Min älskling lillasyster

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I was escorted to the psychiatrist's office after Thurston had his turn, when I passed Thurston I noticed he was not being his usual grumpy ass self. He looked... happy.
I wanted to ask him why he was smiling, but I was in the psychiatrist's office before I could.
The psychiatrist smelled funny, he probably wouldn't taste too good either.
Not that I could bite him with this muzzle on, or with my body bound and chained up like someone would be in dungeon porn.
"Mr. Oxenstierna, my name is Dr. Branche.", the man said and and I was chained to a chair in front of his desk.
The guards injected me with something, sedative maybe and removed my muzzle carefully before leaving me with the psychiatrist.

"Mr. Oxenstierna, you are aware of why you are here correct?"
"Ja", I grinned, showing my teeth.
"So you are aware that I need you to tell me your story, along with your view of your sister.", he continued.
I shuddered in ecstasy remembering how cute my dearest lillasyster was, Branche made a face of disgust.
Apparently Thurston told him what I did and I smirked, "my raring has the most delicious blood I have ever tasted."
His face went white as a sheet and I laughed, his expression was priceless.

"I'm a cannibal, Branche.", I cackled, "and a pervert. I don't give a crap about what you or anyone else thinks."
Branche muttered something about 'quitting after talking to these five psychos' and I smirked.
"Why was my little brother so happy when he left your office?", I asked, "did you do something to him?"
Branche growled and pulled out a small wolf figurine And a picture from his pocket.
I leaned over to look at the picture and saw it was of my Käraste, she was so cute!!!
(Y/n) was smiling happily and had Thurston's hat on, plus she was holding a small Swedish flag in her left hand and a dragon on her shoulder.
The toy wolf looked exactly like me!
"Did (y/n) make this?!", I asked excitedly and Branche nodded, "She's so talented!!!"
I reached out to try to grab the items, but Branche pulled them away.
"You can have them if you tell me about your obsession with your sister, the obsession that triggered the massive killing spree."
Branche's words made me excited, I feel like my boner alone could break these bonds.

"You want me tell you everything?~", I purred, "sure I will if you help me with a little 'problem'~"
Branche made a face of disgust again and I smirked, "I'll deal with it later"
"Please start from when she was born.", the psychiatrist asked.
I grinned.
I am going to enjoy this greatly.

I watched as mor held my lillasyster. The baby was so cute! But the others refused to let me near her, probably because I eat people.
Thurston was standing in the corner, being a little emo bitch until Magnus pulled him over to mor.
Mor handed (y/n) to Magnus and my danish brother's face softened into a smile as he held the tiny baby, "Hej kære lillesøster, jeg er din Storebroder."
"Can I hold her now?", Egil asked happily as he tugged at Magnus's shirt, "please Stóri bróðir?"
Magnus nodded and motioned to a chair beside Scandinavia's bed, the young Icelandic male sat down and held his arms out expectantly.
"Be careful with her.", Magnus said and handed the child to Egil.
I walked over to Loki and smirked, "who do you think she will take after more?"
Loki chuckled, "mor would want her to be like Magnus."
It was my turn to laugh, "another Magnus? That is a scary thought."
Loki smiled once again and we watched Thurston spazz when Magnus offered him a chance to hold (y/n).
Flashback end

Branche gave me a 'wtf' look, "Thurston forgot to mention that."
I grinned, "It is not his proudest moment."
Branche nodded with understanding in his eyes, he kind of reminds me of (y/n)'s father.
"You remind me of (y/n)'s father.", I said and Branche gave me his attention.
"Her father? I remind you of (y/n) and Magnus's father?", he asked, "how do I remind you of him and what happened to him."
I grinned, "he was a kind hardworking man that loved his family, too bad I had to kill him."
"You killed their father?", Branche asked, "why?"
My happy grin turned into one of insanity.
"He was trying to take our lillasyster away.", I laughed, "We refuse to lose our own, that is why we stuck together even as adults."

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