SPECIAL! (y/n) Køhler's Contact list

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2p America: Lord of tofu/ vegan shitlord

2p Canada: Moose king

2p England: CUPCAKES!

2p France: Lung cancer


2p China: Drug Lord

2p Japan: HENTAI!!! / 21 rape whistle salute

2p Italy: Screaming Mafia dick

2p Romano: Fashionista!

2p Germany: Lazy Perv.

2p Prussia: Silent but deadly!

2p Austria: Grell

2p Spain: Bullheaded

2p Hungary: Fair Lady

2p Belarus: Actual princess

2p Ukraine: That one prostitute.

2p Finland: Grumpy Gun brother

2p Sweden: WARNING! It bites

2p Denmark: Storebroder

2p Norway: Dragon broder :)

2p Iceland: Huggy Broder

2p Estonia: Facebook stalker

2p Latvia: U WOT M8?!

2p Lithuania: Nope

2p Switzerland: Chocoholic

2p Liechtenstein: Stabby Bitch

1p America: Burger Boi

1p Canada: Warm Pancakes

1p England: PIRATE KING

1p France: Flirty French

1p Russia: tall dark and cuddly

1p China: Grandpa ;)

1p Italy: Pasta Perv

1p Romano: Swearing pizza

1p Japan: Otaku AF

1p Germany: Army Potato

1p Prussia: Prank king

1p Austria: Chopin

1p Hungary: FRYING PAN!!!

1p spain: Churros! :D

1p Belarus: Screamy Stabby bitch

1p Ukraine: Boing boing boing~

1p Finland: Santa with a shotgun

1p Sweden: ABBA

1p Denmark: Pineapple broder

1p Norway: Thar be trollz!

1p Iceland: Prince puffin

1p Estonia: Hacker

1p Latvia: Smol Perv

1p Lithuania: Actual Badass

1p Switzerland: Guns and Cheese

1p Liechtenstein: Ribbons!

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