momma," She smiled

"What is this? How were you guys able to make this work?" She laughed

"We don't know," we shrugged we sat up on the bed.

"Oh I forgot to introduced you guys, Momma this Keith and Keith this is my mother Elisa" She introduced us

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Latimore,"

"Just call me Lisa," She smiled

"You know who you look like, Denise from the Cosby show.." I said

Her mom rolled her eyes, "Oh my goodness everyone says that,"

"Because momma you do," Ebony laughed

"Whatever," Her mom shook her head. "Well I gotta go back to the hotel room, Ebony I'll be back tomorrow. Okay?" Her mom said getting up

"Okay mom," Ebony nodded

"I love you Ebony, oh it was nice meeting you Keith." She smiled

"I love you too bye," Her mom walked out the room. Ebony sigh, she started playing with her fingers.

"You'll okay?" I asked

"Yeah," She smiled

"Ebony...I love you,"

She looked up, "What?" She asked

"I love you," I repeated

"I-I love you too Keith," She said. I leaned in and kiss her, she held my face and kissed back.



I carried her into the office, she tried to get away. I laid her body on the table.

"I'm glad you got her," He said

"Man, why are we even doing this. She's going to wake back up," I groan. "Plus she wasn't even the target,"

"Because that's still mine, also I told you if she was coming to the party. I was bound too get what was mine..

"Odell you really fucked up bro,"

"I don't a give a fuck, at least I'm not fucking my girlfriend's dad."

"Yo shut the fuck up man,"

"Exactly," He started to rub against Ebony's pelvis

I couldn't watch him do it to her.


Hey y'all,

How are you guys?

Sensitive kind of Chapter, I know but it's going to get better don't worry. So just wait, and I wanted to add some real life situations in here.

Because there's so many rape/molested victims that are afraid to tell, just feel if they won't get any justice, or it their case gets sweep under the rug. It's sad, and it shouldn't be that way. I wanted to make you guys aware of that in this book.

I just wanted to answer the questions I was probably going to get.

Please Excuse typos

Much luvvv

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