Aurora from the past

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(Y/n) felt a light poking on her cheek, she slowly opened her eyes to see Thurston was sound asleep.
The poking however did not stop, "hey, älskling~ psst.. Älskling you awake?"
The tired girl looked over to where the whisper was coming from, she saw Bernard holding a coat for her.

"Come on, I want to show you something.", the Smiling swede whispered and helped her escape from the Finnish man's arms, "put this on and follow me."
(Y/n) Did as he said and followed him to the part of the compound she was kept away from, Bernard led her outside into the snow... wait snow?!
Bernard chuckled at the girl's reaction to the snow, "Look up", Bernard took (y/n)'s hand and pointed to the sky.

(Y/n) looked up at the sky and gasped at the sight, it was a Beautiful aurora with the full moon behind and a meteor shower.
Bernard smiled gently at the girl who was awestruck by the beautiful show, her large innocent (e/c) eyes sparkled like the stars.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close before gazing at the natural phenomenon unfolding above the pair.

"Yes älskling?"
"Thank you."
"You're welcome älskling."

The pair stood like that for a few minutes before Bernard spoke again, "This reminds me of the night you were born."
(Y/n) gave him a Puzzled look, The Swedish man only laughed in response.
"The sky was just like this when you were born, mom was so proud of you."
Bernard gave a sad smile as he talked about his mother, "Today is actually the anniversary of her death, it's like she came back in this aurora just to see us."
The Swede bent down and placed a kiss on (y/n)'s cheek

"Just to see us?"
(Y/n) felt like a spark lit inside her brain as a she remembered a time from a long timeago....

"Storebroder! Look at the pretty colors!"
"It's called an aurora, and please stop pulling on my hair."

Magnus had a tiny (y/n) perched on his shoulders, her little hands were holding onto his blond hair.
The others stood beside them as they all watched the sky as the colors danced and faded in and out of view. The little girl's hands reached towards the lights that were dancing in the night sky, "momma!"

"Yes, mom is up there watching over us.", Loki smiled and placed a hand on the girl's back, "She's always watching over us."
(Y/n) smiled at her brothers and looked back up at the sky as the aurora began to fade.
"Farvel momma!"
~~~~~~~FLASHBACK END~~~~~

"We used to do this when I was little.", (y/n) said and turned to Bernard, "we used to watch the Aurora, I sat on Magnus's shoulders!"
"You remember?!", Bernard exclaimed happily and enveloped his sister in a bone crushing hug, "I'm so glad that you got your memories back!"

"Only... a few.... oww...."
Bernard loosened his grip but still had the girl trapped in a hug.
"So what did you remember?"
"The times we watched the aurora and some others..."

"What else?"
"Being bullied in school for seeing fairies and trolls."
Bernard nodded as he listened, "I see.. we just have to get the rest back."


Thurston burst through the Door with murder in his eyes, "What the hell are you doing out here?! You know she is not allowed outside!"
Bernard shrugged and pushed (y/n) into his brother's arms with a smirk, "showing her the aurora, have fun~"
And with that the Swede walked back into the building, leavinga fuming Thurston and a confused  (y/n).

Thurston looked down at the girl in his arms, "What did you say?"
"Rakastan sinua isoveli"
Thurston gave a small smile and replied, "Minäkin rakastan sinua, pikkusisko"
(Y/n) smiled at her older brother and the others came out.
"Mom is always watching over us, right?", she asked, Loki and Egil hugged her.

"Yes, Mor is Always watching over us Lillesøster."
"Jeg elsker dig storebrødre"

"We love you too, little sister."

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