Yandere 2p Nordic 5 x sick little sister reader: my brothers are monsters

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My brothers are complete monsters, this is true. They do things normal people won't do.
They will kill anyone who stands in their way, they cheat and lie.
My brothers will hurt me too, but I cannot die.

The body of a (h/c) Haired girl was thrown against the wall by an older male who was drinking heavily earlier. she did not flinch, but instead smiled at the man and got up again.
The man grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall, he took out a hunting knife and started carving a symbol into her shoulder blade.
She only whimpered slightly as the pain started to register in her mind, the male soon finished his work and let the child go.
"Now everyone knows that you belong to us, no to ME.", The male said in a Finnish accent before taking another swig from his Vodka, "got that kultaseni?"
"Yes Isoveli.", the girl said softly and made her way to the bathroom to find the first aid kit, "I know, you do this because you love me."

"Lillasyster~ is that blood I smell?~", A Swedish accent called and (y/n) was lifted off of the ground by a pair of strong hands, "It smells delicious."
She felt a toungue run across the bleeding flag symbol that was carved into her skin and a purr of delight sounded, "oooohhh~ You are absolutely exquisite~" The Male continued to lick at the wound until it finally stopped bleeding, the Swede gave an annoyed grunt before dropping the girl.
"Tack, Storebror.", the (e/c) eyed girl said as a hand ruffled her hair and the Man walked away, "I know that you did it with love."

My brothers are monsters but they are there for me too. I never fear others because of what my brothers can do.
My brothers love me because I am theirs. They protect me from my fears.

"Blóm! You are hiding something from me!", (y/n)'s platinum haired brother whined, "you don't wear hoodies normally, did someone hurt you?!"
(Y/n) was wearing a dragon hoodie that covered her arms. Her brother was right, she was hiding the bruises left by bullies as well as from her other brothers.
"Who hurt you blóm?!", The Icelandic male growled as he snuggled his sister, "tell me so that I can make them pay!"
"I'm fine Stóri bróðir.", the girl lied, the stress of being 'loved' by her brothers she could take but the mental and physical abuse from the children at school was taking away her physical health. She was becoming sick.
Her Icelandic brother cradled her against his chest, "Ástkæra litla systir mín."

"Get a room you two, or let me join!", A Swedish accent laughed, "you take the front, I'll take the back!"
The Swede was slapped on the back of his head by their Finnish brother, "Shut the fuck up Bernard."

My brothers are monsters but I love them a lot. They stood by me through all illnesses I caught.
They brought me friends so I could play, and when the 'friends' were done my brothers took them away.

The girl became so sick that she had to be taken out of school, but continued class through video chat connected to the class.
"I wish all of you could come play with me.", (y/n) smiled weakly at the screen that had a connection to the class, "but I don't think that it is possible."
The (h/c) Haired girl coughed hard enough to expel blood, this made the children on the screen screaming terror.
"Honey, I think you need to rest now. You have been pushing yourself too much.", the teacher gave a concerned tone, "I'll email you the homework and notes."
"Takk mrs. (Teacher's name)", (y/n) said and passed out on her desk.
The Webcam that sat on the monitor was covered by a blood red hat and the girl was picked up by her Finnish brother, the older male cleaned the blood off of his sister's face and laid her down on the cushy bed next to the desk.
"The things I do for you.", Thurston murmured and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, "Nuku hyvin pikku kultaseni"
He then went to tell the rest of the brothers what he overhead.

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