My liten kanin

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I walked past Egil, who was smiling like an idiot, This Branche must be pretty good at his job.
As I walked into his office I noticed that the room was covered in a layer of frost.
I let out a small whistle, "Something pissed Egil off."
Branche nodded, "a guard did not watch his toungue around him."
"This guard say something about (y/n)?", I asked and Branche made a sound that meant yes, "yeah, that will do it."

"He mentioned that you have heat magic?", Branche asked.
I knew what he wanted, "yes, as a pyromaniac fire magic is useful."
I summoned a small flame and watched it dance in my fingers, "It is beautiful. Just like mom, just like (y/n)."
As I continued to play with the flame, the office heated up to a comfortable temperature instead of the ghastly cold Egil adores so much.
"I apologize for my idiot brother's actions, he can be temperamental.", I said, "his hot-headedness is ironic for an ice magic wielder"
"And you are an even-tempered fire magic wielder.", Branche finished.
I shrugged, "more or less."

The guards that stayed in the room watched me carefully, I was not sedated like my other brothers were and I had full access to my fire abilities.
"So what did you do to my brothers?", I inquired, "they seemed happy when they came back to our cell block."
"I made a deal with them, and your sister.", Branche said
My darling sister?! He talked to my sister?! Many questions ran through my mind, is she okay, does she miss us, is she happy?
"How is she?!", I blurted out and Branche chuckled.
"She is fine, I asked her to do a favor for the five of you.", I became curious.
"What did she do?", I stood up and slammed my burn scar covered hands on his desk, "tell me!"

Branche took out a wolf figurine And placed it on his desk, followed by a photograph.
I looked other the figurine, it looked like me! From the fur color to the jacket, even to the curl.
The photo was of my (y/n), she wore Thurston's hat and a Norwegian flag print shirt.
I laughed remembering how she loved to steal Thurston's hat on a day to day basis, she even liked to take our clothing items from time to time.
"These can be yours if you can tell me your favorite memories of her from her birth to before you came here.", Branche stated.
I smiled, "I know the perfect story."

I held my baby sister as we walked up to the base, Egil was on my heels attempting to get 'his blóm' from me.
I managed to escape him thanks to Drage, my dragon familiar.
I sat onto the couch with a tiny baby bundle in my arms, Drage sat next to me and peered at the infant.
"You will not eat her.", I said to him sternly.
Drage looked grumpy, "hey, I will feed you. Just not her, she is my baby sister."
Drage huffed and lay down at my feet.

Thurston sat down next to me with a bit of pink on his cheeks, "Can I... hold her?"
I smiled and nodded, Thurston carefully held out his arms and I gently placed (y/n) in his embrace.
He was not holding her properly so I had to adjust our sister for her comfort and safety.
Thurston held her to his chest, she was no longer swaddled and sleeping against her older brother.
The Finnish man looked down at her tiny chubby baby face in wonder, "Hei Pikkusisko, I am your Isoveli."
I could not believe what happened next, Thurston began to cry while smiling!
"Whoah! Thurston are you dying?!", I asked in a panic

Thurston shook his head, "Ei, Olen iloinen."
I smiled and placed a hand on my older brother's shoulder, "we all are."
He looked down at the cute sleeping face of (y/n), "she is beautiful."
"She sure is.", I chuckled softly, "and she is ours. She is our little sister."
Thurston gently stroked  (y/n)'s cheek with his finger, "we will protect you, I swear."

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