hetalia x nordic sister reader: Chatroom

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[Chatroom open]

《Blogger has logged in.》
《Lego king has logged in.》
《Troll has logged in.》
《ABBA has logged in.》
《Puffin has logged in. 》
《Santa has logged in.》

Lego king: HEJ EVERYONE!

Troll: Even online you are annoying, stupid Dane.

Blogger: Haloo.

《Puffin logged out.》
《Bunny has logged in》
Bunny: Hej! :D

Troll: What is that?

Bunny: What? :?

Troll: That behind your speech.

Blogger: They are called Emojiis

Lego king: They are fun norge! (\(^u^)/)

Santa: Aww! That is cute!

ABBA: Hello everyone, how are you on this fine evening?


Troll: Stupid Dane.

Bunny: I'm Okay! How are you?

Santa: Great over here!

Blogger: I'm fine, Just learned that Mr. Russia reads my blog though...

Bunny: it's okay Estland, Russia is very nice.

Blogger: easy for you to say!
Blogger: you are related to him!

《VODKA has logged in by invite from Bunny》

VODKA: Privet! ^J^

Bunny: Hej! (^♡^)/)

Everyone: NOPE!

《Blogger logged off》
《Troll logged off》
《Lego king logged off》
《Santa logged off》
《ABBA logged off》

VODKA : Why did they leave?

Bunny: I don't know.

《Fire hazard logged in 》
《Sniper logged in》
《TRASH logged in》

TRASH: Blóm! :D

Bunny : fuck no!

Sniper: that is not how you greet your brothers (y/n)


Fire hazard: Dammit.


《Sniper logged out》
《Fire hazard logged out》
《TRASH logged out》

VODKA: What just happened?

{Bunny disengaged invisibility}

VODKA: you were still here?!

Bunny: Yep. Those were my real brothers.

VODKA: why did you do that?

Bunny: they are 2ps.

VODKA: Okay.
VODKA: it is late for you, get some rest.

Bunny: Takk.

《Bunny logged out》
《VODKA logged out》

《Puffin Disengaged invisibility》
Puffin: well shit.

《Puffin logged out》
[Chatroom closed]

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