Rebellion and escape.

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(Y/n) was woken up by the sound of the door being kicked in and then being ripped out of Bernard's grip, she looked up to see a terrifying sight.


His blue eyes had a cold, murderous look and his expression was hard as stone. Bernard was cowering at his older brother's Killer Glares.
"Bernard.", Magnus's Voice sent Chills down his sibling's spines, "you broke the rules and harmed our younger siblings."
The large Intimidating Dane held his sister close to his chest, cradling her like a baby. After giving Bernard a powerful kick to the stomach, Magnus carried (y/n) to his office and sat her on his desk.

"Stay here.", the Danish male said gently and retrieved the first aid kit before beginning to patch his sister's wounds.
Magnus looked at the girl with concern laced eyes, "Hmmn?"
"I'm an adult now. I can take care of myself.", (y/n) gave him a determined gaze, "I want to leave. I'm tired of being watched and treated like a child."
The tall male's face hardened, "you are staying here."

"For what reason?! So Thurston can finish carving his flag into my shoulder, Or Loki can brand me like last time, or Bernard can bite me worse?", (y/n) raised her voice slightly, "I regained most of my memories now, dear broder. And I don't like how you all treated me. My back is scarred from the others getting drunk or from fights."
The girl jumped off the desk and proceeded to walk away but was stopped by Magnus, who had a pained look to his eyes.
"I'm sorry Storebroder, but I cannot stay."
The large Dane crouched down to (y/n)'s height and held her small soft hands in his large rough ones, "please stay lillesøster. We regret our past actions and want to have a better relationship with you. We lost thirteen years from your life, we did not have a chance to get to know you for who you are."

(Y/n) pulled away from her Older brother and backed away from him, "lillesøster..."
The girl's back was pressed against the wall, her (e/c) eyes showed her terror.
"There is no reason to be afraid of your Storebroder..."
The growling of Magnus's Voice terrified (y/n) further, "Stay away from me."

Magnus enveloped her in his large muscular arms and cradled her against his equally muscled chest, he pulled her down to the floor and rested his head on top of (y/n)'s.
"Jeg elsker deg lillesøster...", after Magnus said that he promptly fell asleep then and there.
(Y/n) wriggled out of her Brother's powerful embrace, without a word she slipped off into the night.

'I cast my declaration of independence from you. Goodbye storebrødre."

(Y/n) ran for hours, even using some teleportation Spells that Lukas taught her to move faster. She finally succumbed to exhaustion and collapsed under a tree.
"Will I die from cold?", (y/n) muttered to herself as she passed out.
Before she fell into the darkness of sleep, she saw comforting warm lights surround her.

"We found you love, you're safe now."

~~~~~~~~~with the nordics, Lukas's pov~~~~~

We were storming the base of the 2pn5, after getting clues from Kimberly of its location.
The brothers had no chance, they appeared to be already injured from infighting.
Matthias, that Damn stupid Dane, Fought against his 2p and both of them were wounded badly.

Magnus had extensive external wounds from Matthias's Axe and Matthias had multiple broken bones from Magnus's sheer strength.
Emil and I was cut, bruised and burned from our fight with Egil and Loki, they however had many wounds from our Magical attacks.
Tino and Thurston both had bullet riddled bodies.
Berwald and Bernard both were hurting from  their physical attacks given to each other.

After we restrained the brothers, we searched for  (y/n).
We did not find her anywhere, we did however find the room she was kept in.
The small room was filled with books and toys for children, and a picture of the family standing on the dresser.

"This was her room.", Berwald said, "she lived with these monsters for too long."
I nodded and left to get our prisoners, "let's get them to (High security prison name (hsp/n))"
Tino was looking around with a worried expression on his face, "Lukas, do you think that (y/n) is alright?"
"I have no Idea. We have to find her.", I said my usually monotone voice was now brimming with worry.

~~~~~~~~~with (y/n)~~~~~~~

(Y/n) felt warm, like she was floating on a cloud. The softness of her surroundings made her feel comfortable, and the smell of burning food.....
Wait what? The Scandinavian girl threw the fluffy blankets off of her body and cautiously followed the aroma of smoke to a large kitchen, in the kitchen she saw a man who looked like a taller version of Oliver pulling a tray of coal out of the oven and a man who looked like a pale version of Allen chowing down on a mountain of burgers.

"You think the dudette is up now?!", the burger eating man shouted and received a  dirty look from Oliver's lookalike.
"Alfred, be quiet. And stop eating that filth. (Y/n) is probably still sleeping, poor dear.", the bushy eyebrowed Brit snapped at 'Alfred'.
"I'm gonna go check on her Artie!", Alfred laughed and shoved a burger into his mouth before heading to where (y/n) was hiding.
The (h/c) girl ducked behind a table, forgetting about her spiked up bangs that stuck up above the table.

"Hey Iggy, I like this table you got, it's very unique", Alfred chuckled causing Arthur to go see what the American was referring to.
"What are you- oh...", Arthur saw little (h/c) spikes sticking out from behind the table, "It is a nice piece of furniture, I'm glad I bought it from Sweden."
(Y/n) felt her little hair spikes being poked and looked up to see the Beautiful forest green eyes of the Brit looking back at her (e/c) ones, "feeling better love?"
The girl nodded and tucked her body into a tight ball.
The British gentleman gave a kind smile and reached his hand out to offer the Scandinavian girl help to stand, (y/n) hesitantly took his hand and squeaked as she was pulled to her feet.
"Greetings love, My name is Arthur Kirkland or England."
Arthur was a handsome young man with his messy blond hair, gorgeous green eyes, huge eyebrows, and wore a green military uniform.

"My name is Alfred F. Jones And I'M THE HERO!", Alfred screamed causing (y/n) to duck behind Arthur.
"You scared her you bloody wanker!", Arthur yelled at Alfred.
Alfred was handsome as well.
He had dirty blond hair that had a cowlick, bright blue eyes, glasses, a khaki military uniform, and a bomber jacket.

The two began to argue and (y/n) snuck past them into the kitchen, she noticed the plate of coal that was on the counter and threw it away before cooking a proper meal for the men to eat.
The two stopped fighting when they smelled the delicious aroma and saw the girl place three plates of (f/f) on the dining table before sitting down herself, "are you going to join me?"
The two men exchanged glances and joined the girl, when they bit into the morsel the men were astonished at the wondrous flavor of the food.

"(Y/n) This is amazing! Your Hero approves!", Alfred laughed and the girl giggled at him.
Arthur just ate silently, when he finished he thanked (y/n) for cooking lunch.
"You're welcome Arthur."
"DUDETTE! WANT TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH ME?!" , Alfred yelled and dragged her to his room.
"Bloody git", Arthur muttered.

Hours later it was night and (Y/n) had to once again cook for her hosts, not that either party minded.
When she was almost done, the doorbell rang and Alfred ran to the door.

(Y/n)'s head perked up when the loud Ger- Er Prussian said 'Denmark'
"Storebroder?!", (y/n) ran to join Alfred and sure enough it was Matthias, the other nordics, And the BTT.
The Nordic's faces lit up when they saw their sister safe.
"Litla systir!"

(Y/n) ran to her brothers and hugged them, all returned the affection in a group hug and was Joined by the BTT.
After dinner, (y/n) told the men everything that happened to her.
She told them about meeting the 2p axis and allies, how people were killed in front of her, what the 2p nordics had done to her, her regained memories, and finally her escape.

"Jou have been through hell frau.", Gilbert said in astonishment, "But Jou are zheir Klein schwester, How are Jou not Bad like zhem?"
(Y/n) shrugged and Norway cleared his throat, "It is a case of Nature and Nurture. She is naturally kindhearted and we raised her to be a good person."

"But the issue remains", Arthur added, "She's still in Danger. What are we to do?"
(Y/n) stood up and slammed her hands on the table, the nordics looked at her with surprised expressions.


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