Special. what if.

737 16 18

Six weeks.
Six weeks after the 2pn5 escaped and caught (y/n) again, she was once again fighting back.
Loki could not take away her magic so they sealed her in her room, eliminating teleportation.
Bernard was getting (y/n) from her room and held onto her hand with a firm grip, she struggled.
"Lillasyster, please.", He said in a low voice, "stop struggling before you hurt yourself."
"You already hurt me! All of you!", she yelled back and struggled against her stronger and older brother, "Let go!"
The swede kept his grip and pulled her to where the others were, egil was getting the magic restraining collar ready as loki readied his own magic to meet hers in case of an outburst.

Thurston was upset that he couldn't get close to her again, He wanted her to be like she used to with him but she's not anymore.
Magnus just watched and listened as Bernard and (y/n) got closer, his little sister putting up one hell of a fight against the much larger cannibal.
The ginger swede kept his hold on her and got her to the dining room, "are you going to behave now or what?"
(Y/n) hissed and released a huge amount of magic energy that knocked them back, knocking them all unconscious.

Norway sat confused at the table, as did the other nordics.
They were just having dinner when suddenly they were at a meeting.
The Norwegian man opened his phone silently and looked at the time.
It was not the same time! Or year!
It was years into the past, the day that (y/n) had her accident, he looked over at his brothers and they seemed to know it too.
Denmark was the first up and quickly walking away.
"Vhere zhe hell are jou going?!", Germany yelled out.
"There's a kid in trouble, and we're not letting her get hurt again.", Denmark looked back fiercely before running out the door with the four following, leaving the other countries in shock and confusion.

Magnus got up, he was in his old room.
Next to him was a tiny body gently breathing.
The large male carefully picked up the tiny body, it was his sister. But small.
She was the same age as when that accident happened.
Her tiny for hugged his bigger one for comfort, this is what magnus wanted again.
For his beloved little sister and he to be close again, her not afraid of him.
The huge Dane propped himself up on the pillows and laid her on his chest, she was still so small that she fit.
He heard a muffled scream and soft running steps to his room before the door opened and the three happy idiots fell in, they looked up from their small pile to see tiny (y/n) asleep on the eldest's chest.
The Icelander was up first and at his sister in an instant, "she's so cute again."

"She seems to have sent us back in time.", Loki said and stretched, popping a few joints.
Bernard sat silently and wiped the corners of his mouth, the bastard drooled a bit.
Egil was spilling tears from his single eye, "she's so precious. Please, I want to hold her!"
"Nej.", Magnus growled, "get back to your rooms and get your clothes on. You idiots look ridiculous."
"Says the Dane who sleeps shirtless.", Loki snapped back and walked out with the other two.
the blonde Dane looked back down at his sister, her pale skin was free of any scars from that accident. This was before the accident, but how long?
Her face scrunched up a bit before a small yawn escaped her lips, big violet red eyes opened up to meet her brother's Pale blue ones.

The tiny girl smiled up at him, "Godmorgen Storebrøder"
Her smiling face and sweetness made magnus want to break down and cry, instead he gave her a hug.
"Is something wrong?", (y/n) asked and hugged him back.
Thurston busted in panting, he looked enraged and tired from running around.
His faced turned from rage to surprise once he set eyes on (y/n), he snatched her out of Magnus's arms and hugged her.
"Did you have a nightmare?"
Thurston did not respond and just took her away from magnus.
Magnus took that time to look at the calender, it was the day she was to be hit by that italian bastard's car.
"Hopefully Thurston keeps his rage in check today", The Dane grumbled and got ready.

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