2p England ending (good)

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"'Ello poppet!", the cheery Brit chirped, "how are you doing this fine day?"
"Wonderful! How are you doing Ollie?", (y/n) chirped back, "would you like to try one of my Baked goods? I made them this morning!"
"I would love to try one from my best student!", Ollie squealed happily and took a chocolate cornet from the rack.
He bit into it and his smile became wider in a joyful expression, "this is delicious poppet!"
"Takk Ollie! So how can I help you?", (Y/n) asked.
"I've actually came to see you poppet.", Oliver replied, "I saw your shop on the telly and knew it was you! So I came to say hello!"

"I'm happy that you are here! The mornings here can be a bit slow.", (y/n) said to her former teacher and saw that the petite man was holding something behind him, "is that what I think it is?"
The pastel man's face lit up and he showed what he was hiding, a tray of Cupcakes! "Ollie! These are beautiful!"
"Aww thank you!", Oliver squealed happily and handed the girl a cupcake with (f/c) icing, "this is for you~"
The Scandinavian girl took a bite of the gorgeous pastry and let out a pleased hum, "this is so good!"

The pastel colored English man smiled and looked up at the shelf labeled 'not for sale', "are those supposed to be your brothers?"
(Y/n) nodded as she continued to eat the cupcake, she noticed a brown puff of fur and feathers sitting on Ollie's shoulder.
"Is that your companion?", the Scandinavian girl motioned to the winged rabbit on Oliver's shoulder, "He's cute."
Ollie looked surprised, "you can see him?"
The (h/c) Haired girl nodded and pointed to a shelf behind the British gentleman, there lay a dragon with a five colored cross pattern.
"That is Hokuo, he's my dragon. I named him that in honor of my brothers."
"He's absolutely darling! This is Flying Chocolate Bunny!", Oliver motioned to the rabbit perched on his shoulders.
"Hello there.", (y/n) greeted the rabbit, Flying Chocolate Bunny's red eyes watched her suspiciously.

The two continued to talk until it was time to open the shop, They settled on a business deal.
Ollie would help her bake her pastries so that she could focus on making her toys, both would benefit from the deal since they split the profits fifty/fifty. ( half for Ollie and half for (y/n).)
The business they shared grew and prospered, they kept the shop open as long as they could before retiring.

(Y/n) met many of Ollie's allies including Luciano's brother, Flavio. The Italian and the girl hit it off and became good friends, she met Lutz's brother Gilen through flavio and the two became extremely close.
The two soon began dating and years later got married.
Ollie and Flavio apparently planned that because they were giggling like fools when the wedding invitations came, but the mute Prussian and his Scandinavian girlfriend did not care. Because of those idiots they met and fell in love.

(Y/n) Køhler is now (y/n) Beilschmidt.

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