New friends, old friends, and cupcakes?

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(Y/n) made her way to her dorm room, which happened to be a miraculous single person dorm room. She pulled out the key and unlocked the door, the place was more like a penthouse apartment than a humble dorm room.
The bed was a full queen size, there was a huge tub and complementary luxury soaps, a full kitchen, and modern entertainment systems.
"This is unexpected...", (y/n) muttered as she saw a note laying on a wrapped box.

'Welcome to your dorm (y/n)! I hope you are comfortable here.'
-Signed M.

"Matthias? No it couldn't be Storebroder, he's not clever enough to pull something like this off.", (y/n) sighed to herself, "but who did this?"

Cautiously she opened the box to find....
Men's clothing items and other random items. "What the actual fucking hell?"

Five shirts each with a different nordic flag pattern, a stuffed puffin, a (f/c) lighter, a black choker with a cross and a matching bracelet, a copy (favorite book (f/b)), and a blood red hat that looks like Tino's.

(Y/n) put on the bracelet, choker, and hat that surprisingly matched her outfit.
She placed the stuffed puffin on her bed along with the book and put the lighter away.
After putting everything in its place (y/n) wanted to walk around the campus so she could know where everything was.
"I'll be right back, guard the place while I'm gone okay?", she giggled to the toy Puffin.

After a few minutes of walking around, (y/n) noticed that there were not was many students as she expected to be here.
"Huh, They must be really picky about who enrolls.", the (h/c) Haired girl grumbled to herself, "or maybe not..."
She was face to face with two very dangerous looking men.
One was tanned, had torn jeans, a white tank top, a bomber jacket, reddish brown hair with a cowlick, crimson eyes, tattoos and piercings.

The other was wearing a mountie uniform, had dark blond hair that had a curl looping out front, tired violet eyes, combat boots, and sunglasses

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The other was wearing a mountie uniform, had dark blond hair that had a curl looping out front, tired violet eyes, combat boots, and sunglasses.

"Hmm? You new here doll?", the tanned man asked in an American accent (y/n) only nodded in response and a grin crept onto the American's face, "well I could show you around doll~""Leave her alone, eh?, the other one grunted angrily in a Canadian a...

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"Hmm? You new here doll?", the tanned man asked in an American accent (y/n) only nodded in response and a grin crept onto the American's face, "well I could show you around doll~"
"Leave her alone, eh?, the other one grunted angrily in a Canadian accent,"you already flirted with the last girls we met."
"Oh c'mon Mattie~ I was just being friendly.", the American grinned widely.
'Mattie' growled at his companion, "Don't call me that Allen."
Allen was about to say something when a petite man in pastel colors ran up to the pair.
"Thank goodness I found you! I need some help to fix the ovens!"
"Come on old man! Get someone else to do it.", Allen groaned

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