past chibi Nordics x modern sister reader ( time warped ) part five

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The boys were running back and forth around the house getting ready for something, Egil was watching the windows with careful eyes.
"Egil?", (y/n) asked in a concerned tone, "What is happening?"
"You saw Magnus, my oldest brother and leader.", The platinum haired Icelander said in a serious tone, "he was looking for me and I'm afraid that he may come after you too."
(Y/n) could feel the frightened and enraged energy coming from Egil, She gave him a warm embrace to calm him down.
"Shhhhh... I promise that nothing bad will happen to us.", the Scandinavian girl stroked the silvery hair of the boy, "believe it or not, I can and will use my power to defend all of you."
Her words were directed to all the boys in the house, the young Nordic countries could feel that her words were true and her words touched deep into their psyches.

"My brothers taught me 'family before blood', meaning that we defend each other even if they are not blood related.", (y/n) said as she scanned her eyes over the boys in the house, "So I promise to keep you safe, because I believe that you are going to do great things in the future."
The young nordic countries were touched by her words, this woman who cared for them would use all her power to keep them safe.
(Y/n) let go of Egil and went to prepare for a fight, she was stopped when a small tug was felt on her long dress that she found.
The Scandinavian girl looked behind her to see tiny Sweden holding what seemed to be a brooch for a cloak out to her, "for you."
(Y/n) accepted the gift, "did you make this? It is beautiful."

The brooch was a (metal) brooch with intricate inlay and a (gemstone) in the middle, "Ja, jag gjorde det här för dig"
(Y/n) gave him a kiss on the forehead and clipped her cloak on with the brooch, "Tack sverige, you are quite the craftsman."
Sweden hugged her neck, "Tack ängel, för allt". The tiny Swede then let go and went back to his work.
(Y/n) knew that she could not stay with the boys forever, she had to leave one day but she loved these boys so much.
Iceland crawled up to the girl and made grabby hands at her, the (h/c) Haired girl picked up the child and the ash blond boy snuggled into the girl's fur cloak. The boy cooed softly as he played with the girl's (h/c) hair.

(Y/n) kissed the baby boy's head and snuggled him, she felt a hug on her legs.
Norway was embracing the girl's legs and the (e/c) eyed girl picked the Norwegian up, she gave him a kiss on the forehead and snuggled him along with Iceland.
She placed the boys down and crouched down to their level, "would you like to learn magic?"
Norway nodded and (y/n) smiled at the boys, she held her hand out to them.
"Now we have to figure out what type suits you best."
Norway took her hand and followed her to the open room where everyone was, all watched in awe as (y/n) summoned a small aurora into her hands.

"My type is light and healing.", the girl said softly as the colors danced in and out of view before fading away completely, "Norway, I think you should try making a snowflake."
Norway did as told and his hands had frost emerge from his fingertips, the Norwegian panicked and the frost dissappeared.
(Y/n) patted Norway's head gently, "it is a bit scary at first, but I have a feeling that if you keep practicing you can become a great magic wielder."
Norway looked up at the girl with enthusiasm in his little eyes.

"Engel, could you please show us more of your magic?!", Denmark shouted, "It is amazing!"
"I guess I could show you what I can do.", the girl said and summoned five orbs that spun around her body, the orbs soon took the shapes of dragons, fairies, foxes, and finally rabbits before fading away completely.
The Boys were all mystified by the beautiful show the girl created, The girl was smiling as she continued to call spell after spell until she had to stop from exhaustion.
"Konan mín! Er í lagi með þig?!", Egil exclaimed and went to (y/n)'s side, "Þú ættir að hvíla núna elskan mín."
"I'm fine, I'll go rest now.", (y/n) said as Denmark assisted her to a seat, "Just behave."
"Yes miss."
"Yes Engel."
"Yes blóm."

The boys kept asking her questions about where she learned to do magic and what else she could do.
She gave vague answers to the questions.
This made the boys even more curious about their new friend, and they wanted to know more about her. They could not ask anymore questions though for she had fallen asleep from exhaustion, Egil was petting her hair while Denmark and the others talked amongst themselves.
For the whole time, (y/n) managed to hide her unique hair by wearing it up or clipping it down.  The platinum haired Icelander was curious as to why she never wore her hair down long and began to play with the clips that held the soft (h/c) hair spikes down, when he unclipped the hair it shot up and startled the Icelander.

Egil's surprised exclamation got the 1p Nordic's attention and they saw the curled hair spikes of the girl who was taking care of them.
"Woah, it looks like my hair!", Denmark whispered and poked the girl's soft hair spikes, "could it be possible for her to be related to us?"
Norway shrugged and the other boys looked deep in thought, Egil whined after realizing what Denmark said meant for him.
"It could just be a coincidence.", Egil whined and hugged the sleeping girl.

"Yeah, probably just a coincidence.", Finland said as he regarded the girl with a curious gaze along with the others, "but who is she?"
The girl woke up to see the boys looking at her curiously,  "is something wrong?" (Y/n) sat up and her spikes brushed against Norway's face, the little boy sneezed and Iceland giggled at his brother.
"Engel!", Denmark shouted and poked at her spikes, "We have the same hair!" The Scandinavian girl patted at her hair spikes and Looked at Egil's hand.
"Hair clips, now.", (y/n) held her hand out and Egil gave her the Clips. She clipped her hair back down, stood up and walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Few days later Egil went home and he did not come back for a while, (y/n) became worried but continued about her work with the 1p chibi Nordics.
The Scandinavian girl was in the forest gathering medical herbs and edible plants when a familiar voice called out, "Kæri kona! Bjargaðu mér!"
She was tackled to the ground by a bloodied Egil who was bawling his eyes out, followed by an enraged looking older boy holding a bludgeoning weapon.
"GET THE HELL BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BASTARD!", the strawberry blond male screamed at the Platinum haired boy and glared at  (y/n), "WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU?!"
"Dear Egil, did he do this to you?", (y/n) gently asked the bleeding boy and Egil nodded, "take the plants I gathered to the house, I will take care of HIM." Egil took the plants and ran, leaving (y/n) with the male.

"And who the hell are you?", the strawberry blond male growled, "are you the one Egil does not shut up about?!" The Male charged the girl, only to be tripped and pinned with a small but strong foot planted square in the middle of his back.
"My name does not matter, you can call me whatever you want.", (y/n) said, "but what is your name if you don't mind me asking?"
"Loki...", the male groaned, "my name is Loki Bondevik."
"Well Loki, I do not like how you were treating your little brother.", the Scandinavian girl said as she crouched down with her knee placed onto Loki's back, "you should try to be nicer to your brother, you do not know when he might be taken away from you."

Loki gave her a harsh look over his shoulder, "What do you know?"
"I know plenty from having older brothers myself, And how they became furious after I was hurt.", (y/n) replied, "And I became just as angry whenever they became hurt." Her (e/c) eyes showed pain as she recalled the memories of her brothers, Loki could see her pain and felt the pain she was feeling.
The girl then gave him a hard look before picking him up and giving him a punch in the face, "I'm keeping Egil for A bit, you think about what I said."
And with that she left Loki standing alone in the snow, Stunned by the girl's words and her actions.

"Whoah, she is just as amazing as Egil said she was."


Ja, jag gjorde det här för dig- yes, I made it for you.

Tack ängel, för allt- Thank you angel, for everything

Konan mín! Er í lagi með þig?!- My wife! Are you okay?!

Þú ættir að hvíla núna elskan mín.- you should rest now my darling.

Kæri kona! Bjargaðu mér!- Dear Wife! Save me!

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