2p Nordic 5 ending (Finland)

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His hair was messy and his eyes looked tired, like he hasn't slept well for the Last five years.
"Hei taas rakkaat pikkusisko", the Finnish male said as he placed his weapon onto the counter, "Kaipasin sinua niin paljon rakkain"
(Y/n) backed away from her Older brother and ran off, but Thurston gave pursuit.
"You think that you can escape from me again?! You're wrong pikkusisko, you can not hide from us!"
"Help me!" , (y/n) called out to her magical allies who gladly went to slow down her insane brother.
The girl toppled furniture to impede pursuit and Grabbed her phone, (y/n) then locked herself in the apartment and hid under her bed.

She dialed the number of (crime hotline), "Hello?"
"Hej, my name is Marina Deape. One of the escaped criminals is in my shop." , (y/n) whispered
"Can you please tell me the Address, your location, and the Description of the criminal?", the operator asked
"(Address here), I'm in the apartment above the shop and I can give you the name of the criminal.", (y/n) replied In a hushed voice, "it's Thurston"
"I have dispatched several units to your location, please stay safe and calm until they arrive."
(Y/n) heard the apartment doorknob jiggle and a few minutes of cursing before the door was broken down.

"Kultaseni, where are you rakas?", the usual cranky tone was replaced by one oozing with obsessive love and concern, "there is no reason to be afraid of your isoveli."
Thurston's sharp eyes scanned the apartment for any sign of the girl, (y/n) curled up into a little ball as she watched the boots move around her apartment.
"Are you still there miss?", the person on the line asked.
"I have something to confess", (y/n) whispered
"Go ahead miss. I'm listening and recording this for evidence."
"Takk. My real name is (y/n) Køhler, I'm the 2pn5's little sister. Five years ago they killed people to get me back, and now I'm afraid that they will kill again.", the girl said in a hushed voice, "my proof is the scars on my skin from being bitten and marked by my brothers."

(Y/n) could hear murmuring on the other side, the operator was sharing this information with their boss.
"Miss, the units are almost there. We will need your help to stop your brothers."
Soft footsteps approached (y/n)'s hiding place and a sigh was heard, the bed shifted from the weight of Thurston sitting down on it.
"I know that you are nearby pikkusisko, you missed us right?", Thurston hummed "I saw the toys downstairs, you did a good job making them."
The Scandinavian girl carefully moved away from his feet, farther under the bed. She did not want to go back to live with those insane men.

"I'm sure you noticed that I have not been able to sleep very well since you escaped us", Thurston said in a tone of longing, "I miss sleeping next to you, keeping you warm and safe." (Y/n) shuddered at the memory of when he snuck into her dorm room just to cuddle her close.
"Such a cute and warm pikkusisko.", The Finnish male continued, he was sounding more excited as he spoke, "so very cute and soft. I just want to have you back in my arms so that I may sleep soundly once more."
"Miss the units are nearing you location", the operator said In a hushed voice so that Thurston could not hear, "please stay hidden."
Thurston grunted when he heard sirens in the distance, "Dammit."

Loud thudding steps shot out of the room and downstairs before gunshots and distant explosions were heard, screaming and the smell of blood and smoke filled the air.
(Y/n) started coughing from the smoke billowing into the room, heavy footsteps ran up to the apartment and to the girl's hiding place.
Crimson eyes locked with (y/n)'s and a smile formed on the man's face, "Found you kultaseni."
Thurston pulled her out from under the bed and lifted her up princess style to carry her, the Scandinavian girl struggled against her brother's grip and managed to wriggle out.
"You're making this more difficult than it needs to be.", Thurston growled and tackled her to the ground, "Don't you see we, I am doing this because I love you?!"

The Male had pinned her down with his weight as he straddled the girl's waist, The small Finnish man held the girl's hands above her head with one hand as he stroked her cheek with the other.
"My kultaseni, you love me right?", Thurston purred, "because I love you, rakkain pikkusisko." He leaned over to place a soft kiss on (y/n)'s cheek, then her nose, her forehead, and finally her lips. (Y/n) was red as a tomato and Thurston seemed pleased with himself, he was smirking.
"My söpö kulta will sleep with me tonight, everyone who disagrees will get a bullet in the ass."
The Finnish male pulled out a cloth drenched in some sort of liquid and pulled it over (y/n)'s face.

"Kauniita unia rakkaani, kuulut nyt."


Hei taas rakkaat pikkusisko- Hello dear little sister.

Kaipasin sinua niin paljon rakkain- I missed you so much dearest

Kauniita unia rakkaani, kuulut nyt- sweet dreams my love, you belong to us now

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