2p England ending (bad?)

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The man had a smile on his face, his eyes were swirling pink and blue.
"Hello poppet, would you like a cupcake?~", He held out a cupcake with pink and blue icing.
(Y/n) took the cupcake from him and took a bite, like his other cupcakes it was Good but there was a strange flavor.

The girl's body felt weak and she collapsed onto the floor, Oliver crouched down beside her and gave the girl an insane smile.
"Such a pretty poppet~ I've been hired to find you for someone~", The insane Brit cooed, "You didn't know this but you stirred up quite a bit of trouble between the 2p Factions.~"
Oliver patted her back gently as he lifted up the weakened girl, "I see why your brothers love you so much, you are so very cute and soft."
(Y/n) could not speak from being so weak, she could only let the Brit do what he pleased with her.
"Just sleep poppet~.", the Scandinavian girl closed her eyes and gave in to sleep.

She woke chained by her neck to a wall, the allies and axis surrounding her. Each were arguing with another about different things, from things like who the leader of the groups were to (y/n)'s bust size. She recognized all of the men, but one was missing: the Russian.
Soon enough the doors to the meeting room the people were in opened and the Large Russian man walked in.
The others quieted down and stared, the Man looked around before locking eyes with (y/n).
He strode to the girl and ripped the chain off the wall, and pulled on it like it was a leash.
"Get up."
(Y/n) stood up on wobbly legs, the drugs still had not worn off.
"Do you know who I am?", The red eyed Russian growled and the girl shook her head no in response, "Viktor, remember that name."

(Y/n) nodded and Viktor pulled the 'leash', and made the girl follow him to his seat. He sat down and pointed to the floor beside him, "sit."
The Scandinavian girl did as she was told and sat Down beside Viktor's feet, the others took their chairs and Ollie sat in the seat beside them along with some Chinese guy.
She sat and listened to the meeting while leaning against The Russian male's chair, They were Talking about her brothers. Her real ones.
"I-a think that-a we should-a retaliate against the-a ragazza's Fratellos. Those bastardi have cheated and-a Attacked us for-a too long."
Luciano said as he shot a glare at (y/n) and the girl hid behind Viktor's chair, "the Bella ragazza would not survive the war though."
The allies and axis Started shouting louder and louder until they all shut up, (y/n) stopped cowering and slammed her hands on the table.

"All of you shut the hell up! You sound like a bunch of children!", (y/n) shouted at the top of her lungs, "One at a time, I'll Judge the probable effectiveness of your strategies, No Stupid ass comments and no deviating from the current subject. You will have ten minutes each!"
Her hands left indentations on the table, All of the men were astonished at her bold actions.
A devious smirk spread across her face, "now Who is first?"

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